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               TUESDAY 22 SEPTEMBER 2020
            Continued from Front                                                                                                despite  recklessness  and
            The  Justice  Department                                                                                            partisanship from the White
            said  the  three  cities  were                                                                                      House," the statement said.
            designated  because  they                                                                                           In  a  separate  statement,
            meet four main criteria, in-                                                                                        Durkan  said  the  threats  to
            cluding "whether a jurisdic-                                                                                        defund the cities were "are
            tion forbids the police force                                                                                       a  gross  misuse  of  federal
            from  intervening  to  restore                                                                                      power  and  blatantly  un-
            order  amid  widespread  or                                                                                         lawful."  "Trump, the Depart-
            sustained  violence  or  de-                                                                                        ment of Justice, and Barr's
            struction" and whether the                                                                                          obsession  with  Seattle  and
            city  "disempowers  or  de-                                                                                         me  is  irrational  and  most
            funds police departments."                                                                                          importantly,  a  huge  dis-
            In  Seattle,  officials  pointed                                                                                    traction," she said.
            to  the  "occupied"  protest                                                                                        A  number  of  cities,  includ-
            zone,  also  known  as  the                                                                                         ing  New  York,  sued  the
            "Capitol Hill Occupied Pro-                                                                                         U.S.  government  after  the
            test" zone, or CHOP, which                                                                                          Justice  Department  an-
            emerged  during  nation-                                                                                            nounced  in  2017  that  it
            wide protests over the po-                                                                                          would withhold grant mon-
            lice killing of George Floyd                                                                                        ey  from  cities  and  states
            in  Minneapolis,  though  Se-                                                                                       until they gave federal im-
            attle  police  officers  wear-                                                                                      migration  authorities  ac-
            ing  helmets  and  wielding   In this Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, file photo, Federal police try to take control of the streets during pro-  cess to jails and provide ad-
            batons  and  rifles,  cleared   tests in Portland, Ore.                                                             vance  notice  when  some-
            the area by force on July 1.                                                                       Associated Press  one in the country illegally
            In Portland, they pointed to                                                                                        is  about  to  be  released.
            100  consecutive  nights  of  gathered  outside  the  fed-  Barr said he hoped the des-  olence  has  occurred,  and  Federal  appeals  courts  in
            protests "marred by vandal-  eral courthouse in Portland,  ignation  would  convince  tried  to  focus  squarely  on  Chicago, Philadelphia and
            ism, chaos, and even killing"  some throwing bricks, rocks  the cities to "reverse course  pockets  of  protest-related  San  Francisco  have  ruled
            and  in  New  York  City,  the  and other projectiles at of-  and become serious about  violence  instead  of  the  against the federal govern-
            Justice  Department  point-  ficers,  leading  officers  to  performing the basic func-  larger point of the racial in-  ment  by  upholding  lower-
            ed  to  a  skyrocketing  num-  fire volleys of tear gas and  tion  of  government  and  justice movement.           court injunctions placed on
            ber of shootings throughout  pepper balls at the crowd.   start  protecting  their  own  In  a  joint  statement,  de  the  enforcement  of  some
            the five boroughs.           "When  state  and  local  citizens."                      Blasio,  Portland  Mayor  Ted  or  all  of  the  challenged
            It  is  not  the  first  time  the  leaders  impede  their  own  The   attorney   general's  Wheeler and Seattle Mayor  conditions,  though  in  Feb-
