Page 14 - Minister Mike De Meza
P. 14

                                                                                                                                                 Tuesday 25 August 2015

US Financial Front:

AP survey: Dimmer outlook for US economy, wages, hiring 

                                                                           people between 18 and 34       forecast that the average         with factory output, and
                                                                           years old — to step up their   30-year fixed mortgage            its stock market has sunk.
                                                                           home buying and boost          rate will rise from 3.9 per-      The country has devalued
                                                                           growth in coming years.        cent to 4.4 percent by            its currency in part to try to
                                                                           — All but two of the econ-     mid-2016 and 4.8 percent          boost exports, but growth
                                                                           omists think the Federal       by the end of 2016. Those         is expected to slip to 7 per-
                                                                           Reserve will raise the short-  levels are still low by histori-  cent this year, the slow-
                                                                           term rate it controls by       cal standards.                    est pace since 1990. Half
                                                                           year’s end, with 80 percent    — China’s economic                the economists said they
                                                                           pegging the Fed’s mid-         troubles will worsen, in          think China’s growth will
                                                                           September meeting as the       turn slowing the global           weaken further in the next
                                                                           mostly likely time.            economy. In just the past         year to below a 6 percent
                                                                           — Assuming the Fed raises      month, China’s exports            annual pace and slow the
                                                                           rates this year, economists    have plummeted along              global economy.q

Mark Flannigan makes a batch of popcorn at the Popcorn
Wagon in Pittsfield, Mass. The latest Associated Press survey of
leading economists, published Monday, Aug. 24, 2015, shows
that most economists predict tepid economic growth, weak
pay gains and modest hiring for the next two years, at least.

                                  (Ben Garver/The Berkshire Eagle via AP)

C. S. RUGABER                  modest post-recession
AP Economics Writer            pace of 2.2 percent a
WASHINGTON (AP) — For          year, nearly six in 10 expect
much of the economy’s          hiring to fall to an average
fitful and sluggish six-year   of 175,000 jobs a month or
recovery from the Great        below, down from its pace
Recession, analysts have       of 243,000 jobs a month for
foreseen a sunnier future:     the past year.
Growth would pick up in six    At the start of the year,
months, or in a year.          many economists thought
That was then.                 falling gas prices and
The latest Associated Press    strong hiring would finally
survey of leading econo-       produce 3 percent eco-
mists shows that most now      nomic growth for 2015 as a
foresee a weaker expan-        whole.
sion than they had earlier. A  “We no longer have rea-
majority of the nearly three   son for optimism that the
dozen who responded to         economy is going to ac-
the survey predict tepid       celerate,” said Mike En-
economic growth, weak          glund, chief economist at
pay gains and modest hir-      Action Economics. “The
ing for the next two years     real question is, when is the
at least. Nearly 70 per-       next downturn coming?”
cent said they thought the     Other findings from the sur-
economy’s growth would         vey, conducted Aug. 13-
remain below its long-run      20, include:
average of 3 percent an-       — Home sales will improve
nually through 2017. The       further despite a still-tepid
economy hasn’t attained        economy. More than 80
that pace since 2005. And      percent of economists say
if they’re right, don’t ex-    recent job gains, which
pect much of a pay raise:      have put about 2.9 million
Fifty-eight percent of the     Americans to work in the
economists think wage in-      past year, will lead more
creases for the next two       Americans to buy homes.
years will remain stuck be-    Sales reached an annual
low a long-term annual av-     rate of 5.6 million in July,
erage of 3.5 percent.          the best in eight years. And
What’s more, if growth         nine in 10 of the econo-
doesn’t pick up from its       mists expect millennials —
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