Page 13 - aruba-today-20200922
P. 13
More young bears, less food send them HEALTH
to Juneau's garbage DOCTOR ON DUTY
that about 1,500 of 8,000 Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
residential customers have Tel. 527 4000
bear-resistant trash cans, San Nicolas
which automatically un- Imsan 24 hours
load when turned upside Tel.524 8833
down by a garbage truck Women in Difficulties
lift. "None of them are bear- PHARMACY ON DUTY
proof," Brown said.
There is a waiting list of 100 Oranjestad:
Eagle Tel. 587 9011
customers for the newest, San Nicolas:
bear-resistant trash cans, Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
and 350 have been or- Women in Difficulties
dered, Brown said. OTHER
"This year is the worst it's Dental Clinic 587 9850
been in years," Brown said. Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
"It's just hard to say what Urgent Care 586 0448
number is enough."q Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
In this Oct. 4, 2018, file photo, a black bear saunters across a busy street in downtown Juneau, +297 588 0539
Alaska. Women in Difficulties
Associated Press EMERGENCY
Police 100
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — A Those young bears have to Fish and Game and the Oranjestad 527 3140
larger than normal number recently been kicked out Juneau Police Department, Noord 527 3200
of young bears and dwin- by their mothers and need double the number for the Sta. Cruz 527 2900
dling natural food supply to fend for themselves, same period last year. San Nicolas 584 5000
for them are forcing the an- but are still inexperienced, The calls involved 13 dif- Police Tipline 11141
imals to head for Juneau's McAllister said. ferent bears. Four were Ambulancia 911
Fire Dept.
garbage with unusual fre- "They're kind of like a teen- moved away from the city Red Cross 582 2219
quency, a wildlife official ager on their own for the and nine were killed be-
said. first time just trying to figure cause they posed threats TAXI SERVICES
A poor berry crop and out things," she said. "They to life or property. Taxi Tas 587 5900
lackluster salmon runs this make a lot of mistakes Loren Brown, Juneau site Prof. Taxi 588 0035
year mean more bears are along the way." manager for garbage util- Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
looking for food among the There have been 687 bear- ity Alaska Waste, told Ju- Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
A1 Taxi Serv.
280 2828
city's trash, KTOO Public related calls so far this year neau Assembly members
Media in Juneau reported. Women in Difficulties
Conditions have made Time Share Resales + Realty
bears desperate to fatten Own or Rent a piece of the Rock Aruba Airport 524 2424
themselves before they hi- American Airlines 582 2700
bernate for the winter, the For up to 70 % Off stay @5 Star Resort Avianca 588 0059
Alaska Department of Fish * All inventory available Jet Blue 588 2244
and Game said. Visit our website : Surinam 582 7896
Abby McAllister, a wildlife Women in Difficulties
For more info call:(297) 630-1307
education and outreach For more info call: AID FOUNDATIONS
specialist with the agen- FAVI- Visually Impaired
cy, said more bears are also visit(new): Tel. 582 5051
competing for the smaller Alcoholics Anonymous
amount of available food. Tel. 736 2952
A better berry crop and Narcotics Anonymous
decent fish runs last year Tel. 583 8989
meant more new cubs sur- Women in Difficulties
vived the winter. Tel. 583 5400
Centre for Diabetes
FOR SALE Tel. 524 8888
1) Phoenix, week 34, 8/22 to Child Abuse Prevention
8/29, room 107 (16 weeks left Tel. 582 4433
on contract) Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
2) Divi Dutch Village, 7/4 to General Info
7/11, week 27, unit 13 ( 16
weeks left on contract) Phone Directory Tel. 118
3) Divi Dutch Village, week
35, unit 128 (18 weeks left on
4) Divi Golf, week 35, unit 4201,
(26 weeks left on contract)
Price $3,100.00 for each unit
plus $95 admin fee and buyer
pays all transfer fees ($400)