Page 19 - Aruba Today
P. 19

                                                                                                                                                                    Saturday 19 March 2016

Day builds 2-shot lead at Bay Hill; McIlroy 11 shots behind 

DOUG FERGUSON                    objective was to take care        playing well, I’m not sure                                         now, 13 under, I thought       three months off at the
AP Golf Writer                   of the par 5s and keep a          that’s quite going to be                                           that was going to have a       end of 2015. He has only
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Ja-         clean card, and he did            enough that far behind Ja-                                         great chance at the end of     Bay Hill and the Dell Match
son Day felt like he was         both. Rose is now 9 under         son. At the same time I can                                        the week,” McIlroy said. “I    Play next week before the
bearing down on each             on the eight par 5s he has        get confidence from that                                           thought something around       Masters, and he thought it
                                                                                                                                      12 under was going to be       would be helpful to at least
                                                                                                                                      right there. For him to do     feel the pressure of conten-
                                                                                                                                      that after two days is pretty  tion before Augusta Na-
                                                                                                                                      spectacular. I think every-    tional.
                                                                                                                                      one has got their work cut     Stenson could be the guy
                                                                                                                                      out to try and catch him.”     to provide it.
                                                                                                                                      The timing is good for Day,    He thought he had Bay Hill
                                                                                                                                      who had a sluggish start       won last year until bogeys
                                                                                                                                      to the year after taking       late in his round.

Jason Day, of Australia, watches his putt on the 13th green during the second round of the Arnold
Palmer Invitational golf tournament in Orlando, Fla., Friday, March 18, 2016.

                                                                                                                    Associated Press

shot. He made it look much       played this week. And he          and bring it on to the next
easier Friday in the Arnold      was bogey-free on Friday.         week and ultimately into
Palmer Invitational.             “Yesterday was a colorful         the Masters.”
Day made a pair of long          scorecard,” Rose said of          Stanford junior Maverick
birdie putts and otherwise       an opening round that in-         McNealy, chosen to play
put on a clinic at Bay Hill for  cluded two eagles and a           by his colleagues at the
a 7-under 65 that gave him       double bogey. “Today, a           Palmer Cup, had a 71 and
a two-shot lead over Hen-        little bit more solid.”           was at 4-under 140. It’s the
rik Stenson going into the       Day was driving it long and       second straight week that
weekend.                         straight, hitting his irons well  an amateur has made the
“It was great,” he said. “I      and making big putts. It’s a      cut; Georgia senior Lee
felt like I couldn’t do any-     great combination for any-        McCoy finished fourth last
thing wrong out there.”          one, particularly a player        week in the Valspar Cham-
Day was at 13-under 131          who reached No. 1 in the          pionship.
and was five shots ahead         world last year by winning        U.S. Amateur champion
of Jamie Lovemark (68)           four out of six tournaments,      Bryson DeChambeau shot
when he finished.                including his first major.        another 72 and made the
Stenson faced a daunting         Rory McIlroy was able to          cut on the number at even-
task — eight shots behind        watch the whole show.             par 144.
when he teed off in the af-      McIlroy, who opened with a        Day, however, appeared
ternoon — and he shot 31         75, was in the group behind       to be in his own world on
on the back nine for a 66        Day and saw the Australian        the immaculate Bay Hill
to stay in the game. Jus-        start to pull away from the       course.
tin Rose also had a 66 and       field. McIlroy had his own is-    A pair of two-putt birdies
was three shots behind.          sues on Friday, starting with     on the par 5s on the back
“It’s motivating,” Stenson       a chance to play for two          nine helped him extend
said of the deficit he faced.    more days. He handled             his lead, and he added a
“You can’t let it be frustrat-   that with ease, making four       35-foot birdie putt on the
ing that you’re eight shots      birdies on the back nine to       17th. It was after Day had
back. He played great,           get above the cut line and        to scramble for par on the
and you’ve just got to go        posting a 67.                     par-5 fourth hole, making
and do the same, and I           But he was all but ready to       a 10-foot putt, that he took
managed to do that.”             concede that the tourna-          off. He rolled in a 10-foot
Day, Stenson and Rose will       ment was out of his reach.        birdie on the next hole, got
play together Saturday be-       “I was looking at Jason in        up-and-down from a bun-
cause tee times have been        front of me and I was think-      ker for birdie on the par-5
moved forward to avoid           ing if I could maybe get          sixth and finished his round
the threat of storms.            within six going into the         with a 35-foot birdie on the
Rose wasn’t bothered to          weekend,” McIlroy said.           ninth hole.
see Day so far ahead. His        “And now it’s 11. ... Even        “The total that he’s on
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