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SPORTSSaturday 19 March 2016

APNewsBreak: Longtime MLB umpire Tim Welke calls it a career 

BEN WALKER                      In this Sept. 22, 2013, file photo, umpire Tim Welke turns to the Tampa Bay Rays’ dugout to ex-                                       No surprise, as Welke spoke
AP Baseball Writer              change heated words with Rays manager Joe Maddon about a call during the fifth inning of a                                            in the concourse at Ed
SARASOTA, Florida (AP)          baseball game in St. Petersburg, Fla.                                                                                                 Smith Stadium before Pitts-
— The first time Tim Welke                                                                                                                                            burgh played Baltimore
stepped onto a  base-                                                                                                                               Associated Press  on Wednesday, a parade
ball  field as a professional                                                                                                                                         of familiar faces strolled
umpire, he was a teenager       harrowing, rain-suspended       more.                            Welke is the last umpire                                             by to wish him well. There
hoping he wouldn’t get          matchup between Tampa           Welke worked nearly half         to toss a manager in the                                             was Pirates President Frank
yelled at too much.             Bay and Philadelphia in         his games as a crew chief.       World Series, that being all-                                        Coonelly, a clubhouse
As the years turned to de-      2008, plus a bevy of play-      For a while, younger broth-      time ejection leader Bobby                                           worker and a local police
cades, sure, he got an ear-     offs. He did three All-Star     er Bill was on those crews.      Cox in 1996.                                                         officer.
ful. All umpires do. But by     Games, handling home            Next year, Bill might switch     But true to his nature, Wel-                                         “I’ll miss wearing the uni-
the time he walked off at       plate last year.                his uniform number from 52       ke’s last ejection came in                                           form and the guys,” he
PNC Park last October on        “That was one thing I al-       to 3, the one Tim wore.          2012. In 2014, however, he                                           said. “I’m going to miss
wobbly knees that would         ways wanted to do,” he          Managers, players and fel-       threw out a fan in Atlanta                                           opening day.”
need surgery, he’d gotten       said. “That kind of filled out  low umpires often praised        who was heckling Bryce                                               Minnesota manager Paul
quite an eyeful, too.           the checklist.”                 Welke for his even-tem-          Harper in a profane man-                                             Molitor was among those
Reggie and Yaz, Earl Weav-      In all, he called 4,216 games   pered demeanor and abil-         ner.                                                                 Welke said he enjoyed on
er and Billy Martin. Opening    in the regular season — Joe     ity to control a game with-      “You have to treat every-                                            the field. The admiration
day in Australia, the World     West is the active leader in    out letting emotions esca-       body fairly, at every level,”                                        was mutual.
Series at Yankee Stadium.       the majors with about 600       late.                            he said.                                                             “I remember guys that al-
More than 4,200 games in                                                                                                                                              ways gave me an oppor-
the big leagues, spread                                                                                                                                               tunity to voice an opinion
over 33 seasons.                                                                                                                                                      as long as it was respectful
“It went like a snap,” he                                                                                                                                             and they would recipro-
told The Associated Press                                                                                                                                             cate, and he was one of
on Wednesday.                                                                                                                                                         those guys for me. He took
Now at 58, Welke is calling                                                                                                                                           a lot of pride in his job. He
it a career. He had his left                                                                                                                                          wasn’t confrontational,
knee replaced in January,                                                                                                                                             and very professional,” Mo-
his right one will undergo                                                                                                                                            litor said.
the same procedure in                                                                                                                                                 “I wish him well. And it’s
June.                                                                                                                                                                 meaningful because you
“I know my body couldn’t                                                                                                                                              just don’t expect to hear
go any farther. It’s a young                                                                                                                                          that kind of compliment
person’s job,” he said. “It’s                                                                                                                                         from umpires who have to
the circle of life.”                                                                                                                                                  step down from the game,”
Played out on a diamond,                                                                                                                                              he said.
that is.                                                                                                                                                              Not that the future Hall of
Welke worked the World Se-                                                                                                                                            Famer and umpire always
ries four times, including the                                                                                                                                        agreed. q

Renaud Lavillenie attempts pole

vault record at world indoors 

ANNE M. PETERSON                Kendricks, the reigning out-    nies at the Oregon Con-          ed Canadian Shawnacy                                                 France’s Renaud Lavillenie
AP Sports Writer                door national champion          vention Center venue on          Barber, who won the gold                                             clears the bar in the men’s
PORTLAND, Oregon (AP)           who won the U.S. indoor         Thursday night. The meet         medal at the world outdoor                                           pole vault final, Thursday,
— France’s Renaud Lavil-        title last week with a per-     runs through Sunday.             championships in Beijing                                             March 17, 2016, at the World
lenie attempted to break        sonal-best vault of 19-4 ¼      Lavillenie, who won the in-      last year. Barber and Lavil-                                         Indoor Athletics Champion-
his world record in the pole    (5.90), missed at that height   doors in 2012 before going       lenie battled last month in                                          ships in Portland, Ore.
vault, but settled for the      and took the silver medal.      on to win the gold medal         France with Lavillenie com-
gold medal in the event         Poland’s Piotr Lisek took       at the London Olympics           ing out on top. This time,                                                              Associated Press
Thursday night at the world     the bronze, finishing with a    that summer, passed on           Barber finished in fourth.
indoor track and field          vault of 18-10 ¼ (5.75).        five of six heights but hit the  Lavillenie earlier cleared                                           whether Russia can com-
championships.                  World indoor record holder      height to beat Kendricks         the year’s world-best                                                pete in the 2016 Olympics
Lavillenie beat Ameri-          and reigning Olympic gold       and pumped his fists.            height of 19-9 ¼.                                                    in Brazil.
can Sam Kendricks for the       medalist Jenn Suhr made all     His second attempt at the        Women’s outdoor world                                                Australia’s Alana Boyd hurt
championship, successfully      four of her vaults and easily   world record sparked fears       record holder Yelena Isin-                                           her ankle during warmups
clearing 19 feet, 9 inches      cleared a meet record 16-0      when he landed between           bayeva, a two-time gold                                              and was taken to a local
(6.02 meters). He then set      ¾ (4.90) for the gold. Fel-     the pads, but he got up          medalist, was not in the                                             hospital for X-Rays. Pre-
the bar at 20-2 ¾ (6.17) in     low American Sandi Morris       laughing.                        field because the Russian                                            liminary tests indicated
the bid to surpass his own      won the silver and Ekaterini    “It’s not so often that I do     federation is suspended                                              she had a sprained left
record — indoor and out-        Stefanidi of Greece won         something like that. It hap-     from competition because                                             ankle.q
door — of 20-2 ½ inches         the bronze. The men’s and       pens,” he said afterward.        of doping and corruption
(6.16), set in 2014 at an       women’s pole vault was          “Pole vault is very danger-      allegations. The IAAF, the
event in the Ukraine. He        the only competition fol-       ous and intense.”                sport’s governing body, is
missed all three attempts.      lowing opening ceremo-          The men’s field also includ-     expected to decide in May
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