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WORLD NEWSSaturday 19 March 2016

EU, Turkey strike heralded migrant deal but costs are high 

French President Francois Hollande, center right, shakes hands with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet                           tions by humanitarian orga-     refugee crisis, and willfully
Davutoglu, center left, during an EU summit in Brussels on Friday, March 18, 2016. European Union                          nizations. The U.N. refugee     ignore its international obli-
and Turkish leaders celebrated a “historic day” after sealing a widely-criticized pact to send thou-                       agency had already high-        gations”, said John Dalhuis-
sands of asylum-seekers back to Turkey.                                                                                    lighted deficiencies in Tur-    en, Amnesty’s director for
                                                                                                                           key’s asylum system, and        Europe and Central Asia.
                                                                                 (Stephane de Sakutin, Pool Photo via AP)  rights groups expressed         Under the plan, the EU
                                                                                                                           concern about Ankara’s          would pay to send new
L. COOK                       all migrants arriving in the                        momentous occasion.                      media crackdown, rights         migrants arriving in Greece
M. HADJICOSTIS                Greek islands who do not                            “This is a historic day,” a              abuses and its long, bloody     who don’t qualify for asy-
Associated Press              qualify for asylum or whose                         beaming Davutoglu told                   conflict with Kurdish sepa-     lum back to Turkey. This
BRUSSELS (AP) — European      applications are deemed                             reporters. “We today real-               ratists.                        could include tens of thou-
Union and Turkish leaders     “inadmissible” would be re-                         ized that Turkey and the                 But such was Europe’s des-      sands who might otherwise
celebrated a “historic day”   turned to Turkey.                                   EU have the same destiny,                peration that the wealthy       qualify but whose applica-
after sealing a widely-crit-  In exchange, Ankara was                             the same challenges, and                 economic bloc was ready         tions could be declared
icized pact to send thou-     promised fast-track proce-                          the same future.” The ar-                to declare Turkey a “safe       inadmissible because Tur-
sands of asylum-seekers       dures to get billions in aid to                     rival of more than 1 million             country” for asylum-seekers     key’s likely new “safe coun-
back to Turkey — a deal       deal with Syrian refugees,                          migrants over the past year              to be sent to, even though      try” designation means
that will cost millions and   unprecedented visa con-                             has plunged Europe into                  each year at least one of       they should have applied
require the rapid dispatch    cessions for Turks to come                          one of its biggest existential           every five Turkish citizens     for asylum in Turkey rather
of thousands of experts to    to Europe and a re-ener-                            crises, not due to the num-              who apply for asylum is         than trying to reach richer
Greece to undertake the       gizing of its EU membership                         bers as such but rather the              granted it in some Europe-      nations in the European
complicated task of mak-      bid.                                                inability of the 28 member               an countries.                   heartland.
ing the plan a reality.       Turkish Prime Minister Ah-                          states to agree on the best              When asked whether he           For every Syrian returned,
Amid broad smiles and         met Davutoglu, whose                                way to tackle the chal-                  agreed that it was a historic   the EU would accept one
congratulatory slaps on       country is home to almost 3                         lenge and maintain unity.                day, the man who chaired        Syrian refugee from Turkey
the back, the leaders an-     million  Syria  refugees, pro-                      Friday’s agreement was                   the summit, EU Council          to ensure that no more
nounced that as of Sunday,    claimed the agreement a                             met with strenuous objec-                President Donald Tusk, said     people are added to the
                                                                                                                           he wasn’t sure.                 estimated 2.7 million Syr-
                                                                                                                           “I’m not a prophet, but         ians already living in that
                                                                                                                           for today this is one of the    country. To make it all work,
                                                                                                                           most important achieve-         some 4,000 people would
                                                                                                                           ments that we could have        have to be deployed, in-
                                                                                                                           expected,” Tusk said.           cluding border guards, mi-
                                                                                                                           For rights group Amnesty        gration officers, translators
                                                                                                                           International, European         and other staff, at a cost
                                                                                                                           promises that the pact          of 300 million euros ($340
                                                                                                                           would respect internation-      million) in just the first six
                                                                                                                           al law “appear suspiciously     months, according to the
                                                                                                                           like sugar-coating the cya-     EU’s executive commission.
                                                                                                                           nide pill that refugee pro-     Greece would also de-
                                                                                                                           tection in Europe has just      ploy monitors to the Turkish
                                                                                                                           been forced to swallow.”        coast, just five miles (nine
                                                                                                                           “The ‘double-speak’ this        kilometers) from the Greek
                                                                                                                           deal is cloaked in fails to     island of Lesbos, a major
                                                                                                                           hide the European Union’s       entry point over the last
                                                                                                                           dogged determination to         year for people seeking
                                                                                                                           turn its back on a global       sanctuary or jobs in Europe.

Shiite cleric takes lead role in Iraq’s protest movement 

Followers of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr hold a protest in Basra,               BAGHDAD (AP) — Thou-                     accountability by officials     barbed wire and surged
Iraq, Friday, March 18, 2016. Elsewhere, thousands pushed past                    sands of supporters of an                in power. Though al-Sadr        over a bridge on the Tigris
security forces and checkpoints to move closer to Baghdad’s                       influential Iraqi Shiite cleric          was not out on the streets,     to reach the outer walls of
Green Zone, a fortified complex that is home to the country’s                     took to Baghdad streets                  living in the southern holy     the Green Zone, the forti-
political elite as well as most of the city’s foreign embassies.                  on Friday following his de-              city of Najaf, the firebrand    fied complex home to the
                                                                                  mands for government                     cleric appears to have suc-     country’s political elite,
                                                      (AP Photo/Nabil al-Jurani)  reforms, pushing through                 cessfully taken over the        foreign embassies and the
                                                                                  security checkpoints and                 protest movement, sidelin-      government headquarters
                                                                                  surging over a bridge on                 ing secular reformists for      and which al-Sadr has la-
                                                                                  the Tigris River to set up               increasingly sectarian poli-    belled a “bastion of sup-
                                                                                  a sit-in outside the Green               tics. “Yes, yes, our leader is  port for corruption.”
                                                                                  Zone, the heavily secured                al-Sadr,” chanted the pro-      Just over six months ago
                                                                                  government compound.                     testers outside the walls of    similarly large crowds of
                                                                                  The demonstrations cata-                 the Green Zone where they       impassioned Iraqis were
                                                                                  pulted Muqtada al-Sadr to                set up camp. As night fell,     also calling for an end to
                                                                                  the forefront of what only               Iraqi police did not move       corruption and greater ac-
                                                                                  six months ago was an im-                against the protesters or try   countability, but with very
                                                                                  passioned — albeit mostly                to dismantle their encamp-      different language, ap-
                                                                                  secular — movement de-                   ment. Earlier Friday, the       pealing to the country’s na-
                                                                                  manding reforms, an end                  protesters pushed through       tionalistic sentiments rather
                                                                                  to corruption and greater                security lines, cut coils of    than specific leaders.
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