Page 13 - Aruba Today
P. 13

                                                                                                                    Saturday 19 March 2016

Sunday, March 27th in the Grand Caribbean Ballroom:

Bring the Entire Family to the Hilton’s fabulous

                                Champagne Easter Brunch

PALM BEACH - The Easter         Carving Station, popular    person on presale, Awg 95
Bunny will greet brunch-        selections for kids, and a  at the door, so make res-
goers to the Grand Carib-       Dessert Station, accompa-   ervations ahead of time
bean Ballroom, where Eas-       nied by unlimited beverag-  and you will be included in
ter Brunch will be served       es including Champagne      a fantastic raffle for great
with live music and unlim-      and Mimosas.                prizes.
ited flutes of Champagne        Marvinia Richardson, of     Don’t miss the tremendous
and Mimosas.                    the resort’s banqueting     event, celebrating Easter
While parents enjoy a deli-     department, is accepting    Sunday, with family mem-
cious, leisurely brunch, their  reservations and payment    bers and friends, at the
kids will be entertained in     in advance Awg 85 per       Hilton Aruba Caribbean
the Kids Corner with Egg                                    Hotel & Casino, kids under
Hunting, Face Painting,                                     5 are free, additional kids
and photo opportunities                                     age 6 - 12 pay Awg 20, and
with the Easter Bunny.                                      teens, age 13 - 17 pay Awg
The resort culinary team                                    40. Tel.: 526-6607, Marvinia.
is preparing a sumptuous                          
buffet in honor of the day
which includes an inter-
active Egg Station with
Breakfast Favorites, where
chefs will be making om-
elets to order with a variety
of fillings. The outstanding
food selection will include
a Soup & Salad Station,
a Mediterranean Station,
imported Delicatessen, a
Seafood Station, a variety
of Hot Buffet dishes, a Mon-
golian Wok Station, live
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