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Ex-UK PM May slams Johnson's bid to break international law
By JILL LAWLESS will take legal action if the
Associated Press U.K. does not drop the law-
LONDON (AP) — The British breaking provisions by the
government on Monday end of September.
won over some domes- Northern Ireland has spe-
tic political opponents of cial status in the withdraw-
its plan to breach part of al agreement because it
the Brexit divorce deal it is the only part of the U.K.
agreed upon with the Eu- that shares a land border
ropean Union — but not with an EU country.
former Prime Minister The- Johnson's move to break
resa May, who warned that parts of the EU divorce deal
the move would do "untold relating to Northern Ireland
damage" to the U.K. has triggered fears it could
Prime Minister Boris John- undermine the 1998 Good
son's Conservative admin- Friday peace accord that
istration has sparked anger ended decades of vio-
from the EU and unease lence between Irish nation-
from many British lawmak- alists and British unionists.
ers with legislation that Britain and the EU jointly
gives his government the In this Monday, Feb. 17, 2020 file photo, former British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks at the promised in the Brexit di-
power to override part of Global Women's Forum in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. vorce agreement to ensure
the legally binding Brexit Associated Press there are no customs posts
withdrawal agreement re- or other obstacles on the
lating to Northern Ireland. the bill to give lawmakers thought for the long-term that makes us great. It is Northern Ireland-Ireland
The government says the In- a vote before the override impact on the standing of one of our characteristics. border. The open border is
ternal Market Bill is an insur- powers can be used. That the United Kingdom in the … Yet we're being asked to key to the stability that un-
ance policy to guarantee was enough for some Con- world." tear up that principle and derpins the peace settle-
goods can flow freely to servatives who had previ- May struck a divorce deal throw away that value." ment.
all parts of the U.K. in case ously opposed the bill but with the EU in 2018 after Referring to one of John- The British government in-
Britain and the EU fail to said they would now vote two years of painstaking son's catchphrases, she sists it is committed to up-
reach a trade agreement for it. negotiations. She resigned said: "So much for Global holding the EU withdrawal
and the bloc tries to disrupt But May, who was the coun- last year after repeatedly Britain." agreement and the peace
trade between Northern try's Conservative prime failing to get Parliament to Johnson's government accord. But many, includ-
Ireland and the rest of the minister between 2016 approve it. hopes to shepherd the ing May, have warned that
country. and 2019, said the govern- "This is a country that up- bill through Parliament the proposed law could
On Monday, the British gov- ment was acting "recklessly holds the rule of law," she and into law in the com- destabilize the peace
ernment agreed to amend and irresponsibly, with no said. "It is one of the things ing weeks. The EU says it settlement.q
Key EU states worry South America trade pact may hurt Amazon
By SAMUEL PETREQUIN However, the EU's inde-
BRUSSELS (AP) — EU coun- pendent watchdog in July
tries remained divided launched an inquiry into
Monday on whether to ap- the agreement after a
prove a preliminary free group of NGOs argued that
trade deal drafted last year the commission ignored its
with South American coun- legal obligations to ensure
tries because of concerns that the deal would not do
related to the Amazon de- any social or economic or
forestation and the respect environmental harm, or
of European standards. lead to rights abuses.
Speaking at an informal France said last week it
meeting of the 27-nation remains opposed to the
union's trade ministers in accord in its current form,
Berlin, the EU's commis- while German Chancellor
sioner for the internal mar- Angela Merkel expressed
ket, Thierry Breton, said that doubts this summer, citing
"not everyone is aligned on concerns about deforesta-
this topic. And we will need tion.
definitely to have more dis- The French government
cussions between us." said the pact needs to be
Following two decades Peter Altmaier right, Federal Minister of Economics and Energy, and Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice- improved to make sure it is
of negotiations, the trade President of the EU Commission, speak at a press conference in Berlin, Germany, following the in line with the climate tar-
pact was announced informal talks of the EU Trade Ministers on Monday, Sept. 21, 2020. gets set by the 2015 Paris
last year by the European Associated Press Agreement, does not con-
Commission, the executive tribute to further deforesta-
body that negotiates trade ratified by all EU countries, The signatories praised it most tariffs on EU exports, tion, and that imported ag-
agreements on behalf of EU was struck with the Merco- as a pact that would in- ease border checks, cut ricultural products comply
countries. The preliminary sur bloc of Argentina, Brazil, tegrate a market of some red tape, and strengthen with health and environ-
deal, which needs to be Paraguay and Uruguay. 800 million people, remove political and cultural ties. mental standards.q