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A28    u.s. news
                  Dialuna 19 OctOber 2020

                          Black officers break from unions over Trump endorsements

                                                                                                                                “The election is Nov. 3, and
                                                                                                                                people  are  out  there  voting
                                                                                                                                now.  What  is  it  going  to  do
                                                                                                                                to  rescind  the  endorsement
                                                                                                                                days  before  the  election?”
                                                                                                                                said  John  Elam,  a  Philadel-
                                                                                                                                phia  firefighter  and  Valiants
                                                                                                                                member. “We want a fair pro-
                                                                                                                                cess. We wanted a fair process
                                                                                                                                from the beginning.”

                                                                                                                                In  New  York  City,  Patrick
                                                                                                                                Lynch — the head of the Po-
                                                                                                                                lice  Benevolent  Association
                                                                                                                                that  represents  about  24,000
                                                                                                                                officers  —  announced  the
                                                                                                                                union's   endorsement   of
                                                                                                                                Trump  at  August's  Repub-
                                                                                                                                lican  National  Convention,
                                                                                                                                something  members  said
                                                                                                                                they  had  no  warning  would
                                                                                                                                happen.  An  unsigned  let-
                                                                                                                                ter  from  the  Guardians  As-
            (AP) — Police unions nation-  when  the  National  Associa-                            for  state  offices  at  higher  sociation  said  the  Black  and
            wide  have  largely  supported  tion  of  Black  Law  Enforce-  “I am a Black American and  rates  this  year  —  some  is-  minority  officers  the  group
            President  Donald  Trump’s  ment Officers issued a letter  a Black law enforcement of-  suing  endorsement  for  the  represents  felt  blindsided  by
            reelection,  amid  mass  dem-  condemning  use  of  deadly  ficer,"  said  Rob  Pride,  the  first  time  in  decades.  While  Lynch’s  endorsement  and
            onstrations  over  police  bru-  force, police misconduct and  National  Fraternal  Order  of  many  union  leaders  say  the  wished the union had stayed
            tality and accusations of sys-  abuse in communities of col-  Police chair of trustees. “It’s  endorsements  aren't  based  neutral.
            temic racism — but a number  or.                          been  emotionally  a  roller-  on political parties, they have
            of Black law enforcement of-                              coaster ride for me since the  largely been for Republicans  Lynch said it was the union's
            ficers are speaking out against  While  support  for  the  Re-  George Floyd incident. It was  challenging  candidates  who  first  presidential  endorse-
            these  endorsements,  saying  publican incumbent does not  horrific.”                  have  voted  for  what  unions  ment in at least 36 years.
            their concerns over entering  strictly fall along racial lines,                        call “anti-police” reform bills.  “That’s  how  important  this
            the  2020  political  fray  were  many  Black  officers  say  the  Pride, who oversees the vote  Philadelphia’s  FOP  Lodge  is,” Lynch said to the crowd
            ignored                      endorsements  for  Trump  that  leads  to  the  organiza-  5  President  John  McNesby  during  an  event  at  Trump’s
                                         don’t  fairly  represent  all  tion's  presidential  endorse-  said  in  a  statement  that  the  golf club in Bedminster, New
            Trump has touted his support  dues-paying members.        ment, says the May 25 police  group,   which   represents  Jersey,  telling  the  president:
            from  the  law  enforcement                               killing of Floyd in Minneap-  6,500  members,  did  not  “You’ve earned this.”
