Page 8 - ATODAY
P. 8
WORLD NEWSMonday 11 January 2016
Italian police probe slaying of American woman in Florence
FANUEL MORELLI “What happened in Flor- Italian forensic police officers stand outside an apartment where 35-year-old American woman
NICOLE WINFIELD ence is getting the maxi- Ashley Oslen was found dead, in Florence, Italy. Italian police say the woman has been found
Associated Press mum attention to find out slain in her apartment with bruises and scratches on her neck, but wouldn’t comment on Italian
FLORENCE, Italy (AP) — what it’s all about,” Italy’s news reports that the woman had been strangled until an autopsy is performed.
Police vowed “maximum police chief, Alessandro
attention” Sunday to find Pansa, said during an un- (Maurizio Degl’Innocenti/ANSA via AP)
the killer of an American related visit Sunday to
found dead in her Florence Florence, the ANSA news
apartment as Italy’s ex- agency reported.
pat community expressed Meanwhile, friends and
hope that the case won’t fellow expats expressed
turn into another Aman- horror at the slaying of a
da Knox-style, drawn-out, woman known around Flor-
headline-grabbing legal ence for her beloved bea-
saga. gle, Scout, and said they
Police opened a murder in- hoped her killer would be
vestigation Saturday after found quickly. Flowers were
35-year-old Ashley Olsen left at her doorstep.
of Summer Haven, Florida, “I can’t imagine a person
was found dead, her neck who would hurt her. She is
bruised and scratched. a gentle, a kind, a beauti-
Authorities questioned Ol- ful, friendly, lovely girl and
sen’s boyfriend, a local art- it’s an awful shock,” Amy,
ist, Saturday but said they a friend who only gave
have no suspects so far. her first name, told The As-
sociated Press in Florence. the last high-profile murder can roommate, and her
“We’ve got a great com- case of a foreigner living then-boyfriend were at first
munity here of people and in Italy, that of Meredith convicted of the murder,
everyone loved her.” Kercher. then acquitted, convicted
Friends and other expats The British student was again on appeal and final-
expressed hope that the studying in the Umbrian ly acquitted for good when
case wouldn’t end up re- city of Perugia when she Italy’s supreme court last
peating the flawed, flip- was found dead in 2007. year definitively exonerat-
flopping investigation into Knox, Kercher’s Ameri- ed them. q
Egypt’s first parliament in 3 years convenes
Associated Press the Islamist leader and his The decrees include a law
CAIRO (AP) — Egypt’s first Muslim Brotherhood. The severely restricting street
legislature in more than new parliament replaces demonstrations and a ter-
three years, a 596-seat one dominated by Islamists ror law that curbs press
chamber packed with sup- that was dissolved by a freedoms and gives police
porters of President Abdel- court ruling in June 2012. sweeping powers.
Fattah el-Sissi, held its inau- The new chamber’s first Sunday’s session was sup-
gural session on Sunday, task will be to ratify some posed to be a mostly pro-
signaling the completion 300 presidential decrees cedural one, with lawmak-
of a political road map issued by el-Sissi since tak- ers taking the oath and
announced after the 2013 ing office in June 2014 and electing a speaker and two
military overthrow of an Interim President Adly Man- deputies. But heated argu-
elected Islamist president. sour before him. Under the ments between lawmakers
The assembly, elected in constitution, these decrees broke out when an out-
November and December, must be ratified within 15 spoken member, Murtada
is the first legislature since days starting from the date Mansour, strayed from the
el-Sissi, as military chief, led of the inaugural session. text of the oath to avoid
the 2013 ouster of President Failure to do so will result endorsing the Jan. 25, 2011
Mohammed Morsi follow- in the automatic repeal of uprising against autocrat
ing mass protests against the laws. Hosni Mubarak.q