Page 16 - Aruba Today
P. 16


LOCALSaturday 19 March 2016

Tonight from 8:30pm – 9:30pm:

 Aruba Tourism Authority supports Earth Hour

ORANJESTAD - Every year
since 2008, around the
world, Earth Hour takes
place during the month
of March. It is an event to
raise awareness about cli-
mate change.

  For this reason, on Sat-
urday, March 19, from
8:30pm – 9:30pm, in more
than 160 countries world-
wide, all non-essential lights
are turned off for one hour.
Individuals, shops, and all
businesses in general are
encouraged to support this

Aware of climate change,         Earth Hour originated in    Aruba Community Group
the Aruba Tourism Author-       Sydney, Australia, in 2007.  (EHACG) is a commission
ity is participating by turn-   The following year, there    that educates the Aruban
ing off all lights in their     was a tremendous interna-    community on the impor-
building including those        tional response and ever     tance of sustainable ener-
inside that are usually kept    since, Aruba has also par-   gy through such initiatives
on. ATA supports sustain-       ticipated. The Earth Hour    as Earth Hour.q
able initiatives of this kind
for the sake of future gen-
erations and a sustainable
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