Page 24 - Aruba Today
P. 24


BUSINESSSaturday 19 March 2016

Market finishes 5th week of gains, turning S&P 500 positive 

MARLEY JAY                     Traders William McInerney, left, and Peter Mancuso, center, work on the floor of the New York                                    chemicals also rose as the
AP Markets Writer              Stock Exchange, Friday, March 18, 2016. Another strong gain for stocks Friday extended the                                       dollar fell against other
NEW YORK (AP) — Another        market’s recovery from a dismal start to the year to a fifth week in a row.                                                      currencies on hopes that
strong gain for stocks Friday                                                                                                                                   the weaker dollar will boost
extended the market’s                                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  their sales outside of the
recovery from a dismal                                                                                                                                          U.S.
start to the year to a fifth   recession.                       is doing fairly well. Industrial,  investors, and they help                                     Starwood Hotels climbed
week in a row.                                                  consumer and technology                                                                         $4.18, or 5.5 percent, to
The Standard and Poor’s        “The market tended to            stocks benefited from the          boost economic growth                                        $80.57 after the hotel chain
500 index closed up for                                         more positive outlook in the                                                                    said it accepted a new
the year for the first time.   focus on the negative and        U.S. Energy and materials          by reducing borrowing                                        buyout offer from a group
The Dow Jones industrial                                        stocks climbed as oil and                                                                       led by Anbang Insurance
average turned positive        ignore the good” at the          precious metals prices rose.       costs and reducing the risk                                  Group of China.
Thursday. Both had been                                         And this week the Federal                                                                       The bid is worth more than
down more than 10              start of this year, said Lowell  Reserve said it expects to         associated with starting or                                  $14 billion. Competitor
percent for the year a little                                   slow the pace of interest                                                                       Marriott, which agreed to
more than a month ago.         Yura, head of Multi-Asset        rate increases this year.          expanding businesses.                                        buy Starwood last year,
The Dow rose 120.81 points                                      Lower rates make stocks                                                                         said it is considering its
Friday, or 0.7 percent, to     Solutions for BMO Global         look more attractive to            The biggest gainers                                          options and noted it has
17,602.30. It is up 1 percent                                                                                                                                   the right to make another
for the year.                  Asset Management.                                                   Friday were health care                                      offer.
The S&P 500 gained 8.99                                                                                                                                         Columbia Pipeline Group
points, or 0.4 percent,        But over the course of the                                          stocks and banks, the                                        climbed after TransCanada
to 2,049.58, and is now                                                                                                                                         Corp. agreed to buy the
up 0.3 percent for 2016.       five-week rally, reports on                                         worst-performing       parts                                 company for $10 billion,
The Nasdaq composite                                                                                                                                            or $25.50 per share, in an
picked up 20.6 points, or      hiring, manufacturing and                                           of the market this year.                                     attempt to expand further
0.4 percent, to 4,795.65,                                                                                                                                       into the U.S. Columbia
though the Nasdaq              construction  spending                                              Companies that make                                          Pipeline stock advanced
remains down 4 percent                                                                                                                                          $1.33, or 5.7 percent, to
for the year.                  showed the U.S. economy                                             aircraft, machinery and                                      $24.84.
Stocks had plunged early                                                                                                                                        Health care stocks
this year as investors feared                                                                                                                                   regained some ground
that Chinese economy,                                                                                                                                           after a rough week.
which has been the                                                                                                                                              Hospital operator Tenet
engine of global growth,                                                                                                                                        Healthcare rose $1.57, or
was slowing faster than                                                                                                                                         5.9 percent, to $28.14 and
expected and that China’s                                                                                                                                       prescription drug distributor
slide would be enough to                                                                                                                                        McKesson gained $6.62,
pull the U.S. economy into                                                                                                                                      or 4.4 percent, to $158.31.

Report: Iron Range investments may not create many jobs 

KYLE POTTER                    million into a money-losing      creation in return for many        The report found several                                     require some job creation
Associated Press               ski resort, gave financial as-   of the loans it doled out,         issues that call into ques-                                  metric and suggested the
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A       sistance to  businesses  that    according to an audit of its       tion whether the board has                                   board had granted some
state body that invests in     may not have needed it           activities released Friday.        lived up to that goal. Com-                                  financial assistance to busi-
the Iron Range poured $17      and failed to require job        The Office of the Legisla-         missioner Mark Phillips con-                                 nesses  that may not have
                                                                tive Auditor made those            ceded his agency needs                                       needed public support in
                                                                conclusions in its examina-        to improve in tracking its                                   order to relocate or ex-
                                                                tion of the Iron Range Re-         performance but defend-                                      pand on the Iron Range.
                                                                sources and Rehabilitation         ed, citing proposals that                                    The report also found the
                                                                board, just the latest bad         helped bring 1,200 jobs                                      IRRRB has plowed more
                                                                news surrounding the state         from companies like Blue                                     than $17 million into the
                                                                development agency’s               Cross Blue Shield and Delta                                  ski and golf resort Giants
                                                                performance. Dubbed the            Airlines.“It’s hard to imagine                               Ridge, which it owns, to
                                                                IRRRB, the board doles out         what the Iron Range would                                    subsidize increasing finan-
                                                                grants and loans meant to          look like without these criti-                               cial losses since 2006. Leg-
                                                                spur economic develop-             cal employers,” he said.                                     islative auditors said the
                                                                ment and diversify an Iron         Of the 15 loans in the re-                                   IRRRB needs to get a bet-
                                                                Range economy largely              view — totaling millions                                     ter handle on the resort’s
                                                                reliant on a volatile iron ore     of dollars — the agency                                      financial performance.
                                                                industry.                          granted to companies                                         The continued losses raised
                                                                That mission has become            who promised to create                                       eyebrows among legisla-
                                                                more important since an            a certain amount of jobs,                                    tors.
                                                                unprecedented downturn             just two followed through.                                   “The subsidies should be
                                                                in the domestic steel indus-       Seven companies fell short                                   going down, not up,” said
                                                                try that has resulted in thou-     while the remainders are                                     Sen. Mary Kiffmeyer, R-Big
                                                                sands of steelworkers and          still too early to grade. The                                Lake. “That’s money that
                                                                mine employees being laid          report also found many                                       couldn’t go to something
                                                                off in the last year .             loans and grants that didn’t                                 else.”
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