Page 8 - Patrick Paskel
P. 8



at Amsterdam
Fashion Week

THE Aruban designer Gigliola Gomez-Arendsz made her debut
last week at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Show, better known
as the Amsterdam Fashion Week. There she presented her new
collection, inspired by the Caribbean.

The line presented by Gomez, was named The Orchid flower and
this flower was seen in all her designs. The orchid is the favorite
flower of Gigliolas’ mother. On the ninth day of the Fashion
Week a Caribbean Fashion Spot was held, where Gomez along
with other designers presented collections which inspired by the
Caribbean. It was an emotional moment for her when the logo
of Gigliola Designs along with the word ‘Aruba’ was projected to
announce her show.

Preparations for the romantic collection and the show lasted
less than six months. After the show, Gomez told Aruba Luxury
Living magazine: “I was under a lot of pressure and was very
excited for the show. I was backstage during the show, but it all
went by so fast. After seeing the collection on the catwalk, I knew
that it was all worth it. I am very proud and happy, I butterflies
in my stomach! “Gomez felt relieved, proud and was humbled
when everyone applauded after the show. “I think my mother is
very proud that I made her dream come true to one day cross the
ocean with my designs.”

The Tuesday before the show there was a special viewing of
Gigliola Designs in the Museum van Loon on the Keizersgracht
in Amsterdam.

RESEARCH into                                                                                   do not have to be renewed       Bonaire, where every year a new sticker
                                                                                                or paid for. «This idea was     is put on the license plate. The idea is
ALTERNATIVES                                                                                    already discussed in the        to have a permanent license plate, so
                                                                                                parliament years ago,»          drivers no longer have to pick up a new
to car tax                                                                                      confirms Bermudez. «It is       one each year. “People complain about
                                                                                                true that the committee that    long waiting lines. That’s why I’m
ANGEL Bermudez Minister of Finance          in the parliament by the end of August,             I set is commissioned with      looking for an effective and efficient
expects to find a different way to collect  so that a new regime can enter into                 doing this, but there are more  way to solve this. “The paperwork
road tax soon. «The paperwork system        force by January 1, 2016. One of the                opportunities to explore and I  system must be changed.”
needs to be changed.” The Minister          alternatives being examined by the                  haven’t received a report from
said.                                       commission is the introduction of                   them yet.»                      Save
Bermudez hopes to issue a suggestion        excise taxes on fuel. This way badges                                               The minister wants to make it easier
                                                                                                Stickers                        for his department and save on
                                                                                     Other options are to take to implement     unnecessary costs. “The license plates
                                                                                     the same arrangements as Curacao,          need to be made, stored, issued and
                                                                                     where another sticker is put on the        verified. People don’t pick them up or
                                                                                     windshield each year, or we could          don’t pay their taxes on time, so the
                                                                                     implement the same arrangements as         police to monitor more.”

4 LOCAL                                                                                                                         Thursday, July 16 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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