            community,  which  includes  “We  are  members  of  these  olis and the political climate  make an endorsement in the  During  September's  presi-
            endorsements from national,  unions,  and  they  don’t  take  “is  tearing  America  apart”  presidential  race,  and  de-  dential debate, Trump ticked
            city and state officers’ unions  into  consideration  our  feel-  and having a similar effect on  ferred  to  its  parent  union’s  off the locations where he felt
            —  some  of  which  publicly  ings about Donald J. Trump,  the FOP.                    endorsement.  But  members  he had support from law en-
            endorsed  a  political  candi-  then they don’t care about us                          said  that  despite  being  the  forcement. “I have Florida, I
            date  for  the  first  time.  He’s  and ... they don’t care about  National  FOP  leaders  said  largest  lodge  in  the  state,  have Texas, I have Ohio,” he
            running  on  what  he  calls  a  our dues,” said Rochelle Bilal,  they have heard from mem-  they  weren’t  given  a  chance  said.  “Excuse  me,  Portland,
            “law and order” platform and  the  recent  past  president  of  bers  who  don’t  agree  with  to vote or be counted by the  the  sheriff  there  just  came
            tapping into a strain of anger  the  Guardian  Civic  League  the  Trump  endorsement  —  state or national delegates.  out today and said, ‘I support
            and frustration felt by law en-  of  Philadelphia,  calling  the  and  they're  open  to  talking                   President Trump.’”
            forcement  who  believe  they  National  Fraternal  Order  of  over  concerns  —  but  that  Denouncing  the  endorse-
            are being unfairly accused of  Police's Trump endorsement  all  44  state  Fraternal  Orders  ment processes, The Guard-  That  sheriff  —  Multnomah
            racial discrimination.       an “outrage.”                of Police chapters that cast a  ian Civic League has asked its  County  Sheriff  Mike  Reese
                                                                      ballot voted for Trump. Pride  about  1,200  members  to  be  — quickly took to Twitter to
            There  are  more  than  8,000  Bilal,  who  was  elected  as  said the whole process starts  prepared  to  withdraw  their  deny any support.
            law enforcement agencies in  Philadelphia’s  first  Black  fe-  locally,  with  lodges  passing  dues from the national FOP,
            the  U.S.,  with  large  depart-  male  sheriff  last  year,  spoke  out candidate survey answers  as  has  the  Club  Valiants  of  Terrance  Hopkins,  president
            ments  holding  sway  nation-  at  at  an  early  October  news  and  ballots  and  then  voting  Philadelphia — an organiza-  of  the  Black  Police  Associa-
            ally. The number of minority  conference with other Black  at a statewide meeting. State  tion of more than 500 minor-  tion  of  Dallas,  said  a  hand-
            officers in policing has more  law  enforcement  groups  in  delegates  then  voted  at  the  ity  firefighters  —  from  the  ful of officers left the Dallas
            than doubled in the last three  Philadelphia  to  condemn  national meeting.           Local 22 of the International  Police  Department’s  largest
            decades,  but  many  depart-  Trump  endorsements  and                                 Fire Fighters and Paramedics  union,  partly  driven  by  its
            ments  still  have  a  smaller  the process they say ignored  "We  could  probably  have  an  Union. In endorsing Trump,  support for Trump, and had
            percentage of Black and His-  their  concerns  over  what  hourlong conversation about  Local 22 broke from its par-  joined his organization.
            panic  officers  compared  to  they perceived to be racist re-  why  some  folks  feel  Presi-  ent  organization,  which  en-
            the percentage of the general  marks, support for white su-  dent Trump is racist and why  dorsed Democrat Joe Biden.  “A  lot  of  these  officers  feel
            population  those  communi-  premacist  groups  and  a  lack  others  disagree,”  he  said.                         like  they  aren't  being  con-
            ties make up.                of  respect  for  women  from  “But there are a lot of officers  Valiants  leaders  said  the  Lo-  sidered.  A  lot  of  the  issues
                                         Trump.                       of all races of all backgrounds  cal  22's  endorsement  was  that push them to that point
            Many  fraternal  Black  police                            who  feel  he  best  represents  based  on  survey  responses  border  along  racial  lines,"
            organizations were formed to  But  national  union  leaders  and supports the interests of  from about 500 of the union's  Hopkins,  a  30-year  veteran
            advocate  for  equality  within  say the process is designed to  law enforcement.”     nearly 5,000 members. Local  officer, said. “And it's not just
            police  departments  but  also  give everyone a voice and the                          union leaders said a redo sur-  here. I got a call from some
            to focus on how law enforce-  endorsement  represents  the  On the local level, police re-  vey is being sent to members  Black officers in Kansas City,
            ment affects the wider Black  majority of officers. The Fra-  form bills driven by protests  in  response  to  the  backlash  Missouri, who wanted to join
            community.  There  have  of-  ternal Order of Police repre-  against police brutality in the  and  its  endorsement  will  be  my organization because they
            ten  been  tensions  between  sents close to 350,000 officers  wake  of  Floyd’s  killing  have  revised  if  necessary  by  the  don't  have  any  other  outlet
            minority  organizations  and  nationally, but does not track  also stoked local unions’ en-  end of the month.      and they don't feel like they
            larger unions, like in August,  racial demographics.      dorsements  of  candidates                                are being represented.
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