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                                                                                                                                                                        Saturday 19 March 2016

NBA Capsules 
San Antonio edges closer to home start record 

The Associated Press            bench.                          San Antonio Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard, left, drives to the basket against the Portland Trail Blaz-
SAN ANTONIO (AP) —              Playing their fourth game in    ers during the second half of an NBA basketball game, Thursday, March 17, 2016, in San Antonio.
Kawhi Leonard and LaMar-        five nights, the Raptors kept   San Antonio won 118-110.
cus Aldridge each had 22        pace with conference-
points as the San Antonio       leader Cleveland. Indiana                                                                                                                           Associated Press
Spurs beat the Portland         fell to 1-7 in overtime this
Trail Blazers 118-110 Thurs-    season.                         CHICAGO (AP) — Doug              raced to a 24-point lead in   scoring a career-high 44.
day night to secure the         WIZARDS 99, 76ERS 94            McDermott scored 25              the second quarter, then      HAWKS 116, NUGGETS 98
second-best home start to       PHILADELPHIA (AP) — John        points and Jimmy Butler          held on and finally finished  ATLANTA (AP) — Tim Hard-
a season in league history.     Wall had 16 points, 14 as-      added 22 as the Bulls beat       off the lowly Nets, who       away Jr. scored a season-
The Spurs have won 34           sists and 13 rebounds for his   the Nets.                        outscored Chicago 37-24       high 21 points in his first start
straight at home to open        fourth triple-double of the     It’s the third straight 20-plus  in the third and closed to    of the season and the surg-
the season and only trail       season as the Wizards held      point game for McDermott         within four points early in   ing Hawks beat the Nug-
the 37 wins by the Chicago      on against the 76ers.           as Chicago moved a half-         the fourth.                   gets.
Bulls during their historic     Wall made eight free            game in front of idle De-        Chicago got a season-high     Paul Millsap and Jeff
72-victory season in 1995-      throws in the final 14.6 sec-   troit into eighth place and      60 points from its reserves,  Teague each had 16 points
96. A dominant third quar-      onds to help the Wizards        the final playoff spot in the    including McDermott’s out-    for the Hawks, who have
ter enabled San Antonio         win their third straight fol-   Eastern Conference. Bob-         put.                          won four straight and sev-
to sit its starters for much    lowing a five-game losing       by Portis added 12 points        Bojan Bogdanovic led the      en of eight to move to third
of the fourth quarter in ad-    streak that put their playoff   and 14 rebounds.                 Nets comeback with 26         place in the Eastern Con-
vance of Saturday’s show-       hopes in peril. Washington,     The injury-ravaged Bulls         points, one game after        ference.
down with Golden State.         which began Thursday 1
The Warriors and the Spurs      1/2 games behind Detroit
have both clinched play-        for the final playoff spot in
off berths and division titles  the Eastern Conference,
and are on pace to finish       followed resounding victo-
with two of the three best      ries this week over current
single-season records in        playoff teams Detroit and
league history.                 Chicago with a win over
Tony Parker had 18 points       the last-place 76ers.
and a season-high 16 as-        Ish Smith scored 20 points
sists. The Spurs shot 52 per-   and Nerlens Noel had 14
cent while committing           points and 16 rebounds for
seven turnovers, which was      Philadelphia, which has lost
one off its season low.         16 of 17.
C.J. McCollum had 26            HORNETS 109, HEAT 106
points and Damian Lillard       MIAMI (AP) — Al Jefferson
had 23 for Portland.            and Kemba Walker each
RAPTORS 101, PACERS 94          scored 21 points to help
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — De-         the Hornets overcome a
Mar DeRozan and Kyle            15-point first-half deficit to
Lowry each scored 28            beat the Heat.
points to lead the Toronto      Nic Batum scored 19 for
Raptors over the Indiana        the Hornets, who split four
Pacers in overtime.             games with Miami this
DeRozan had 10 points in        season and now have the
the fourth quarter. He had      same 39-29 record as the
a chance to win the game        Heat in the jam-packed
for Toronto at the end of       Eastern Conference play-
regulation but missed a         off chase. The Hornets are
fade-away jumper on the         now 15-3 in their last 18
wing as time expired. He’s      games.
scored at least 25 points       Charlotte trailed 45-30 in
in five of Toronto’s last six   the second quarter, then
games.                          took the lead by halftime
Lowry added four assists        and held it for most of the
and eight rebounds for          second half. Courtney Lee
the Raptors but also com-       had 13 and Marvin Williams
mitted eight turnovers.         scored 12 for the Hornets.
Bismack Biyombo finished        Luol Deng led the Heat with
with 16 points and a ca-        22 points. It was the 10th
reer-high 25 rebounds.          time this season that Miami
Paul George led the Pac-        lost a game in which it led
ers with 18 points and nine     at one point by double fig-
rebounds. George Hill add-      ures, with six of those com-
ed 18 points and CJ Miles       ing at home.
scored 13 points off the        BULLS 118, NETS 102
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