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                                                                                                                  Saturday 19 March 2016

An iPhone-hacking tool likely wouldn’t stay secret for long 

BREE FOWLER                      of the software’s underlying     In this Friday, Sept. 25, 2015 file photo, people wait in front of an Apple store in Munich, Germany
AP Technology Writer             code could allow govern-        before the worldwide launch of the iPhone 6s. Tech and legal experts say if Apple were to create
NEW YORK (AP) — Suppose          ment agents, private com-       the iPhone-hacking software demanded by the FBI, it would have a tough time staying secret, giv-
Apple loses its court fight      panies and hackers across       en the “potentially unlimited” number of people that would likely get a look at its inner workings.
with the FBI and has to pro-     the world to dissect Apple’s
duce a software tool that        methods and incorporate                                                                                                                             Associated Press
would help agents hack           them into their own device-
into an iPhone — specifi-        cracking software. That         The concerns raised by ex-                           Apple’s long history of cor-     U.S. or elsewhere — could
cally, a device used by one      work might also point to        perts mirror those in Apple’s                        porate secrecy suggests it       always compel them to
of the San Bernardino mass       previously unknown vulner-      own court filings, where the                         could keep the tool secure       recreate it.
shooters. Could that tool        abilities in iPhone software    company argues that the                              during development and           ___
really remain secret and         that hackers and spies          tool would be “used re-                              testing, says John Dickson,      TESTING THE TOOL
locked away from poten-          could exploit.                  peatedly and poses grave                             principal at Denim Group,        Apple argues that the tool,
tial misuse?                     Cases in which prosecu-         security risks.”Outside ex-                          a San Antonio, Texas-based       which is essentially a new
Not very likely, according       tors have signaled interest     perts note that nothing                              software security firm. But      version of its iOS phone
to security and legal ex-        in the Apple tool, or one       would prevent other pros-                            after that, “the genie is out    operating software, would
perts, who say a “poten-         like it, continue to pile up.   ecutors from asking Apple                            of the bottle,” he says.         need rigorous testing. That
tially unlimited” number of      In Manhattan, for instance,     to rewrite the tool for the                                                           would include installing it
people could end up get-         the district attorney’s office  phones they want to un-                              Even if the software is de-      on multiple test devices to
ting a close at the tool’s       says it holds 205 encrypted     lock, or hackers from re-                            stroyed after use in the San     ensure it won’t alter data
inner workings. Apple’s          iPhones that neither it nor     verse engineering it for their                       Bernardino case, govern-         on the San Bernardino
tool would have to run a         Apple can currently unlock,     own purposes.                                        ment authorities — in the        iPhone.q
gauntlet of tests and chal-      up from 111 in November.
lenges before any informa-       Such pent-up demand for
tion it helps produce can        the tool spells danger, says
be used in court, exposing       Andrea Matwyshyn, a pro-
the company’s work to ad-        fessor of law and computer
ditional scrutiny by foren-      science at Northeastern
sics experts and defense         University, since its wide-
lawyers — and increasing         spread dissemination pres-
the likelihood of leaks with     ents a clear threat to the
every step.                      security of innocent iPhone
True, the Justice Depart-        users.
ment says it only wants a        “That’s when people get
tool that would only work        uncomfortable with a po-
on the San Bernardino            tentially unlimited number
phone and that would             of people being able to
be useless to anyone who         use this in a potentially un-
steals it without Apple’s        limited number of cases,”
closely guarded digital sig-     Matwyshyn says.
nature.                          ___
But widespread disclosure        THE CREATION PROCESS

Alexa voice software to offer Fitbit progress updates 

ANICK JESDANUN                   In this Monday, Feb. 29, 2016, file photo, Brett Broviak, a manag-                   you need to reach your           keeping things simpler with
AP Technology Writer             er of respiratory and sleep services at IU Health North Hospital,                    goals. Alexa might also add      Alexa because the service
NEW YORK (AP) — Alexa,           shows off his Fitbit fitness tracker for the camera on the hospital’s                some encouraging words,          isn’t tied to your phone. It’s
what can you tell me about       campus in Carmel, Ind.                                                               such as “I believe in you.”      meant to give you a snap-
my health?                                                                                                            In recent weeks, Alexa has       shot as you’re walking by
Starting Thursday, Ama-                                                                             Associated Press  acquired such capabili-          the Echo speaker on the
zon’s voice assistant will tell                                                                                       ties as paying Capital One       way to the kitchen. For ad-
you how well you slept and       weather, movie listings and     Alexa will tell you when                             credit card bills, ordering      vanced tasks, you still need
how much more exercise           sports scores. Fitbit is add-   you fell asleep and for how                          pizza from Domino’s and          your phone app.
you need — at least if you       ing several commands to         long. Ask about your daily                           getting a ride through           To enable the functional-
have a Fitbit fitness tracker    Alexa’s vocabulary.             walks, and Alexa will reply                          Uber. Amazon now has             ity, you need to turn on the
and an Alexa-compatible          Ask about your sleep, and       with how many more miles                             more than 100 third-party        Fitbit “skill” in the Alexa app
device, such as Amazon’s                                                                                              integrations, known as skills.   on your phone.
Echo speaker and Fire TV                                                                                              “You never know what de-         For now, Alexa won’t do
streaming devices.                                                                                                    velopers are going to do,”       much during your workouts,
Alexa —                                                                                                    said Rob Pulciani, director      such as yoga in front of a
Inc.’s answer to Apple’s                                                                                              of Amazon Alexa. “They           TV or a jog on a treadmill at
Siri, Google Now and Mi-                                                                                              have a knack for creating        home.
crosoft’s Cortana — is part                                                                                           experiences that we would        “This is a starting point,” said
of the online retailer’s am-                                                                                          never have thought of.”          Tim Roberts, Fitbit’s execu-
bitions to control your liv-                                                                                          Fitbit already works with        tive vice president for inter-
ing room, as people start                                                                                             Cortana, but not Siri or         active. “We as an industry
embracing a “smart,” au-                                                                                              Google Now. You can do           are still in the early days of
tomated home. You can                                                                                                 more with Cortana, such as       experiencing and under-
already use voice com-                                                                                                using voice commands to          standing voice interactions
mands to ask Alexa for                                                                                                log your food intake. Fitbit is  with technology.”q
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