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            Aruban stars with Down syndrome on giant

            screens Time Square Gardens New York

                                                                      ple  with  Down  syndrome,”
                                                                      Geerman  said  to  cultura-
                                                                      ruba.  Originally,  the  foun-
                                                                      dation operated under the
                                                                      name  Ban  Papia,,  which
                                                                      means  ‘Let’s  Talk’,  until  an
                                                                      influential trip to Denver to
                                                                      attend  Global  Down  Syn-
                                                                      drome  Foundation’s  2015
                                                                      Be  Beautiful  Be  Yourself
                                                                      Fashion  Show,  where  his
                                                                      son  Shawndré  modeled.
                                                                      The  visit  proved  so  inspira-
                                                                      tional  that  Hans  decided
                                                                      to  bring  that  experience
                                                                      back  to  the  island.  “After
            ORANJESTAD/NEW       YORK  cial  need  children  in  our   the  event,  we  returned  to
            —  The  month  of  October  society.  Shawndre  Geer-     Aruba  and  sponsored  the
            is  Down  Syndrome  Aware-   man  and  Regina  Janga      first  Aruba  fashion  show
            ness Month where we cel-     of Aruba had the privilege
            ebrate  Down  syndrome  to  be  featured  on  the  gi-    as  Fundación  Sea  Bunita
                                                                      Sea  Bo  Mes  (Be  Beautiful
            and  let  everyone  know  ant screens of Time Square      Be  Yourself  Foundation),”
            their abilities and that they  Gardens,  which  featured   he said. “The show starred
            are capable of doing any-    over  500  children  and
            thing  they  set  their  minds  young adults.             members of our communi-
                                                                      ty with Down syndrome as
            to. To kick off the Down syn-  Since 2013, Hans Geerman,
            drome  awareness  month,  President  and  Director  of    models  and  local  business
                                                                      and media personalities as
            the  National  Down  Syn-    the  Fundación  Sea  Bunita
            drome Society (NDSS) held  Sea  Bo  Mes,  meaning  ‘Be    their escorts. The event was  ry the codes responsible for  United States each year.
                                                                                                   all of our inherited traits and
                                                                      a  sellout,  and  the  feed-
            the  event  Times  Square  beautiful,  Be  Yourself’,  has   back has been positive be-  are grouped along rod-like  NDSS Inclusive Education
            Video Presentation on Sun-   been working on Aruba to     yond what we could hope  structures  called  chromo-      NDSS  advocates  for  edu-
            day, September 20th, 2020.  change  the  way  people      it would be”, as he said in  somes. Typically, the nucle-  cation  laws  and  policies
            Two Arubans are starring in  see  individuals  with  Down   an  interview  with  cultura-  us of each cell contains 23  that  uphold  the  rights  of
            this event.                  syndrome.  “We  started  or-                              pairs of chromosomes, half  individuals  with  Down  syn-
                                         ganizing different events to   ruba.                      of which are inherited from  drome  to  receive  a  free
            The  purpose  of  the  video  make the Aruban commu-      National  Down  Syndrome  each  parent.  Down  syn-       and  appropriate  public
            is to promote acceptance  nity more aware of integra-     Society                      drome occurs when an in-     education  in  the  least  re-
            and inclusion of these spe-  tion  and  inclusion  for  peo-
                                                                      The  NDSS  is  the  leading  dividual has a full or partial  strictive  setting,  promote
                                                                      human     rights   organiza-  extra copy of chromosome  principles  and  practices
                                                                      tion  for  all  individuals  with  21.  This  additional  genetic  designed  to  improve  edu-
                                                                      Down syndrome. NDSS was  material  alters  the  course  cational  outcomes  for  stu-
                                                                      founded  1979  by  Barton  of     development      and  dents with Down syndrome,
                                                                      and  Betsy  Goodwin  when  causes  the  characteristics  protect the safety and dig-
                                                                      they  found  out  that  their  associated with Down syn-  nity  of  students  with  Down
                                                                      daughter  Carson  Good-      drome. A few of the com-     syndrome and support the
                                                                      win  who  was  born  to  in  mon physical traits of Down  development of high quali-
                                                                      1978, had Down syndrome.  syndrome  are  low  muscle  ty postsecondary programs
                                                                      The  Goodwins  dedicated  tone,  small  stature,  an  up-  for students with intellectu-
                                                                      themselves to gathering as  ward slant to the eyes, and  al disabilities.
                                                                      much  information  as  pos-  a single deep crease across
                                                                      sible  and  creating  oppor-  the center of the palm – al-  NDSS’ Health and Wellness
                                                                      tunities  for Carson to grow  though  each  person  with  Program  is  dedicated  to
                                                                      and  learn  like  any  other  Down syndrome is a unique  HEALTH, the most important
                                                                      child. They soon discovered  individual and may possess  and critical human right.
                                                                      that support and resources  these characteristics to dif-  Health  and  Wellness  in-
                                                                      available  to  parents  of  a  ferent degrees, or not at all.  cludes their National Buddy
                                                                      child  with  Down  syndrome                               Walk Program, the premier
                                                                      were very limited. Betsy be-  How common is Down Syn-     advocacy event for Down
                                                                      gan collaborating with her  drome?                        syndrome  in  the  United
                                                                      close  friend,  Arden  Moult-  According  to  the  Centers  States and the world’s most
                                                                      on, and in 1979 the Nation-  for  Disease  Control  and  widely  recognized  public
                                                                      al Down Syndrome Society  Prevention,  approximately  awareness program for the
                                                                      (NDSS) gained official non-  one in every 700 babies in  Down  syndrome  commu-
                                                                      profit status.               the  United  States  is  born  nity,  the  Athlete  Ambassa-
                                                                                                   with Down syndrome, mak-     dor  Program  and  Charity
                                                                      What is Down Syndrome?       ing  Down  syndrome  the  Racing Teams, and Healthy
                                                                      In every cell  in the human  most  common  chromo-        Community  Programs  in-
                                                                      body  there  is  a  nucleus,  somal  condition.  About  cluding  Racing  for  3.21
                                                                      where  genetic  material  is  6,000  babies  with  Down  on  World  Down  Syndrome
                                                                      stored in genes. Genes car-  syndrome  are  born  in  the  Day.q
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