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SPORTSSaturday 19 March 2016

Djokovic, Nadal set for semifinal showdown at Indian Wells 

BETH HARRIS                     a slew of errors by Tsonga           “He didn’t give one point
AP Sports Writer                in the first tiebreak. The           in those tiebreaks, which
INDIAN WELLS, Calif. (AP)       Serb led 3-1 when Tsonga             was not my case,” Tsonga
— Novak Djokovic domi-          reeled off three straight er-        said.
nated both tiebreakers to       rors, including two off his
beat Jo-Wilfried Tsonga 7-6     forehand that extended               Nadal trailed 3-1 before
(2), 7-6 (2) at the BNP Pa-     Djokovic’s lead to 6-1.              he won five of the next six
ribas Open on Friday, set-      Tsonga was serving to stay           games to take the opening
ting up a semifinal against     in the tiebreak down 6-2,            set in 45 minutes. He got an
Rafael Nadal featuring two      but he netted a backhand             early break in the second
players who own a com-          to lose it.                          to build a 4-2 lead. His fore-
bined seven titles in the       Djokovic led 5-4 in the              hand error allowed Nishi-
California desert.              second set and had two               kori to break back and trail
Nadal defeated Kei Nishi-       match points on Tsonga’s             4-3. But Nadal quickly re-
kori 6-4, 6-3, connecting on    serve in the 10th game. But          covered in the next game
89 percent of his first serves  the Frenchman pulled out             to break the sixth-ranked
in the match played in          a big serve to hold at 5-all.        Japanese player and won
91-degree (32 C) heat un-       Tsonga came up with an-              the match on his serve with
der a relentless sun. Nadal     other key hold at 6-all with         a forehand down the line.
is a three-time winner at In-   a forehand winner and an-            “He started so quick hitting
dian Wells.                     other serve that Djokovic            all the balls very well, very
                                couldn’t handle to force             aggressive, and serving
Shadows had begun               another tiebreak.                    great,” Nadal said. “Then
creeping onto the main          Leading 6-2, Djokovic                he started to miss some first
stadium court by the time       closed out the match on              serves and I was returning
Djokovic outlasted Tsonga,      his second serve, which              very well the second set
who has lost to the world’s     Tsonga returned wide.                serve, returning very ag-
top-ranked player in 13                                              gressive. That was so im-
of their last 14 meetings.      Rafael Nadal, of Spain, reacts       portant.”
Four-time tourney cham-         after defeating Kei Nishikori,
pion Djokovic improved to       of Japan, in their quarterfi-        A resurgent Nadal has
20-1 this year heading into     nal match at the BNP Paribas         reached one final — losing
Saturday’s match against        Open tennis tournament, Fri-         to Djokovic in Doha — and
Nadal, who is 12-4.             day, March 18, 2016, in Indian       three semis this year.
Djokovic capitalized on         Wells, Calif.                        “I feel myself strong men-
                                                                     tally. I feel myself with the
                                                   Associated Press  right energy,” he said. “I
                                                                     am able to fight for every
                                                                     ball. I am able to keep
                                                                     going during the whole
                                                                     match, believe in myself
                                                                     again, and that make me
                                                                     play with more energy, less
                                                                     nerves. That’s so important
                                                                     for me. It’s the way I play
                                                                     during all my career, and
                                                                     this week is being very,
                                                                     very positive for me.”
                                                                     In women’s semifinals later,
                                                                     Serena Williams is set to
                                                                     play Agnieszka Radwan-
                                                                     ska and Victoria Azarenka
                                                                     faces Karolina Pliskova.q
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