Page 9 - Patrick Paskel
P. 9


                                             in death of Mitch
                                              still haven’t been

THE                                                                        suspicion of   Mitch due to lack of oxygen during the    spokesman still hasn’t provided any
five                                                                    excessive use of  arrest cannot be regarded as a special    clarity on how the State Investigation
officers                                                             force or wrongful    circumstance to take the officers into    Research is going. “The investigation
involved in the                                                  death, has to do with    custody, she was evasive and repeated     is underway, but will take months.”
death of 42-year-old Mitch                                 the fact that police officers  the same answer.                          According to an announcement made
Henriquez, are still walking freely                 are allowed to use violence.                                                    by the chief of the prosecutor’s office. A
because of the monopoly on violence        “Not in all cases,” stressed Sir, “only if     Months                                    press release will be sent, the moment
that the police have. Police officers are  it is permissible.”                            The officers involved have been           we know something.
detained because of violence, only if      He stated: “Police officers are                suspended and that’s it, no other         “The reason that the research is taking
special circumstances apply.               allowed to use violence in some                action has been taken. The National       so much time has to do with the fact
AccordingtotheDutchPublicProsecutor        circumstances. Therefore, it has to be         Department of research should clarify     that the OM has received many pictures
spokesman, Ilse Sir. The reason that       a special circumstance for officers to be      whether the suspects were applying        and a lot of different explanations,
the five suspects aren’t in custody on     arrested.” An example of such a special        excessive force in the arrest of Mitch    making the case complex.” According
                                           circumstance is if the suspect is a flight     during the Night at the Park music        to Chief Kitty Nooy of the the Hague
                                           risk. When asked whether the death of          festival in The Hague. At this time, the  City Council during a press conference.

More details                                                                              AS part of the process       Minister Bermudez emphasizes that this is one
on the FISCAL                                                                             to create a lasting public   of the principal reasons for the fiscal reform. The
REFORM soon                                                                               finance for Aruba, the       system needs to be modernized, simplified and
                                                                                          legal tax system of Aruba    more compact so the Tax Department will be able to
According to Minister Angel Bermudez                                                      needs to function properly   execute the laws in a more effective way.
                                                                                          according to The Minister
                                                                                          of Finance Mr. Angel         Minister Bermudez emphasized changes that need
                                                                                          Bermudez.                    to be made to the Tax system to make it more just,
                                                                                          The system needs to          since now part of our community is paying their
                                                                                          generate enough annual       taxes but a part of the community isn’t. The fiscal
                                                                                          income to cover the          reform will be official initiate in 2016 and continue
                                                                                          general budget, for this to  in 2017.
                                                                                          be possible major delays     The reform contains some new laws; the most
                                                                                          have to be avoided.          important one being the law on general consuming
                                                                                                                       called ABB.
                                           “There is currently more than 2 billion florins lost
                                           in tax delays and because of the same delays a large                        According to Minister Bermudez the ABB will be
                                           group isn’t paying their taxes.” The Minister said.                         charged when products are imported and the import
                                           According to Minister Bermudez the problem is the                           duties, BBO and BAZV will be replaced. It will later
                                           outdated laws, that don’t offer the Tax Department                          be charged when services in our economy are used.
                                           the right tools to accomplish their job leading to
                                           them having to lend money to be able to cover their                         The income tax will also be simplified and the rate
                                           deficits.                                                                   will be reduced. In the mean time current laws
                                                                                                                       regarding inheritance, auctions and some other
                                           “In other words if the charging system was more                             laws will be completely eliminated.
                                           efficient in the past and the community fully
                                           complied with their tax duties the national debt                            “These are some of the factors that the reform
                                           would be half of what it currently is. The annual                           consists of once the entire concept has been worked
                                           interest expenses would also be half of what they                           out we will share more details.” Minister Bermudez
                                           currently are.” According to the Minister.                                  assured.

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Thursday, July 16 2015                                                                                            5LOCAL
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