Page 12 - KPA 18 JULY 2015
P. 12


U.S. NEWSSaturday 18 July 2015

Despite quick conviction, theater shooting trial isn’t over 

Associated Press               maimed to the father of his    Tom Teves, who lost his son, Alex, in the 2012 Aurora, Colo., theater massacre, speaks to members
CENTENNIAL, Colorado           youngest victim, a 6-year-     of the media after jurors convicted shooter James Holmes in the killing spree as the trial con-
(AP) — Jurors only needed      old girl who died in the       cluded Thursday, July 16, 2015, in Centennial, Colo. Holmes could get the death penalty for the
12 hours to reject the idea    2012 attack.                   massacre that left 12 people dead and dozens of others wounded.
that James Holmes was          There was a muted, heart-
legally insane when he         broken sense of relief Thurs-                                                                                                    (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)
slipped into a Colorado        day afternoon following
movie theater’s midnight       Holmes’ conviction on
premier of the Batman          165 counts of murder, at-
movie “The Dark Knight         tempted murder and other
Rises,” and opened fire kill-  charges. Victims wept and
ing 12 and injuring scores of  comforted one another
others. Now, the trial enters  in the courtroom during
a new phase that is certain    the hour-long recitation
to take much longer, as the    of each verdict, holding
jury decides whether Holm-     hands and nodding their
es should die for his crimes.  heads with satisfaction
Starting next week, jurors     when their loved one’s
will hear testimony about      names were read.
Holmes’ mental illness and     “We’re all really happy he’s
his childhood. Prosecutors     guilty, but we’re all really
may counter with even          sad to be here,” said Katie
more heartbreaking ac-         Medley, whose husband,
counts from victims, rang-     Caleb,  uses  a wheelchair
ing from those Holmes          after being shot in the head

                                                              during the attack.             and whose friend Rebecca          Holmes’ insanity defense
                                                              The verdict came after 2       Wingo was killed.                 doesn’t mean they’ll come
                                                              1/2 years of legal skirmish-   Experts say the sentencing        to a speedy conclusion
                                                              ing between prosecutors        phase could prove even            about his punishment.
                                                              and Holmes’ public de-         more emotionally wrench-          “They’re going to have to
                                                              fenders and 11 months of       ing as survivors describe         decide, for someone who
                                                              grueling testimony. The up-    the impact of the shooting        is mentally ill, if a death sen-
                                                              coming sentencing phase        on their daily lives. It will be  tence is the right punish-
                                                              could easily take another      a harder decision for jurors,     ment,” she said. “It ends up
                                                              month.                         who will have fewer instruc-      being a much more per-
                                                              “I’m glad we’re at this        tions to guide them, said         sonal decision.”
                                                              point, but at the same time,   defense attorney Karen            If just one juror disagrees
                                                              we have a long way to go,”     Steinhauser, who is not in-       with a death sentence,
                                                              said Marcus Weaver, who        volved in the Holmes case.        Holmes, 27, will be sent to
                                                              was injured in the attack      That jurors swiftly rejected      prison for life.q

                                                              2 dead, 3 wounded in north Maine shootings

                                                              ALANNA DURKIN                  began in three different          der charges. They are
                                                              Associated Press               communities. Police also          searching for a motive for
                                                              LEE, Maine (AP) — State        believe the suspect set fire      the overnight shootings
                                                              police say a former con-       to a barn.                        that left two men dead and
                                                              vict shot five people, two of  Investigators say 35-year-        two men and a woman in-
                                                              them fatally, during a ram-    old Anthony Lord was ar-          jured. They didn’t identify
                                                              page across several north-     rested without incident Fri-      the victims.
                                                              ern Maine towns before         day at a family member’s          Lord has a criminal record
                                                              being captured.                home in Houlton. They say         that includes convictions
                                                              They say a man was as-         a woman who was with              for a sex crime, domestic
                                                              saulted and guns were sto-     him wasn’t harmed.                assault, criminal threaten-
                                                              len before the shootings       Police say Lord faces mur-        ing and assault.q
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