Page 14 - KPA 18 JULY 2015
P. 14


WORLD NEWSSaturday 18 July 2015

Argentine Jews reject any dialogue with Iran in bombing 

A. CALATRAVA                     Family members of the vic-      “We ask the govern-            the attack, but Jewish                  with the murderers,” Co-
Associated Press                 tims commemorated the           ment to take courageous        groups have criticized it,              hen said.
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina          21st anniversary of the at-     stance and intensify the       saying Tehran has failed                Just days before he was
(AP) — Argentine Jewish          tack Friday, a day before       demands so that the ac-        to turn over suspects. The              found dead on Jan. 18,
leaders on Friday renewed        the July 18 anniversary.        cused Iranians can some-       joint “truth commission”                Alberto Nisman, the chief
denunciations of a gov-          Former Iranian officials        day face justice,” Ariel       was approved by Argen-                  prosecutor investigating
ernment plan to work with        have been on an Inter-          Cohen, president of the        tina’s Congress but it has              the case, accused Presi-
Iran to investigate Argen-       pol capture list for years,     federation of Jewish com-      not been implemented                    dent Cristina Fernandez of
tina’s worst terrorist attack.   but Argentine prosecutors       munities, said at the event    because two Argentine                   helping shield the Iranian
The 1994 bombing of the          have never been able to         held at the reconstructed      courts ruled it unconstitu-             officials allegedly behind
Argentine-Israeli Mutual         question them. Iran has         Jewish center.                 tional, and it’s now under              the bombing. Federal
Association killed 85 peo-       long denied any role in the     Argentina struck a 2013        review.                                 judges have thrown out the
ple and remains unsolved.        bombing.                        accord with Iran to solve      “We can’t strike a deal                 case against Fernandez.q

Analyst: probe could taint image of Brazil’s ex- president 

STAN LEHMAN                      Brazil’s former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva attends a meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Brazilian  Segurado added that the
Associated Press                                                                                                                        investigation could worsen
SAO PAULO (AP) — An in-          prosecutors are said to be investigating allegations that Silva peddled his influence for the          the crisis for Silva’s hand-
vestigation into allegations                                                                                                            picked successor, Presi-
of influence peddling by         scandal-plagued construction firm Odebrecht. 			               (AP Photo/Andre Penner)                 dent Dilma Rousseff. Her
Brazil’s former President                                                                                                               popularity has plunged
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva        The prosecutor’s office said    The Sao Paulo-based Lula       Political scientist Rosemary            amid political and eco-
could taint his image and        that Silva’s efforts helped     Institute has said the for-    Segurado of Sao Paulo’s                 nomic turbulence, includ-
weaken the ruling Workers’       Odebrecht obtain con-           mer president denies any       Catholic University said the            ing what prosecutors say
Party, analysts said Friday.     tracts to build infrastructure  wrongdoing.                    probe could weaken the                  is the biggest corruption
The Federal Prosecutor’s         projects in Panama and          “It is a completely irregu-    Worker’s Party and hurt its             scheme yet uncovered in
Office announced the in-         Venezuela and that there        lar, untimely and unjustified  chances in the 2018 elec-               Brazil — a sprawling system
vestigation on Thursday          are “strong indications”        procedure,” the Institute      tions. The probe is the first           of kickbacks at state-run oil
— apparently the first time      that the former president       said in a statement. “We       time Silva’s name has                   company Petrobras.
the popular ex-president         also helped the company         will take all the necessary    emerged in connection                   The new probe of Silva is
has been linked to a crimi-      get contracts in several        legal measures to correct      with a criminal investiga-              separate from the Petro-
nal investigation.               other countries.                this arbitrary act.”           tion, she said.                         bras case, and neither he
The Prosecutor’s Office said                                                                                                            nor Rousseff have been im-
it’s investigating whether                                                                                                              plicated in the scandal that
Silva was paid to sway for-                                                                                                             allegedly saw Odebrecht
eign leaders into awarding                                                                                                              and other major construc-
inflated contracts to the                                                                                                               tion and engineering firms
Odebrecht construction                                                                                                                  pay bribes to oil company
firm and push Brazil’s state                                                                                                            executives in exchange for
development bank to give                                                                                                                winning inflated contracts.
the company well over $1                                                                                                                Prosecutors allege that
billion in low-interest loans.                                                                                                          some of the money was
Reports of the alleged in-                                                                                                              funneled back to the cam-
cidents emerged after he                                                                                                                paign coffers of the Work-
left office.                                                                                                                            ers’ Party and its allies.
Under Brazilian law, influ-                                                                                                             More than 50 political fig-
ence peddling to obtain                                                                                                                 ures, including 33 members
advantages from a public                                                                                                                of Congress, are being in-
servant or institution is ille-                                                                                                         vestigated in the Petrobras
gal.                                                                                                                                    case.q

Mexico official: 7 people arrested in jailbreak of drug lord 

E. CASTILLO                      were prison guards or oth-      confirming that the United     Former Mexican Attor-                   conduct or corruption
Associated Press                 er officials in the peniten-    States filed an extradition    ney General Jesus Murillo               that allowed his people
MEXICO CITY (AP) — A             tiary system.                   request for Guzman on          Karam said earlier that                 to get their hands on the
Mexican federal official         About three dozen peo-          June 25, about 2 ½ weeks       Mexico wouldn’t extra-                  blueprints for the prison
said Friday that seven           ple have been taken in          before he escaped.             dite Guzman until after he              and tunnel directly into his
people who were being            for questioning; it was un-     Guzman faces U.S. charg-       had served time for all his             shower stall undetected.
questioned in the jailbreak      clear if more would be          es of conspiracy to import     crimes in Mexico.                       President Enrique Pena Ni-
of drug lord Joaquin “El         charged.                        and distribute cocaine.        Murillo Karam told The As-              eto, who had traveled to
Chapo” Guzman have               The drug lord sneaked out       The office said Gomez          sociated Press earlier this             France for an official visit
been formally arrested           of the Altiplano prison,        had issued instructions to     year that the U.S. would                when Guzman escaped,
and taken to a prison to         Mexico’s highest-security       review the request and         get Guzman in “about 300                returned to Mexico and
await charges.                   facility, through a tunnel      submit it to courts for con-   or 400 years.”                          said in a speech Friday
The official, who was not        on July 11.                     sideration. The appeals        Mexico has blamed the                   that the prison escape
authorized to be quoted          The office of Attorney Gen-     process can stretch out        escape on a combina-                    has caused “indignation,
by name, did not specify         eral Arely Gomez issued a       extradition proceedings        tion of Guzman’s skill at               frustration, anger in broad
whether those arrested           statement late Thursday         for years.                     building tunnels, and mis-              sectors of society.”q
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