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Wednesday 16 September
US Senate to hold new vote
on Iran nuclear deal: report
DEB RIECHMANN vote on one of the most
Associated Press consequential foreign pol-
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. icy issues of our age.”
Senate Republicans on Democrats, led by Senate
Tuesday pushed for a final Minority Leader Harry Reid,
say on the Iran nuclear deal maintain that the issue is
before the congressional settled, especially with the
review period expires, but congressional review pe-
Democrats were poised riod expiring on Thursday.
to stop any attempt to The international accord
undercut the internation- backed by the United
al accord and President States, Iran and five world
Barack Obama’s win on a powers would curb Iran’s
top foreign policy initiative. nuclear program in ex-
The Senate was slated to change for relief from
vote for a second time in crippling sanctions that
a week on moving ahead have undercut Tehran’s
on a resolution rejecting economy. The accord
the deal, and the out- got a boost as the Vati-
come was expected to be can, just ahead of Pope
the same, with Democrats Francis’ visit to Washington
mustering enough votes to next week, welcomed the
block the measure. As de- agreement. Archbishop
bate resumed on Tuesday, Paul Gallagher, the Holy
Republican Senate Major- See’s secretary for relations
ity Leader Mitch McCon- with states, said in Vienna
nell accused Democratic on Monday that the Vati-
senators of refusing to let can backs the agreement
the Senate vote on the because it thinks the best
deal. “A strong, bipartisan way to resolve disputes is
majority of the House of through dialogue and ne-
Representatives voted to gotiation. Gallagher said
reject the deal. A strong, the Vatican hopes that
bipartisan majority of the full implementation of the
Senate would vote to re- accord “will ensure the
ject the deal too.” McCon- peaceful nature of Iran’s
nell said. “If only Democrat nuclear program” and “will
senators would stop block- be a definitive step toward
ing the American people greater stability and secu-
from even having a final rity in the region.”q
Kerry seeks Syria answers in new call with Russian FM
Secretary of State John Kerry listens as others speaks to gey Lavrov on Tuesday. leaders later this month at the U.S.-led coalition con-
reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington. Another official, speaking the United Nations General ducting airstrikes against
on condition of anonym- Assembly. However, admin- the Islamic State group that
(AP Photo/Susan Walsh) ity, said the call was about istration officials made clear controls large swaths of Syr-
Syria. Kerry’s call came that Kerry was in the lead ia and Iraq.
MATTHEW LEE intent of Moscow’s military shortly after Russian Presi- on conversations with Rus- “The Russians indicate that
AP Diplomatic Writer buildup in Syria, and warn- dent Vladimir Putin defend- sia about the Syria. they share that goal, and
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sec- ing that continued support ed his military assistance to Earnest said the adminis- we’d like to see them work
retary of State John Kerry for President Bashar Assad Assad’s government and tration’s stance on Russia’s cooperatively with the rest
has made his third phone will only prolong the Syrian said it’s impossible to de- moves in Syria remains the of the international commu-
call to his Russian counter- conflict. feat the Islamic State group same as it was last week nity to advance it,” he said.
part in the last 10 days, a State Department spokes- without cooperating with when Obama told U.S. The Obama administration
State Department official man John Kirby said Kerry Damascus and urged other troops that a strategy to has been perplexed by Rus-
said, seeking to clarify the called Foreign Minister Ser- countries to join the cause. prop up Assad is “doomed sia’s ramped up support
Kerry will travel to London to failure.” for Assad, which includes
later this week for talks to “We’ve made clear that about a half-dozen battle
include the situation in Syria further support, military or tanks delivered in recent
with British Foreign Secretary otherwise, for the Assad re- days. Moscow has also sent
Phillip Hammond and the gime is destabilizing and other weaponry — along
foreign minister of the Unit- counter-productive, prin- with military advisers, tech-
ed Arab Emirates, Kirby said. cipally because Assad has nicians, security guards and
At the White House, spokes- lost the legitimacy to lead portable housing units —
man Josh Earnest said that country,” he said. “Rus- with the apparent goal of
Obama might reach out to sia’s decision to double setting up an air base near
Putin by phone in the com- down on Assad is a losing the coastal town of Latakia,
ing days and would not rule bet.” Earnest renewed calls a stronghold of the Syrian
out a meeting of the two for Russia to cooperate with president.q