Page 7 - Aruba Today
P. 7

                                                                                                                                      Saturday 19 March 2016

American Health:

No clear path to government-lowered drug prices 

MATTHEW PERRONE                 er drug prices. The White       Senate Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, speaks with reporters outside the
AP Health Writer                House declined to com-          Senate chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington. Hatch recently questioned the Obama administra-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Most          ment on the idea, but most      tion’s top health official about rumors that the president might use an executive order to allow the
Americans support it. Vir-      experts agree the president     government to negotiate for lower drug prices.
tually all other developed      has no authority to make
countries already do it.        such a change on his own.                                                                                                       (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
And the two leading presi-      Larger changes would re-
dential candidates on both      quire action by Congress,       Those and other specialty      support for the proposal.        A more concrete proposal
sides of the aisle agree: the   where pharmaceutical            medications are projected      Clinton’s plan for lower-
federal government should       companies and relat-            to increase spending by        ing drug prices would            involves extending price
lower drug prices.              ed  businesses spent more       6.5 annually percent in the    have Medicare negotiate
But experts say the chanc-      than $235 million on lobby-     next decade.                   lower prices, particularly       rebates in Medicaid — the
es for government action in     ing last year — more than       Experts disagree on how        for “high-cost drugs with
the near-term are close to      any other industry.             much money could be            limited competition.” But        government health plan for
nil. The reasons are familiar:  Still, a series of proposals    saved by allowing Medi-        it’s unclear what specific
political gridlock in Wash-     to put downward pressure        care to negotiate. When        powers would be granted.         the poor — to low-income
ington, pharmaceutical          on drug prices has taken        government actuaries last      Trump has given even less
industry influence and the      shape. Here’s a look at         analyzed the proposal in       information, saying that the     seniors in Medicare.
structure of the U.S. health    some of the leading ideas,      2007 they estimated sav-       government could save
system itself, which limits     their potential impact and      ings would be “negligible.”    $300 billion a year if it ne-    Medicaid, which is a state-
government intervention.        chances for success :           That’s in part due to uncer-   gotiated discounts. Fact-
“There’s not much they can                                      tainty about what specific     checkers have pointed out        federal program, receives
do, that’s the sad truth,”      MEDICARE PRICE NEGOTIA-         powers the government          that Medicare currently
says Ira Loss, of Washington    TIONS                           would have in negotiations:    only spends $78 billion an-      legally-mandated              dis-
Analysis. “They can’t do        The leading proposal by far     Could Medicare refuse          nually on drugs.
much so they’re not gonna       is to allow the government      to pay for certain drugs?      “I think part of the chal-       counts from drugmakers
do much — but they’re go-       to negotiate lower drug         Could Medicare set up its      lenge is putting some meat
ing to talk about it a lot.”    prices for millions of seniors  own formulary, like those      on the bones,” says Tricia       that are roughly 50 percent
Looking ahead, a Demo-          in Medicare, the govern-        used in the private sector?    Neuman, of the nonparti-
cratic president with major-    ment’s largest health plan.     Depending on which pow-        san Kaiser Health Founda-        below the market price of
ities in the House and Sen-     Both Donald Trump and Hill-     ers are available, academ-     tion. “I think the savings will
ate might be able to pass       ary Clinton have adopted        ics have estimated savings     depend on the specifics of       most drugs. That compares
major pricing reforms. But      the idea, which is support-     ranging from $15 billion per   the policy.”
even if Democrats retake        ed by 83 percent of Ameri-      year to $54 billion per year.                                   to discounts of about 30
the Senate this year, Loss      cans, according to polling      That uncertainty remains       EXTENDING MEDICAID DIS-
and others don’t expect         by Kaiser Health Founda-        a big hurdle in marshalling    COUNTS                           percent for privately-ne-
Democrats to regain the         tion. But can it get through
House.                          Congress? And how much                                                                          gotiated Medicare drug
For now,  business  in Con-     money would it really save?
gress has essentially ground    Current law bars Medicare                                                                       plans.
to a halt, as both par-         from negotiating drug pric-
ties look to the November       es. Instead Medicare drug                                                                       Extending the Medicaid
elections to expand their       plans are managed by pri-
power. But with a majority      vate insurers and pharma-                                                                       discounts to 9 million low-
of Americans favoring gov-      cy managers, who nego-
ernment action on drug          tiate separately from one                                                                       income Medicare enrollees
pricing, proposals continue     another. For years, that ap-
to swirl around Washington.     proach seemed effective:                                                                        would reduce government
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah,       Medicare drug costs rose
recently questioned the         about 1.5 percent annu-                                                                         drug spending by $103 bil-
Obama administration’s          ally, on average, for most
top health official about       of the last decade. But                                                                         lion over 10 years, accord-
rumors that the president       spending jumped about
might use an executive          13 percent in 2014 after                                                                        ing to government actu-
order to allow the govern-      the introduction of several
ment to negotiate for low-      pricey Hepatitis C drugs.                                                                       aries. Total U.S. retail drug

                                                                                                                                spending would fall about

                                                                                                                                5 percent, according to

                                                                                                                                Richard Evans, a health

                                                                                                                                care analyst for SSR.q
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