Page 11 - Aruba Today
P. 11

                                                                                                                             Saturday 19 March 2016

Judges knock down challenge to Brazil ex-president 

STAN LEHMAN                    2010, gathered in rallies
Associated Press
SAO PAULO (AP) — A Brazil-     across Brazil, particularly in
ian appeals court on Friday
slapped down a second          the industrial south, where
attempt to block a Cabinet
post for former President      the former factory worker
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
and tens of thousands of       has his base.
supporters rallied to back
an embattled government        In Sao Paulo, tens of thou-
facing a host of crises.
Silva was sworn in as chief    sands gathered on Ave-
aide to President Dilma
Rousseff on Thursday, a        nida Paulista in front of the
post that will let the char-
ismatic politician help the    city’s art museum. Most
president battle an im-
peachment effort and one       wore red T-shirts and caps
that also makes it harder
to investigate any possible    and frequently chanted,
links to a corruption scan-
dal at the state oil com-      “Lula, the minister of hope.”
Opponents quickly won in-      “Lula, Dilma and the Work-
junctions from two regional
federal judges to block his    er’s Party are the only ones
appointment, but both
were quickly overturned.       who have helped the poor,
Later in the afternoon a
federal judge in the city      gave us access to better
of Assis, Sao Paulo state
ordered a third injunction     education, jobs and health
blocking Silva from assum-
ing his Cabinet post.          care,” said Ronaldo Carlos      Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff and former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva embrace during his
Supporters of Silva, who
was one of the world’s         a 35-year-old private secu-     swearing-in ceremony as the chief of staff, at the Planalto presidential palace, in Brasilia, Brazil.
most famous leaders as
president from 2003 to         rity guard as he waved a        A Brazilian appeals court on Friday slapped down a second attempt to block a Cabinet post for

                               red and white banner with       da Silva.  (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)

                               Rousseff’s face and the

                               phrase “Dilma Stays” on it.

                               The political turmoil comes

                               as Brazil prepares to host

                               the Summer Olympics in

                               August and Latin Amer-

                               ica’s most populous na-

                               tion faces crises on several

                               fronts. The country is at the

                               center of an outbreak of

                               the Zika virus, which health

                               experts believe can cause

                               abnormally small heads in

                               newborns. And its econ-

                               omy, long an engine for

                               neighboring    countries,

                               has sharply contracted by

                               nearly 4 percent.q

Venezuela top court approves

economic emergency powers 

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)        and triple-digit inflation.
— Venezuela’s Supreme          Venezuela’s opposition
Court has approved Presi-      accuses the government-
dent Nicolas Maduro’s          stacked high court of over-
request for a 60-day ex-       stepping its authority by
tension of an economic         granting Maduro’s request.
emergency decree that          Critics blame Maduro’s rig-
had been rejected by the       id control of the economy
opposition-controlled con-     for the crisis and have been
gress.                         pushing for his removal.
The high court issued its      Since first being granted the
ruling late Thursday night,    special powers in February,
giving Maduro expanded         Maduro has devalued the
powers to rescue the South     currency and raised the
American economy from a        world’s cheapest gasoline
plunge in oil prices that has  prices to help make up for
deepened a crisis marked       a steep decline in govern-
by widespread shortages        ment revenues. q
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