            Justice  Department  has  law  enforcement  officers  statement drew immediate  Jenny  Durkan  decried  the  ruary  the  2nd  U.S.  Circuit
            attempted  to  take  action  and  agencies  from  doing  condemnation  from  New  designation  as  "thoroughly  Court  of  Appeals  in  Man-
            against city officials for the  their  jobs,  it  endangers  in-  York City Mayor Bill de Bla-  political  and  unconstitu-  hattan overturned a lower
            violent demonstrations.      nocent  citizens  who  de-   sio  and  Governor  Andrew  tional."                      court's  decision  ordering
            The  department  also  ex-   serve  to  be  protected,  Cuomo,  both  Democrats,  "The  President  is  playing  the  administration  to  re-
            plored  whether  it  could  including  those  who  are  who  accused  the  Trump  cheap political games with  lease funding to New York
            pursue  either  criminal  or  trying to peacefully assem-  administration of politiciza-  Congressionally   directed  City and seven states
            civil  rights  charges  against  ble  and  protest,"  Attorney  tion of law enforcement.   funds. Our cities are bring-  "Just  like  with  sanctuary
            city officials in Portland af-  General William Barr said in  "This  is  just  another  one  of  ing  communities  together;  cities  when  he  did  that  a
            ter  clashes  erupted  there  a  statement.  "We  cannot  President  Trump's  games,"  our  cities  are  pushing  for-  couple  of  years  ago  and
            night  after  night  between  allow federal tax dollars to  de  Blasio  said.    Trump  has  ward after fighting back a  lost,  if  he  actually  does
            law    enforcement     and  be wasted when the safety  heaped blame for the un-        pandemic  and  facing  the  this, we will sue and he will
            demonstrators.  For  weeks,  of the citizenry hangs in the  rest on Democrats, who are  worst  financial  crisis  since  lose  once  again,"  Cuomo
            hundreds of demonstrators  balance."                      leading the cities where vi-  the  Great  Depression,  all  said.q

            Report: Order to shorten count wasn't made by Census Bureau

                                                                      ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The  reau,  including  the  Direc-   will take place Tuesday. The
                                                                      decision  to  shorten  by  tor, did not know who ulti-    judge in the San Jose case
                                                                      a  month  the  2020  head  mately made the decision  earlier  this  month  issued  a
                                                                      count of every U.S. resident  to  accelerate  the  Census  temporary  restraining  or-
                                                                      was  not  made  by  the  U.S.  schedule," the report said.  der  prohibiting  the  Census
                                                                      Census  Bureau  and  some  Federal judges on opposite  Bureau from winding down
                                                                      agency  officials  suspect  coasts  this  week  are  hear-  2020 census operations for
                                                                      it  was  made  by  the  White  ing  arguments  in  two  law-  the time being.
                                                                      House  or  the  Department  suits from civil rights groups,  Plaintiffs  in  the  San  Jose
                                                                      of  Commerce,  according  cities, counties and citizens  case allege the decision to
                                                                      to  a  report  from  the  bu-  who have sued to stop the  shorten  the  schedule  was
                                                                      reau's watchdog agency.      2020 census from ending at  made  to  accommodate
                                                                      The report by the Office of  the end of the month. The  a  directive  from  President
                                                                      Inspector  General  did  not  lawsuits  say  minority  com-  Donald  Trump  to  exclude
                                                                      identify who made the de-    munities,  including  Latinos,  people  in  the  country  il-
                                                                      cision  to  shorten  the  2020  Asian Americans, and non-  legally  from  the  numbers
            Steven Dillingham, the director of the U.S. Census Bureau, speaks
            outside the Oklahoma State Capitol, Friday, Sept. 18, 2020, in   census  from  the  end  of  U.S.  citizens,  stand  to  be  used  in  redrawing  con-
            Oklahoma City, encouraging people to fill out their census form   October to the end of Sep-  undercounted if the census  gressional districts. A three-
            before the end of the month.                              tember  but  it  said  bureau  ends a month early.        judge  panel  in  New  York
                                                     Associated Press  officials  confirm  it  was  not  A hearing in Maryland was  blocked  the  directive  ear-
                                                                      made by them.                held Monday, and a hear-     lier this month, saying it was
            By MIKE SCHNEIDER            Associated Press             "Senior  officials  at  the  Bu-  ing  in  San  Jose,  California,  unlawful.q
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