Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20171007
P. 26

a26     condolencia
                Diasabra 7 OctOber 2017

                                                            Laga tur locual cu ta sperami ta bunita         “ For everything there is a season, a
                                                            Laga tur locual cu mi ta encontra na caminda ta bunita  time to be
                                                            Laga tur locual cu ta rondonami ta bunita       Born and a time to die. He hath
                                                            Laga tur locual mi ta laga atras keda bunita    made everything
              Dios ta nos refugio,                          Y laga esaki nan termina den tur buniteza       Beautiful in its time.” Ecclesiastes 3
              E ta nos fortalesa,
              El a resulta un yudador                       Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia   With deep sorrow we announce the
              den mester.                                   fayecimento di:                                 passing away of:

              Salmo 46:1
                                                                                                                          Ina M. Lake
              Conforme cu boluntad                                                                                   Sunrise: January 27, 1953 Aruba
              di Dios, nos ta anuncia                                                                              Sunset: October 4th, 2017 Colombia
              fayecimento di :                                                                              Left to mourn are her

                        Silvino Briesum                                                                     Mother:        Augusta Lake “Nana”

                    Mihor conoci como “Chimbo”                                                              Children:      Gregory Lake “Wawi”
                      *05-01-1946 - †03-10-2017                        Alida A. Stamper                                    Anthony Lake “Tonti”
                                                                      Cariñosamente yama: “Mama”                           Igmara Lake “Nelly”
              Na nomber di su:                                         * 13/10/1958   † 05/10/2017          Sister:        June Lake
                                                            Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues
              Yiunan :      Jennifer Briesum                                                                Brothers:      Franklin Radjouki
                            Joan Sebastian Briesum          Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta extende          Eduardo Radjouki
                                                            nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di e fayecida.
                                                            Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos website:    Grandchildren:
              Nieta :       Xenia Hirschfeld                                 Analsia, Zoe, Zuri, Ashanti, Nimi, Jayden, Latifa Lake
                                                                                                            “Tunkie”, Latanya Lake “Sexy”
              Partner :     Mimi Lampe                                                                      Great Grandson:  Jayden Lake

              Rumannan:   Chido y Rita Briesum                                                              Nieces & Nephews:
                                                                                                            Lisa, Kedemah, Basham Lake
                            Ija y Joseph Wouters            “Señor ta mi wardador,                          Cousins: Ines Carty, Rosita Blijden
                            Marcia y Ronny Geerman          mi n’tin falta di nada;
                                                            Den cunucu di yerba berde,                      Rest of the cousins too numerous to mention
                                                            E ta ponemi sosega.
              Sobrino- y sobrinanan :                       E ta hibami na awa tranquil,                    Close Friends:
              Nathalie y Alex Croes –Wouters y famia        pa mi bolbe hanja forsa.                        Pedro Arrindell, Buchi, Nacio”Nish”, Rudy, Pedro
                                                            Salmo 23:1,2,3.
              Nashette y Shamir Croes-Wouters y famia                                                       Erasmus & wife, Alberto
              Ludwig Geerman y Dennis Veldman               Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason,                Friends:
                                                            nos ta anuncia cu a bai sosega den
              Monica Bast y famia                           brasanan di Señor:                              Fredo, Godwin, Bristol, Betty, Altagracia, Richard
                                                                                                            “Skina Cayente” Ketty, Linda, Christina, Reggi, Anice,
              Pauline Briesum y famia                                                                       Negra, Shirley, Miss Jella
                                                                      Mario José Bergen
              Omo y Tantanan :                                      Cariñosamente yama: “Joy Bergen”        Doctors: Dr. Boderie

                                                                                                                    Dr. Lily Beke
                            Mario Fingal y famia                  * 30 Oktober 1939   † 05 Oktober 2017
                            Cornelia Biesum y famia         Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar Diahuebs 12 Oktober   All her good friends and colleagues from Bushiri
                            Carmen Biesum y famia           2017 pa 4or di atardi na Misa Santa Teresita na San   Hotel and Alhambra Casino
                                                            Nicolas y despues saliendo pa Santana Catolico na San
                                                            Nicolas. Mi Casa, nos Tata, Opa, Opache stima lo ta   She was related to:
              Primo- y primanan, amigo- y amiganan,         reposa for di 2or di atardi na Misa.            Lake, Radjouki, Carty, Dow, Richardson, Hodge,
              conocirnan.                                                                                   Duinkerk, Poterson, Hazel, Larmonie, Romney’s,
                                                                                                            Washington, Croes, Quandt, van Heinigen and John.
                                                            Adres pa condolencia:
                                                            Ad Patres Funeral Home
              Demas famia: Briesum, Wouters,                Dialuna 09 Oktober 2017 for di 7:00 pm pa 9:00 pm  We apologize if we during our grief we forgot to
                                                                                                            mention any friends or family.
              Geerman, Lampe, Croes, Diaz, Kleijne,         Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta extende
              Veldman, Dirksz, Lopez, Vrolijk, Kock,        nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di e fayecido.  The funeral will take place on Wednesday 11 October,
              Peterson, Maduro, Gomez, Engelhardt,          Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos website:    2017 at 4:00 pm at Ad Patres Funeral Home and from
                                                                                                            there to the Central Burial Ground in Sabana Basora.
              Donata, Anthony, Genser, Bloem, de Mey,
              Fingal, Tromp, Habibe, Ruiz                                                                   The body of Ina will be laid out from 2:00 pm at Ad
                                                                                                            Patres Funeral Home

              Ta invita pa acto di despedida cu lo tuma                                                     Address for condolences:
              lugar na Aurora Funeral Home dialuna 9                                                        Ad Patres Funeral Home
              di oktober 2017 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi.                                                    Tuesday 10 October 2017 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
              Cremacion lo tuma lugar despues den                                                           We apologize that after the funeral we can’t accept
              seno familiar.                                                                                condolences at home.

                                                                                                            Staff and Management of Ad Patres funeral home
              Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a                                                    extend their most sincere condolences to the family.
              lubida cualkier famia of conocir.                                                             Condolences can be sent through our e-mail address
                                                                                                            or website
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