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 PEOPLE & ARTSSaturday 19 March 2016

Taylor Swift makes surprise appearance at Nashville hospital 

KRISTIN M. HALL              Seacrest Studio built at the
Associated Press             hospital.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) —      She told the crowd that
Pop star Taylor Swift made   she visited one of the now
a surprise appearance at     10 studios that Seacrest’s
a Nashville, Tennessee,      foundation had built at
children’s hospital to help  children’s hospitals across
“American Idol” host Ryan    the country and wanted
Seacrest open a broad-       to be involved when he
cast studio for patients.    opened the latest one in
Swift on Friday met with     Music City.
children at Monroe Carell    “What I saw when I went
Jr. Children’s Hospital at   there was an opportunity
Vanderbilt University Medi-  for the kids to find excite-
cal Center following the     ment and to express their
ribbon cutting on the new    creativity and to learn

                                                           Television personality and producer Ryan Seacrest, foreground left, and singer Taylor Swift, center,
                                                           join young patients at a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Seacrest Studio, Friday, March 18,
                                                           2016, at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tenn. The fully functioning
                                                           studio allows patients to record, do interviews, play songs and broadcast to the rooms in the

                                                                                                                                                                               Associated Press

                                                           about what it is to cre-        has visited the children at    songs.
                                                           ate content, whether you        the Nashville facility be-     Seacrest said he hears
                                                           would like to make your         fore and the studio gives      back from patients all over
                                                           own radio show or whether       the city’s many singers        the country who have felt
                                                           you want to record,” Swift      and songwriters a place        inspired by the studios.
                                                           said.                           to reach all the children at   “I get the coolest letters
                                                            “It was so exciting to see     the hospital.                  and emails from parents
                                                           the excitement that it          “Can you imagine the art-      and kids talking about how
                                                           brought to this one hospi-      ists and the songwriters and   they want to be a tech
                                                           tal.”                           the  entertainers  who are     engineer or they want to
                                                           It wasn’t the first time that   going to be stopping by        be a deejay or they re-
                                                           Swift made a surprise visit     the hospital?” she said.       ally want to be in music in
                                                           to a children’s hospital: She   The fully functioning stu-     some capacity,” Seacrest
                                                           previously visited others, in-  dio lets children learn how    said. “And this gives them a
                                                           cluding Hasbro Children’s       to record, do interviews,      chance to technically learn
                                                           Hospital in Providence,         broadcast to the rooms         how to do all of it too.”
                                                           Rhode Island. She said she      in the hospital and play

                                                           Jury awards Hulk Hogan $115 million in
                                                           Gawker sex tape suit

                                                           TAMARA LUSH                     a video of him having sex      determined during trial
                                                           Associated Press                with his former best friend’s  who leaked the video to
                                                           ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP)       wife. Hogan contended          the media.
                                                           — A jury sided with ex-pro      the 2012 post violated his     Hogan didn’t ask for any
                                                           wrestler Hulk Hogan on          privacy.                       of this to happen, lawyer
                                                           Friday and awarded him          Hogan’s attorneys told ju-     Kenneth Turkel said, add-
                                                           $115 million in his sex tape    rors this is the core of the   ing that Bollea, the private
                                                           lawsuit against Gawker          case: “Gawker took a se-       man, expected privacy
                                                           Media.                          cretly recorded sex tape       during an intimate mo-
                                                           The jurors reached the de-      and put it on the Internet.”   ment. Much was made
                                                           cision Friday evening, less     They said Hogan didn’t         during the trial of Hogan’s
                                                           than six hours after they be-   consent to the video, that     celebrity persona versus
                                                           gan deliberations. The trial    Gawker didn’t follow usual     Bollea’s privacy.
                                                           lasted two weeks.               journalism procedures be-      “I want you to imagine the
                                                           Earlier Friday, in spirited     fore posting it and that the   fact that for 35 plus years
                                                           closing arguments, lawyers      video wasn’t newsworthy.       he is essentially an actor,
                                                           for Hogan and Gawker dis-       Gawker did not try to con-     an entertainer, who has
                                                           cussed themes of personal       tact Bollea or the woman       played the same role,” said
                                                           life versus celebrity, and      in the video, and nor did      Turkel. He said Hogan “has
                                                           freedom of speech versus        the website contact the        every right, every right, to
                                                           the right to privacy.           woman’s husband, DJ Bub-       keep whatever precious
                                                           Hogan, whose given name         ba The Love Sponge Clem,       private moments in his life,
                                                           is Terry Bollea, sued Gawker    who recorded the video.        which for this gentlemen
                                                           for $100 million for posting    It was never conclusively      are very few.”
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