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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Saturday, March 19, 2016


Police officers secure a street during a raid in the Molenbeek neighborhood of Brussels, Belgium, Friday March 18, 2016. After an intense four-month manhunt
across Europe and beyond, police on Friday captured Salah Abdeslam, the top fugitive in the Paris attacks in the same Brussels neighborhood where he grew up.

                                                                                                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)

  Top Paris Attacks Fugitive Nabbed in Brussels Raid 

RAF CASERT                    tacks in the same Brussels     Salah Abdeslam, 26, is a      detonators. He may have      believed to have slipped
JOHN DAHLBURG                 neighborhood where he          childhood friend of the sus-  been planning a suicide at-  through police fingers mul-
Associated Press              grew up.                       pected ringleader of the      tack himself.                tiple times. At one point,
BRUSSELS (AP) — Police        Hours later, the French        attacks.                      After the bloodbath, he      Belgian authorities locked
raiding an apartment build-   president said more peo-       Investigators believe he      slipped through a dragnet    down their capital for sev-
ing captured Europe’s most    ple were involved in the at-   drove a car carrying a        to return to Brussels and    eral days but failed to find
wanted fugitive Friday, ar-   tacks than initially thought,  group of gunmen who took      eluded capture for four      him.
resting the prime suspect in  and predicted more arrests     part in the shootings, rent-  months, despite an inter-
last year’s deadly Paris at-  would follow.                  ed rooms and shopped for      national manhunt. He was            Continued on Page 2
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