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                                                                                                                  Saturday 19 March 2016

Enjoy Easter Brunch at Matthew’s Beachside Restaurant

                                                                                         Milca Legger. They togeth-       from 7:30am – 10pm for
                                                                                         er with their friendly servers,  breakfast/lunch/dinner
                                                                                         bartenders and kitchen as-       and daily happy hour 3
                                                                                         sociates are ready to offer      times a day.
                                                                                         you excellent service, qual-     Welcome to paradise at
                                                                                         ity dishes and competitive       Matthew’s beachside res-
                                                                                         prices and most of all a         taurant www.matthews-
                                                                                         unique place to celebrate
                                                                                         with your family and friends.    Reservations for Easter
                                                                                         Also, we would like to in-       Brunch are HIGHLY REC-
                                                                                         form you about our up-           OMMENDED, so telephone
                                                                                         coming brunch buffets for        now at: 588-7300.
                                                                                         Mother’s day and Father’s        Trip advisor excellent/ fol-
                                                                                         day.                             low us on FB/matthews-
                                                                                         We are open every day            beachsideq

PUNTO BRABO - Matthew’s      buffet made especially for     ambiance and idyllic view
Beachside Restaurant will    our island guests and our      of Punta Brabo beach.
be celebrating Easter on     local community.               Located on the beach at
Sunday March 27, with its    This brunch will feature live  the Casa del Mar Beach
well known                   musical entertainment,         Resort, Matthew’s beach-
“All You Can Eat” Cham-      kids activities and as an      side restaurant is almost 9
pagne Brunch.                extra touch to this memo-      years open,
During this event we will    rable day our guests will of   and is owned by ex- Rumba
offer an exquisite and rich  course enjoy the heavenly      restaurant owners Stefan &
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