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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS TUESDAY 22 SEPTEMBER 2020
            Barr announces $100M more to combat human trafficking

            By JEFF AMY                                                                                                         The  U.S.  Marshals  later
            ATLANTA (AP) — U.S. Attor-                                                                                          debunked  social  media
            ney  General  Bill  Barr  says                                                                                      claims  that  all  39  children
            the  federal  government  is                                                                                        were  found  in  one  place,
            awarding  more  than  $100                                                                                          a  rumor  that  appeared  to
            million  in  grants  to  target                                                                                     be  fed  by  believers  in  the
            human trafficking.                                                                                                  QAnon  conspiracy  theory,
            The  money  will  go  to  task                                                                                      which  falsely  claims  that
            forces  combatting  human                                                                                           Donald  Trump  is  trying  to
            trafficking, to victim servic-                                                                                      dismantle    wide-ranging
            es and victim housing.                                                                                              child sex ring among Amer-
            Barr  made  the  announce-                                                                                          ican elites.
            ment  Monday  in  Atlanta                                                                                           Monday's  announcement
            with  presidential  adviser                                                                                         came  after  Barr,  Trump
            Ivanka Trump and Georgia                                                                                            and the Kemps toured the
            Gov. Brian Kemp.                                                                                                    Georgia  Center  for  Child
            "This  is  one  of  the  top  en-                                                                                   Advocacy  southwest  of
            forcement  priorities  of  the                                                                                      downtown  Atlanta.  There,
            department  and  we're  on                                                                                          center employees told the
            the  forefront  of  this  fight,"                                                                                   visitors about their work, in-
            Barr said.                                                                                                          cluding efforts to make sure
            President  Donald  Trump's                                                                                          that  caregivers  of  children
            administration  in  August                                                                                          who  have  been  abused
            awarded $35 million in Jus-  U.S. Attorney General William Barr, left, and Ivanka Trump, center and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp   get counseling and help.
            tice  Department  grants  to   listen during a tour at the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy on Monday, Sept. 21, 2020, in At-  "Some of our families have
            organizations  that  provide   lanta.                                                                               such  basic  needs  that
            safe  housing  for  victims  of                                                                    Associated Press  need  to  be  met,  that  the
            human trafficking.                                                                                                  fact that their child has ex-
            "It's  only  by  cooperating  lady  here  have  been  sec-  Chris  Carr,  an  elected  Re-  Michael  Yeager,  U.S.  Mar-  perienced this trauma is not
            with  all  our  partners,  our  ond  to  none  in  the  nation  publican,  said  money  for  shal  for  northern  Georgia,  even the highest on their list
            state  and  local  partners  in  taking  this  fight  on  and  housing  for  victims  is  cru-  talked  about  the  results  of  right now," said Amy Shipp,
            and  those  in  the  private  working  closely  with  the  cial, saying it "means safety  Operation  Not  Forgotten,  a family advocate.
            sector  that  we're  going  to  federal  government  and  I  and it means security, and  in  which  the  U.S.  Marshals  The center also has a pro-
            be able to make any prog-    really appreciate that," Barr  it  means  wraparound  ser-  announced  in  August  the  gram  that  seeks  to  help
            ress and ultimately end the  said.                        vices."                      rescue  of  26  children  and  teenagers  in  foster  care
            victimization  of  those  boys  Georgia  Bureau  of  Investi-  Others  in  the  room  said  it  location  of  13  others.  Of  get  the  education,  work
            and girls," Barr said.       gation  Director  Vic  Reyn-  was  still  important  to  push  those  15,  appeared  to  be  experience and life experi-
            The wife of the Republican  olds said grants are already  for broader action.          victims of sex trafficking.   ence they need to be able
            Kemp,  Marty  Kemp,  has  helping  to  pay  for  agents  "We  have  to  live  with  a  "We're  trained  to  hunt  fu-  to take care of themselves
            made  human  trafficking  a  on  a  state  task  force  that  sense  of  urgency  to  be  gitives,  so  we've  changed  when they become adults.
            focus of her work as Geor-   investigates  human  traf-   able  to  rescue  as  many  that  and  parlayed  that  "We actually prepare them
            gia's first lady.            ficking.                     lives  as  possible,"  said  ath-  into now hunting these chil-  for young adulthood," said
            "The governor and the first  Georgia  Attorney  General  lete Tim Tebow.               dren," Yeager said.          Giselle Balfour.q

            Arrest in case of ricin letters sent to White House, Texas

            By   MICHAEL     BALSAMO,  crossing  near  Buffalo  and  were  also  mailed  to  law
            ERIC  TUCKER  and  COLLEEN  is  expected  to  face  fed-  enforcement  agencies  in
            LONG                         eral charges, three law en-  the  Rio  Grande  Valley  in
            Associated Press             forcement officials told The  South  Texas,  according  to
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  Associated Press.                 another  law  enforcement
            woman suspected of send-     Her  name  was  not  imme-   official. The official did not
            ing  an  envelope  contain-  diately  released,  but  the  say  which  agencies  were
            ing  the  poison  ricin,  which  woman  was  expected  to  sent the envelopes but said
            was  addressed  to  the  appear  in  federal  court  in  they are believed to have
            White House, has been ar-    Buffalo on Tuesday.          been  mailed  by  the  same
            rested  at  the  New  York-  The letter addressed to the  person who sent one to the
            Canada border and is also  White  House  appeared  to  White House.
            suspected  of  sending  simi-  have  originated  in  Cana-  The  officials  were  not  au-
            lar  poisoned  envelopes  to  da,  the  Royal  Canadian  thorized  to  discuss  the  on-
            law enforcement agencies  Mounted Police have said.  going investigation publicly
            in Texas, officials said Mon-  It  was  intercepted  at  a  and spoke on condition of
            day.                         government  facility  that  anonymity.                    RCMP officers prepare to enter an apartment complex in con-
                                                                                                   nection  with  the  mailing  of  ricin  to  President  Trump  Monday,
            The  letter  had  been  inter-  screens  mail  addressed  to  One of the envelopes was   Sept. 21, 2020 in St. Hubert, Canada.
            cepted  earlier  this  week  the White House and Presi-   sent  to  the  police  in  Mis-                                       Associated Press
            before  it  reached  the  dent  Donald  Trump  and  a  sion,  Texas,  said  Investiga-
            White  House.  The  woman  preliminary     investigation  tor Art Flores, a spokesman  enforcement's custody. He  envelopes  containing  ricin
            was  taken  into  custody  indicated it tested positive  for the border community's  declined  to  comment  fur-    were  also  "mailed  to  me
            by  U.S.  Customs  and  Bor-  for  ricin,  according  to  the  police department. He said  ther.                    and three of my detention
            der  Protection  officers  at  officials.                 no  one  was  hurt  and  that  Sheriff Eddie Guerra, of Hi-  staff"  but  no  one  was  in-
            the  Peace  Bridge  border  Envelopes  containing  ricin  the  envelope  was  in  law  dalgo  County,  Texas,  said  jured. q
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