Page 6 - KPA APRIL 17
P. 6
Pagina 6 Diabierna April 17 2015
ARUBA NO TA SAFE MAS... Romar Trading ta presenta: Old Parr
Y ATRACA DEN Mira Solo Bar na Radisson
HAVENSTRAAT Aruba Resort tabata e
setting pa e launch event
di e miembro nobo di
e cas di Old Parr: Old
Parr Tribute, un tributo
na e bida bon biba. Na e
ocasion special aki Romar
tabata tin e honor di yama
bon bini na meneer Arturo
Savage, Reserve BA
Senior Ambassador pa
Diageo. Aruba ta bira e
di tres mercado mundial
pa lanza Old Parr Tribute.
Old Parr Tribute a wordo
crea pa e Master Blender
di Old Parr cu a selecta
cuidadosamente e mihor
whisky nan di e 4 skinanan
di Schotland. E resultado,
un gran whisky yen di
sabor y cu e suavidad
característica di Old Parr.
Meneer Savage ta describi
Old Parr Tribute como un
whisky suave cu notas
di fruta, smoke & wood
y dushi, un berdadero
poema di sabor. Durante
dos dia meneer Savage
a duna varios training
na bartenders, waiters
y demás invitadonan di
e sector di hospitality,
su bishita a culmina cu
un evento den tremendo
ambiente unda tur esnan
invita a experencia e Old
Parr Tribute. Old Parr
Tribute ta un homenahe na
tur esnan cu ta bebe Old
Parr, e ta un celebracion
na un bida bon biba!
Romar Trading for Diageo. smoke and wood, a
Aruba is the third true poem of taste.
presents: Old Parr market to launch Mr. Savage hosted
Old Parr Tribute, two days of trainings
Tribute after Colombia and with local bartenders,
Panama. Old Parr waiters and other
The beautiful scenery Tribute was created guests from the
by Old Parr’s Master hospitality sector.
Diarazon anochi a drenta no por sigui biba asina of the Mira Solo bar at Blender, who carefully His visit ended with
informe di un caso di mas! Pa medio di esaki selected the finest a lovely launch
atraco den Havenstraat. nos ta pidi nos disculpa The Radisson Aruba whisky from the four event where guests
Mesora a dirigi un patruya pa a publica abiertamente corners of Scotland. had the chance to
pa e sitio. Na yegada di e un imagen grafico, pero Resort formed the The result, a great experience the new
patruya a bin comprende esaki mester ser poni ya whisky full of flavor Old Parr Tribute.
cu den oranan tempran cu na Aruba no tin paz setting for the launch and with the softness Old Parr Tribute is
di anochi un dokter a ser seguridad y ni trankilidad that is Old Parr. a tribute to you who
maltrata, herida y atraca. mas. Pasobra anytime event of the newest Mr. Savage describes enjoys Old Parr, it is
E antisocialnan despues a bo por bira victima di the Old Parr Tribute as a celebration of a life
bandona e sitio. Awor aki agresion, atraco ladronicia member of the Old soft with notes of fruits, well lived!
pueblo mester por a ripara of hasta violacion. Cos
cu nos dushi isla no ta no por sigui asina aki! Y Parr family; the Old
safe mas y cu nos ta den Minister di husticia ta sigui
gara di e criminalnan. Nos drumi!!!! Parr Tribute, a tribute
to a life well lived. For
this special occasion
Romar had the honor of
welcoming Mr. Arturo
Savage, Reserve
Brand Ambassador
ARUBA NO TA SAFE MAS... Romar Trading ta presenta: Old Parr
Y ATRACA DEN Mira Solo Bar na Radisson
HAVENSTRAAT Aruba Resort tabata e
setting pa e launch event
di e miembro nobo di
e cas di Old Parr: Old
Parr Tribute, un tributo
na e bida bon biba. Na e
ocasion special aki Romar
tabata tin e honor di yama
bon bini na meneer Arturo
Savage, Reserve BA
Senior Ambassador pa
Diageo. Aruba ta bira e
di tres mercado mundial
pa lanza Old Parr Tribute.
Old Parr Tribute a wordo
crea pa e Master Blender
di Old Parr cu a selecta
cuidadosamente e mihor
whisky nan di e 4 skinanan
di Schotland. E resultado,
un gran whisky yen di
sabor y cu e suavidad
característica di Old Parr.
Meneer Savage ta describi
Old Parr Tribute como un
whisky suave cu notas
di fruta, smoke & wood
y dushi, un berdadero
poema di sabor. Durante
dos dia meneer Savage
a duna varios training
na bartenders, waiters
y demás invitadonan di
e sector di hospitality,
su bishita a culmina cu
un evento den tremendo
ambiente unda tur esnan
invita a experencia e Old
Parr Tribute. Old Parr
Tribute ta un homenahe na
tur esnan cu ta bebe Old
Parr, e ta un celebracion
na un bida bon biba!
Romar Trading for Diageo. smoke and wood, a
Aruba is the third true poem of taste.
presents: Old Parr market to launch Mr. Savage hosted
Old Parr Tribute, two days of trainings
Tribute after Colombia and with local bartenders,
Panama. Old Parr waiters and other
The beautiful scenery Tribute was created guests from the
by Old Parr’s Master hospitality sector.
Diarazon anochi a drenta no por sigui biba asina of the Mira Solo bar at Blender, who carefully His visit ended with
informe di un caso di mas! Pa medio di esaki selected the finest a lovely launch
atraco den Havenstraat. nos ta pidi nos disculpa The Radisson Aruba whisky from the four event where guests
Mesora a dirigi un patruya pa a publica abiertamente corners of Scotland. had the chance to
pa e sitio. Na yegada di e un imagen grafico, pero Resort formed the The result, a great experience the new
patruya a bin comprende esaki mester ser poni ya whisky full of flavor Old Parr Tribute.
cu den oranan tempran cu na Aruba no tin paz setting for the launch and with the softness Old Parr Tribute is
di anochi un dokter a ser seguridad y ni trankilidad that is Old Parr. a tribute to you who
maltrata, herida y atraca. mas. Pasobra anytime event of the newest Mr. Savage describes enjoys Old Parr, it is
E antisocialnan despues a bo por bira victima di the Old Parr Tribute as a celebration of a life
bandona e sitio. Awor aki agresion, atraco ladronicia member of the Old soft with notes of fruits, well lived!
pueblo mester por a ripara of hasta violacion. Cos
cu nos dushi isla no ta no por sigui asina aki! Y Parr family; the Old
safe mas y cu nos ta den Minister di husticia ta sigui
gara di e criminalnan. Nos drumi!!!! Parr Tribute, a tribute
to a life well lived. For
this special occasion
Romar had the honor of
welcoming Mr. Arturo
Savage, Reserve
Brand Ambassador