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Diamars 12 Augustus 2015 Pagina 27
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Santa Cruz Quality Products discovered the highest
quality of health products produced in the US
We believe that a happy risk, lower cholesterol, Hepatika v5
person is a healthy
person. This is why we lower blood pressure, Support a healthy liver
have searched for the
highest quality of health antioxidants, anti and digestive function.
products to offer the
Aruban community. fatigue, benefit eye The detoxification is
Here below we introduce health, improve gut flora enhanced and many
the first 3 important
products to maintain a possible action as anti symptoms of functional
good health:
cancer. liver and digestive
Minty Greens
Minty Green Dietary function are alleviated
A natural blend to Supplement
maintain a healthy such as bloating, slow
liver function, Vitamin
C and Iron, Calcium, Antioxidant Blend digestions, alcohol
reduce cardio vascular
of Herbs, fruits and susceptibility and
vegetables with intolerance.
probiotics, Lutein and Resveratrol
Pomegranate. It also Is a new anticancer
include Tumeric Root composition which is
extract, Ginger Root less toxicity and higher
powder, Milk Thistle efficiency in Polygonum
Seed extract. cuspidatum. It also
has a alternative
potential to
conventional HRT
for cardioprotection
and osteoporosis
Be well: Richard
Clement Nutrition
For more information
call: 5646854
Soon office in Santa
Cruz. It is now
available at Blush
Beauty Salon Sta.
Cruz tel: 5853323
and Dilailah Beauty
Clinic Noord tel:
Yos Septic Tank Service
Chica pos y habri tuberia
Pa un bon servicio y mas informacion tuma contacto
Nena Dirksz na 7482689 of Jose Dirksz na 5666144
Paradijs #09 - Oranjestad, Aruba.