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                                                                                                                                                                   Saturday 19 March 2016

For virtual reality creators, motion sickness a real issue 

DERRIK J. LANG                   In this Jan. 6, 2016 file photo, Peijun Guo wears the Oculus Rift VR                 past asteroids, missiles and     GDC speech about the
AP Entertainment Writer         headset at the Oculus booth at CES International in Las Vegas.                        ships.                           effects of VR on the brain
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — If         PlayStation VR’s debut will follow the respective launches of the                     Other designers are at-          that more academic re-
the controls and move-          Oculus Rift and HTC Vive consumer versions.                                           tempting to tackle the           search about VR should be
ment in a traditional video                                                                                           problem by limiting move-        conducted.
game aren’t natural, it’s                                                                           Associated Press  ment in virtual worlds and       “We really need to look
merely annoying to play-                                                                                              not inundating players with      hard at the effects of long-
ers. For designers of virtual   tive entertainment appear-      Petursson, CEO of CCP                                 head-spinning stimuli.           term exposure to VR, the
reality experiences, the        ing on flat screens in front    Games, which is devel-                                “If you have something           psychological effects and
same mistake could make         of gamers, not completely       oping several VR games,                               for your brain to fixate on      what we can say about
users sick.                     encasing them.                  including the sci-fi dog-                             as the thing that matches        the power of our VR ex-
With the release of a trio of   Despite the advancements        fighting simulator “EVE:                              similar inputs you’re given      periences,” said Voll, who
high-definition headsets on     made in VR over the past        Valkyrie.” ‘’We want super                            when sitting in the real         has studied computer and
the horizon, many VR afi-       four years, there’s still con-  comfort all the way.”                                 world, you’re going to be        cognitive science.
cionados in attendance at       cern the immersivetech-         Petursson said the devel-                             feeling a lot better,” said      With hype for VR at an all-
this week’s Game Devel-         nology  may force players       opers of “Valkyrie” opted                             Palmer Luckey, co-founder        time high and pre-orders
opers Conference in San         to lose more than a battle      to surround seated play-                              of Oculus, which ignited         for the Rift and HTC Vive
Francisco are confronting       with an alien. They could       ers with a virtual cockpit to                         the latest VR revolution in      sold out, it’s no longer a
that issue head on.             also lose their lunch.          ground and shelter them                               2012.                            question of if consumers
The low-latency headsets        “It’s been a huge focus of      from the effects of appear-                           Oculus and Sony both post-       will want to experience VR.
from Oculus, HTC and Sony       development,” said Hilmar       ing to whiz through space                             ed health and safety warn-       They do. It’s now becom-
are intended to right the                                                                                             ings outside their booths on     ing a matter of how long
nausea-inducing wrongs of                                                                                             the GDC show floor, cau-         it’s safe to keep it on their
their VR predecessors from                                                                                            tioning attendees trying         noggins.
20 years ago, but many us-                                                                                            the Rift and PlayStation VR      Would two hours in VR be
ers still report feeling woozy                                                                                        that they may feel motion        too much?
after using souped-up sys-                                                                                            sickness, nausea, disorien-      “With the current  technol-
tems, such as the Oculus                                                                                              tation and blurred vision.       ogy, it’s iffy,” said Luck-
Rift.                                                                                                                 Those effects were felt by       ey. “It’s all  technologi-
“The challenge is that peo-                                                                                           many attendees.                  cally  solvable. It’s not like
ple’s sensitivity to motion                                                                                           “After a morning’s worth         we’re saying, ‘Oh no. We
and simulator sickness var-                                                                                           of different Rift games, I       can’t get any better. This
ies wildly,” said Evan Suma,                                                                                          felt disorientated, a touch      is a dead end.’ We have
an assistant professor who                                                                                            nauseous and distinctly          tons of ways to make this
studies VR at the University                                                                                          headachey,” wrote Keza           higher resolution, lighter
of Southern California, dur-                                                                                          MacDonald on the gam-            weight and more comfort-
ing a talk at the 30th an-                                                                                            ing site Kotaku. “After five     able. Eventually, the goal is
nual gathering of game                                                                                                hours, I felt like I needed a    to make something that’s
creators.                                                                                                             lie-down in a dark room.”        not much heavier than a
It’s a unique design chal-                                                                                            Kimberly Voll, senior tech-      pair of sunglasses.”
lenge for game makers ac-                                                                                             nical designer at Radial         For many who’ve tried VR,
custom to crafting interac-                                                                                           Games, noted during her          it’s not an issue at all.

‘Divergent’ author anxious to meet fans at BookCon in May 

HILLEL ITALIE                   In this March 14, 2016 file photo, author Veronica Roth attends                       nual convention and trade        giant,” the third of four
AP National Writer              the premiere of “Allegiant” in New York.                                              show. Thousands of young         planned adaptations of
NEW YORK (AP) — “Diver-                                                                                               people attended BookCon          her million-selling “Diver-
gent” author Veronica                                                                               Associated Press  in 2014 and 2015 when the        gent” trilogy, comes out
Roth won’t have to travel                                                                                             event was held in New            Friday and again stars
far to attend this year’s       email interview, adding         As in previous years, Book-                           York, and Roth said she          Shailene Woodley. Roth’s
BookCon.                        that it’s “doubtful” anyone     Con immediately follows                               was excited to meet some         next series, currently un-
Roth is a native of Chica-      will move “but a person         BookExpo America, the                                 of her fans.                     titled, is expected to debut
go, the setting for the third   can dream!”                     publishing industry’s an-                             “For me, it’s important to       early next year.
annual fan-based, pop-                                                                                                connect with the people          “The story is set in space,
culture publishing event,                                                                                             who are reading my books,        and it’s about a young
thebook  world’s version of                                                                                           particularly the younger         man named Akos who,
Comic-Con. BookCon will                                                                                               ones,” she wrote in an           along with his brother, is kid-
be held May 14 at McCor-                                                                                              email. “It reminds me why        napped and taken into an
mick Place, with featured                                                                                             it’s important to write stories  enemy country,” explained
speakers also including                                                                                               for them, and about them.        Roth, who last year told the
Samantha Bee, Sherman                                                                                                 They are wonderfully com-        AP the new bookswould be
Alexie and Richelle Mead.                                                                                             plex, enthusiastic people,       in “the vein of ‘Star Wars.’”
“I’m fierce in my love for                                                                                            and what they share with         “While he’s there, the dic-
Chicago, and it’s a great                                                                                             me in person — whether           tator of that country threat-
place for  books, so hope-                                                                                            it’s just their excitement, or   ens his brother’s life, and
fully my author peers are                                                                                             something more personal          Akos has to work with an
seduced by its wonderful-                                                                                             — is an essential part of        enemy to save him. I’m still
ness and decide to move                                                                                               what makes writing mean-         working on it, but getting
here,” she told The Associ-                                                                                           ingful to me.”                   pretty antsy for people to
ated Press during a recent                                                                                            The film version of “Alle-       read it!”
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