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WORLD NEWSSaturday 19 March 2016
Britain declares victory in the EU tampon tax battle 

LONDON (AP) — Tampons             in national affairs.            to zero, boasting: “We’ve                                      on sanitary products at the     Robert Oxley, spokesman
are the latest battleground       Campaigners say tam-            achieved what no British                                       lowest possible level, 5 per-   for U.K. campaign group
in Britain’s difficult relation-  pons should not be sub-         government has even tried                                      cent. Many EU countries         Vote Leave, said Friday
ship with the European            ject to sales tax since other   to achieve.”                                                   impose a tax of about 20        that the rule changes could
Union. The British govern-        products considered to          Under the bloc’s rules, all                                    percent on tampons and          take years to implement.
ment has declared victory         be essentials are exempt,       28 member states have to                                       sanitary pads.                  He said the bloc had only
in its bid to remove an EU-       including food, children’s      agree for a product to be                                      In a statement released         conceded because of Brit-
imposed sales tax on wom-         clothing, books and news-       exempted from goods and                                        Thursday, EU leaders said       ain’s looming June 23 vote
en’s sanitary products. But       papers. British Treasury        services tax, though indi-                                     they supported a proposed       on EU membership.
opponents of U.K. member-         chief George Osborne said       vidual countries can vary                                      change allowing member          “Do we need to have a
ship in the 28-nation bloc        that EU leaders meeting         the rate on some items,                                        states to apply a sales tax     referendum every time
say the tax is a prime ex-        in Brussels have agreed to      including tampons. Since                                       “zero rating? for sanitary      we need to change a tax
ample of Brussels meddling        let Britain cut the tax rate    2000, Britain has set the tax                                  products.”                      rate?” he said.

Paris gets sausages and steaks 24/7 from vending machine 

Residents watch the first meat vending machine installed in the French capital, in Paris, Tuesday,                               that didn’t deter the own-      A majority of shops re-
March 15, 2016. With their beloved baguette already available 24 hours a day, it seems only logi-                                ers of one of those shops,      main closed on Sundays
cal that Parisians can now get the Bayonne ham and Basque pate that goes so well with it from                                    Florence and Michel Pou-        in France, but the Pouzols
the first meat vending machine installed in the French capital.                                                                  zol of “L’ami Txulette,”        are confident that France
                                                                                                                                 from investing 40,000 eu-       is changing fast and so are
                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)  ros ($45,000) to set up their   their customers’ habits.
                                                                                                                                 project, selling vacuum-        “Our customers are young.
S. PETREQUIN                      pate that goes so well with     the French “art de vivre,”                                     packed meat from the re-        There are also quite a few
Associated Press                  the bread from the first        the gleaming red machine                                       frigerated machine.             bars and restaurants along
PARIS (AP) — With their be-       meat vending machine in-        set up on the lively Rue de                                    “We’re closed two days:         the boulevard,” Florence
loved baguette already            stalled in the French capi-     Charonne in eastern Paris                                      Sundays and Mondays,”           Pouzol said. “When we see
available 24 hours a day,         tal.                            seems a bit incongruous.                                       Florence Pouzol told The        them during the day, they
it seems only logical that        In a city filled with small     The area has at least two                                      Associated Press. “So this is   tell us: “Last night, I bought
Parisians can now get the         shops where long lunches        dozen butcher’s shops and                                      to cater for customers over     this, or that, and it was re-
Bayonne ham and Basque            remain a crucial part of        no shortage of meat, but                                       the weekend. ... The idea       ally helpful.” We also have
                                                                                                                                 was also to serve people        those who work in the ca-
                                                                                                                                 after the shop’s closing        fes and restaurants and
                                                                                                                                 hours. We close at 8 p.m.       who come off work at 2
                                                                                                                                 but some people leave           a.m. They tell us they were
                                                                                                                                 work very late and find the     happy to buy an entrecote
                                                                                                                                 shop closed when they           or something else to eat.”
                                                                                                                                 walk past it.”                  But not all residents, espe-
                                                                                                                                 L’ami Txulette specializes in   cially the older ones, seem
                                                                                                                                 products from the Basque        ready to stop running er-
                                                                                                                                 Country. From their ma-         rands at their favorite shop
                                                                                                                                 chine, which takes cash         and switch to the meat dis-
                                                                                                                                 or credit cards, customers      penser.
                                                                                                                                 can also get a large choice     “I’m so happy that I can
                                                                                                                                 of traditional delicatessen     actually go to the butcher’s
                                                                                                                                 including duck confit and       shop now that I’m retired
                                                                                                                                 beef carpaccio. There are       and go there in person”,
                                                                                                                                 also faux-filet steaks on dis-  said local resident Lydie
                                                                                                                                 play, priced at 34 euros per    Aparacio. “I think that it
                                                                                                                                 kilogram. On average, the       can be useful for people
                                                                                                                                 products are 20 euro cents      who are  busier  than a re-
                                                                                                                                 more expensive than those       tiree. I don’t use it because
                                                                                                                                 sold inside the shop.           I have time.”

Storied Czech glass blowing industry embraces reinvention 

KAREL JANICEK                     sis, losing some 13,000 jobs    putting a greater focus on                                     — Ross Lovegrove, Nendo         controlled through a smart-
Associated Press                  between 2007 and 2010, to       contemporary design and                                        Studios in Japan, Michael       phone app. Others have
PRAGUE (AP) — The Czech           about 18,500 last year.         high technology to give                                        Young, and Daniel Libes-        moving parts that change
glass making industry, with       But things are brightening      Czech crystal products a                                       kind.                           the shape of the sculpture
a history dating to the 12th      again. Revenues have re-        more modern edge.                                              “Those artists helped us set    as people approach.
century, is embracing new         covered from a crisis-low of    One such company is Las-                                       a certain trend and put us      Among its biggest cre-
technologies and market-          32.01 billion koruna ($1.29     vit, which was started in                                      on the map,” Vice Presi-        ations, Lasvit delivered a
ing strategies to help it         billion) in 2010 to 41.08 bil-  2007 with four employees                                       dent Ales Styblo said in a      12 metric ton installation for
rebound from the recent           lion koruna in 2014, accord-    and now has a payroll                                          recent interview. Revenues      the Etihad Towers in Abu
years’ global economic            ing to the industry asso-       of 330. Based in northern                                      of about 1 billion koruna       Dhabi made of thousands
downturn.                         ciation. Some companies         Czech Republic, in the                                         ($40 million) last year are     handcrafted crystal and
The sector, which makes ev-       take pride in sticking with     heartland of the glass mak-                                    forecast to almost double       hand-blown glass pieces. It
erything from luxury glasses      traditional glass blowing       ing industry, its aim has                                      to $70 million by 2018.         also created a sculpture for
and sculptures to the Tour        techniques that have not        been to differentiate itself                                   Beyond traditional glass        the Peninsula hotel in Paris,
de France trophy, suffered        changed much since the          by cooperating with fa-                                        blowing, the company cre-       made of 800 hand-blown
badly from the global cri-        Middle Ages, but others are     mous designers and artists                                     ates sculptures that can be     glass sycamore leaves.
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