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U.S. NEWSMonday 11 January 2016
In final State of Union, Obama aims to define his presidency
JOSH LEDERMAN President Barack Obama stops to greet White House guests after speaking in the East Room of the his party, Obama doesn’t
Associated Press White House in Washington. Obama will look past Congress and to the American people in his plan to use the address as
WASHINGTON (AP) — Out final State of the Union address, aiming to define his presidency and his legacy. an opening argument for
of time to push a new leg- Democratic candidates
islative agenda, President (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) in the November election.
Barack Obama will look White House officials said
past Congress and to the “don’t take the foot off the climate pact and an Asia- that “we’ve brought Amer- the president would have
American people in his fi- gas pedal.” Pacific trade deal, and ica back.” ample opportunities to
nal State of the Union ad- Despite his inevitable slide negotiated a budget deal While Obama wants to frame the campaign.
dress, aiming to define his into lame-duck status and with the Republican-led keep the momentum go- Still, anything Obama says
presidency and his legacy the partisan politics of the Congress. Unemployment ing, the presidential cam- or does in an election year
before others can do it for election year, Obama is has fallen to 5 percent and paign may drown him out. raises the political heat.
him. emboldened by recent renewed confidence in the The White House sched- For example, Republicans
For his seventh address, successes that formed one economy has led the Fed- uled this year’s speech have seized on Obama’s
Obama plans to skip the of the most productive eral Reserve to start raising earlier than usual, in part to unilateral moves to tight-
traditional list of grand stretches in his presidency. interest rates. ensure Obama had room en gun policies, a topic
proposals, new policies Over the past year, Obama Obama’s chief of staff, to maneuver before voters for Tuesday’s speech, as
and presidential appeals has reached a nuclear Denis McDonough, said get their first say in the nom- the latest example of why
for new laws in favor of a deal with Iran, relaunched the president planned in inating process — the Iowa voters cannot trust Demo-
broad overview of what diplomatic relations with his speech to cite those caucuses on Feb. 1. crats.
he has accomplished since Cuba, secured a global achievements to argue To the dismay of some in Obama’s best prospects
2009 and what is undone in for achievements this year
his final year in office. Aides are on issues where he
said the president on Tues- and Congress at least par-
day night will give his as- tially agree. Central to his
sessment of what the coun- speech will be a renewed
try looks like in 2016 and the call for a criminal justice
direction he hopes it will overhaul and for approval
take in the future. of the Asia-Pacific trade
To the extent he can, agreement, which many
Obama will try to give a Republicans support.
burst of energy to initiatives He will face a less receptive
he is hoping to push past crowd when it comes to
beyond the life of his ad- foreign policy and home-
ministration. land security. Republicans
Advisers who met with and even many Demo-
Obama as he readied his crats say his strategy for
recent executive actions fighting the Islamic State
on gun control said the group is ineffective.
president gave this guid- Obama insists he has not
ance: “Everything this year abandoned a campaign
should be infused with a promise to close the pris-
sense of possibility” and on at the Guantanamo
Bay Navy base in Cuba,
Hillary Clinton brushes off Trump’s swipes at Bill although Republican op-
position has made that dif-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hill- trying to dig up dirt on the Trump is reminding people have had their reputations ficult to fulfill. Last year the
ary Clinton is brushing off Clintons, and if they want of the ex-president’s af- destroyed and Hillary Clin- White House said Obama
Donald Trump’s persistent to recycle that now, that’s fair with a White House in- ton helped that happen. would send Congress a
swipes at her husband, the their business. tern and the questions that Hillary Clinton says of such new plan for closing the
former president. As she said Sunday: “Didn’t have swirled around him tactics: “I think it’s a dead detention center, but there
The Democratic presiden- work before, won’t work concerning other women. end, blind alley for them.” have been seemingly end-
tial front-runner says Re- again.” With Bill Clinton out Trump said on “Fox News She spoke on CBS TV’s less delays.q
publicans have a history of campaigning for his wife, Sunday” that some women “Face the Nation.”q