Page 12 - ATODAY
P. 12


WORLD NEWSMonday 11 January 2016

In embarrassing turn, only 1 Argentine convict apprehended 

Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri speaks during a meeting with the Argentine Industrial Union                                 legedly connected to an         Local television channels
in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Macri is vowing to crack down on drug trafficking amid a national                                    ephedrine trafficking ring.     showed Martin Lanatta be-
manhunt for three escaped prisoners convicted in drug-related killings.                                                          Macri, Vice President Ga-       ing transported in a rural
                                                                                                                                 briela Michetti, Cabinet        area of the Santa Fe prov-
                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Victor R. Caivano)  chief Marcos Pena and           ince north of Buenos Aires.
                                                                                                                                 Maria Eugenia Vidal, gov-       The search,
P. PRENGAMAN                     torious convicts were in        said authorities had appre-                                     ernor of the Buenos Aires       which has often been
P. LUNA                          custody just hours after top    hended Victor Schialli and                                      province, tweeted con-          broadcast live on national
Associated Press                 officials had celebrated        brothers Martin and Cristian                                    gratulatory messages to         television channels, has fo-
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina          the capture of all three fu-    Lanatta.                                                        security forces and prom-       cused attention on Argen-
(AP) — In an embarrass-          gitives.                        The men escaped from the                                        ised to continue the fight      tina’s drug problems, which
ment to President Mauricio       The nearly two-week man-        General Alvear prison in                                        against drug trafficking.       Macri vowed to combat
Macri’s young administra-        hunt appeared to have fi-       Buenos Aires province the                                       But a few hours later, the      throughout his election
tion, Argentina’s top police     nally come to an end in the     day after Christmas.                                            head of the South Ameri-        campaign.
official said this weekend       afternoon, when several         They were convicted in                                          can nation’s federal police     The three had been on the
that only one of three no-       police and top politicians      2008 of killing three men al-                                   force said that in fact only    run since the escape, at
                                                                                                                                 Martin Lanatta had been         times apparently engaging
                                                                                                                                 captured.                       in shootouts with police,
                                                                                                                                 “We continue to intensely       made-for-movie footage
                                                                                                                                 search for the two (other)      captured by news helicop-
                                                                                                                                 fugitives,” said Roman di       ters following authorities.
                                                                                                                                 Santo.                          The prison break has also
                                                                                                                                 Security Minister Patricia      had political reverbera-
                                                                                                                                 Bullrich told reporters late    tions in the highly polarized
                                                                                                                                 Saturday that authorities       country:
                                                                                                                                 had received “false infor-      One of the three convicts
                                                                                                                                 mation.” She blamed a           last year claimed former
                                                                                                                                 “network of accomplices”        presidential Cabinet chief
                                                                                                                                 for throwing authorities off    Anibal Fernandez was the
                                                                                                                                 the trail, but didn’t provide   mastermind of the killings.
                                                                                                                                 details.                        Fernandez has repeatedly
                                                                                                                                 She said the focus should       denied the allegation.
                                                                                                                                 be on how one of the men        Macri’s administration ini-
                                                                                                                                 was caught, not on the          tially treated the escape
                                                                                                                                 bungled information.            as a local issue to be dealt
                                                                                                                                 “Argentines can sleep a lit-    with by authorities in the
                                                                                                                                 tle easier tonight,” she said.  province. q

Violent protests in Brazil to protest increased bus fares 

M. SAVARESE                      protest was held Belo Hori-     one masked protester was                                        to 3.80 reals, then his Rio     corruption scandal tied
Associated Press                 zonte.                          arrested after incidents sim-                                   colleague, Eduardo Paes,        to the state oil company,
SAO PAULO (AP) — Police          Sao Paulo’s demonstra-          ilar to those in Sao Paulo,                                     raised that city’s fare from    Petrobras.
used tear gas, stun gre-         tion began peacefully           but on a smaller scale.                                         3.40 to 3.80 reals.             “This is a popular protest.
nades and pepper spray           but turned violent when         Organizers of the Rio dem-                                      The new fare is just under      The more people who
this weekend to disperse         masked anarchists started       onstration, which came                                          a dollar, but the increase      come, the better,” Schmidt
sometimes violent demon-         throwing rocks at police.       just months before the city                                     comes with Brazil’s econ-       said.
strations against bus fare       The Sao Paulo State Pub-        hosts the 2016 Olympic                                          omy in recession and as
increases in Sao Paulo and       lic Safety Department said      Games, said about 2,000                                         people struggle with pric-       “We want that the pres-
Rio de Janeiro, the two big-     17 people were arrested         people took part. Police                                        es that already rose more       sure from the streets, the
gest Brazilian cities.           among 3,000 protesters          didn’t offer any estimate.                                      than 10 percent last year.      pressure from the people,
The protests were organized      and three police officers       The Free Fare Movement                                          Union leader Marcelo            lowers this fare as it did last
by the Free Fare Move-           were injured.                   called more demonstra-                                          Schmidt, who joined in the      year. We will only talk to au-
ment, the same group that                                        tions Tuesday.                                                  Rio protest, said the dem-      thorities when people are
initiated mass anti-govern-        Protesters also smashed       The protests were mobi-                                         onstrations marked the be-      in the street; that’s when
ment demonstrations that         store and bank windows          lized after Sao Paulo Mayor                                     ginning of a new upheav-        we will talk to authorities,
filled streets across Brazil in  and set fire to at least three  Fernando Haddad raised                                          al for Brazil, which is also    because the authorities
2013. A similar but peaceful     buses, it said.                 bus fares from 3.50 reals                                       gripped by a widespread         are the ones who failed this
                                 Police in Rio de Janeiro said                                                                                                   state.”q
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