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P. 3
Saturday 19 March 2016
Romney says he will vote for Cruz in Utah caucuses
The Associated Press officials have shown their Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney speaks at at Westerville Central High
Former Republican presi- support for Cruz in recent School in Westerville, Ohio. Romney says he will vote for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the upcoming
dential nominee Mitt Rom- days while falling short of caucuses in his home state of Utah.
ney says he will vote for endorsing the senator, who
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the is currently in second place (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)
upcoming caucuses in his in the race for the party’s
home state of Utah. nomination.
Romney wrote on his Face- Utah is one of four contests
book page Friday that the scheduled for Tuesday.
contest is “between Trump- Early polling shows Cruz
ism and Republicanism,” leading among the state’s
referring to front-runner predominantly Mormon
Donald Trump. He said the voters.
billionaire businessman’s Trump currently leads his
name has become associ- rivals overall, having won
ated with “racism, misog- 678 delegates in contests
yny, bigotry, xenophobia, held thus far, according to
vulgarity and, most recent- a count by The Associat-
ly, threats and violence.” ed Press. Cruz is in second
Romney earlier this month place with 423 delegates,
called Trump “a phony” and Kasich is in third with
who is “playing the Ameri- 143.
can public for suckers.” Needed to win: 1,237. q
A number of Republican
Missouri governor Nixon
vetoes bill on union fees
ADAM ATON vate-sector unions from re-
Associated Press quiring workers to pay fees,
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) despite GOP supermajori-
— Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon ties in both chambers.
on Friday vetoed legisla- The Democratic governor
tion requiring public em- said this year’s bill piles un-
ployees to annually reau- necessary burdens onto
thorize paying their union public unions. He pointed
dues through paycheck to a requirement for unions
withholdings, setting up to retain internal informa-
a confrontation with Re- tion as searchable, elec-
publican leaders who say tronic records and allow
they have enough votes to employees to sue if they
overrule him. cannot access them.
This is the third time the Republican supporters
Democratic governor has describe the measure as
vetoed legislation that “paycheck protection,”
would change the rules arguing it would make
for unions, which repre- unions more responsive
sent about 257,000 Mis- to members’ needs and
souri workers — nearly opinions. Nixon called such
10 percent of the state’s concerns a pretext to in-
workforce, according to terfere with unions, noting
the U.S. Bureau of Labor that public workers can al-
Statistics. The figure is for ready end their paycheck
all unionized workers and withholdings at any time.
does not give a break- “The animus towards those
down for private compa- organizations underlying
nies and public entities. this legislation is clear,” he
Nixon has vetoed 138 bills wrote in his veto message.
since he took office in 2009 Nixon also condemned
and 34 have been over- the bill for “inexplicably”
ridden by the Legislature exempting first-responders
so the measures became from the requirement to re-
law. authorize paycheck with-
Nixon vetoed a similar bill holdings.
in 2013, which lawmak- “The legislation picks and
ers failed to override. And chooses who to ‘protect’
last year, lawmakers failed based on political calcula-
to overturn his veto of so- tions rather than a rational
called “right-to-work” leg- basis,” he wrote in a veto
islation that would bar pri- message to legislators.q