Page 9 - Aruba Today
P. 9

                                                                                                                    Saturday 19 March 2016

Syrian troops push toward Palmyra, with Russian support 

BASSEM MROUE                     doubts, saying the Rus-
Associated Press                 sians have conducted no
BEIRUT (AP) — Backed
by Russian aircraft, Syrian      airstrikes in the last several
troops pushed Friday to-
ward the historic central        days but that the Syrian re-
town of Palmyra in an of-
fensive to recapture it from     gime has done so.
the Islamic State group
whose fighters have dam-         U.S. Air Force Col. Pat Ry-
aged some of the world’s
most precious archaeolog-        der said the U.S. military has
ical sites since they overran
the town last May.               seen the Russians launch-
After night fell, Syria’s state
news agency SANA re-             ing artillery strikes instead.
ported that the offensive
advanced toward Pal-             “We assess that those
myra and that scores of IS
fighters have been killed        strikes near Palmyra and
or wounded in Syrian artil-
lery fire near the town. The     elsewhere were from Rus-
reports gave no casualty
numbers or other details.        sian artillery,” Ryder said.
Activists who monitor the
Syrian conflict reported in-     “They (Russians) still have
tense airstrikes in Palmyra
and its suburbs. In Moscow,      helicopters and some
a Russian Defense Ministry
official confirmed his coun-     transport aircraft, but what
try’s warplanes in Syria
were flying in support of the    we’ve seen is that the ma-
Syrian offensive.
Lt. Gen. Sergei Rudskoi said     jority of Russian strike air-
Russian aircraft were con-
ducting 20-25 sorties a day      craft have left Syria.”
in support of the Palmyra
offensive,                       If the Syrian army and its al-
even though Russia this
week drew down its mili-         lies capture Palmyra,
tary presence in Syria after
President Vladimir Putin or-     in the central province of      Russian air force pilots, assisted by ground crew, climb into their fighter jet at Hemeimeem air-
dered a partial pullout of                                       base, Syria. Backed by Russian aircraft, Syrian troops pushed Friday toward the historic central
Russian aircraft and forces      Homs, it would be a major       town of Palmyra in an offensive to recapture it from the Islamic State group
from Syria, in support of the
Geneva peace talks.              victory against IS militants                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Vladimir Isachenkov)
The U.N.-brokered talks be-
tween representatives of         in Syria.
the Syrian government and
the Western-backed op-           “If the regime keeps the
position adjourned for the
weekend after five days of       current momentum of its
proximity discussions.
Though Rudskoi’s state-          offensive, they can take
ments indicated that Rus-
sian aircraft supporting the     Palmyra within days,” said
Palmyra offensive were
carrying out airstrikes, U.S.    Turkey-based activist Osa-
military officials raised
                                 ma al-Khatib,

                                 who is originally from Pal-

                                 myra. IS has built strong

                                 defenses in the town, in-

                                 cluding trenches around

                                 it, taking advantage of

                                 sandstorm earlier this week

                                 to launch counter attacks,

                                 said al-Khatib, speaking

                                 over the phone.

                                 He said Syrian government

                                 forces were now about 10

                                 kilometers (six miles) from

                                 the town.

                                 According to two activist

                                 groups, the Britain-based

                                 Syrian Observatory for Hu-

                                 man Rights and the Local

                                 Coordination Committees,

                                 warplanes      conducted

                                 more than a dozen air-

                                 strikes since Friday morn-

                                 ing. The Observatory said

                                 troops were slowly advanc-

                                 ing toward Palmyra, add-

                                 ing that both sides were

                                 bringing in reinforcements.

                                 It said there were casual-

                                 ties on both sides but did

                                 not give any figures.
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