Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20201019
P. 29
world news Dialuna 19 OctOber 2020
Romania's Jewish State Theater explores work on Holocaust
(AP) — The latest pre- nia region. She was deported Actresses wear the striped
miere at the Jewish State at age 14. The diary she kept outfits of concentration
Theater in the Romanian inside a Nazi concentration camps against a backdrop of
capital, Bucharest, ex- camp was first published in images depicting camp en-
plores the horrors of the Hungary in 1966 and later trances, gas chambers and
Holocaust via a survivor's translated into several lan- empty sleeping quarters.
memories of the Aus- guages, but it only hit book- Photographs and names of
chwitz and Plaszow con- shelves in her home country Holocaust victims scroll in a
centration camps. in 2004. video over the stage and per-
Many liken Novac’s work to formers. Human bones and a
Friday's debut of “The Beau- that of Anne Frank, author skull are held by performers
tiful Days of My Youth” by of the “The Diary of a Young during monologues.
Romanian Jewish Holocaust Girl,” which documented The pandemic has had a se-
survivor Ana Novac follows her life in hiding in Nazi- vere impact on Romania’s ar-
the National Holocaust Re- occupied Netherlands before tistic community, triggering
membrance Day commem- she was deported to concen- the closure of theaters during
orations on Oct. 9, the day is around 6,000, down from in Mel Gibson’s 2004 movie tration camps. the lockdown. Later, theaters
when deportations of Roma- 800,000 before the war. “The Passion of the Christ," “We are bearers of scars from were allowed to hold perfor-
nia’s Jews and Roma began in The play premiered on- described the play's staging wounds that are not directly mances only outdoors, then
1941. line and in front of specta- to The Associated Press as ours, but still we carry these indoors with a limited num-
Some 280,000 Jews and tors who took up less than a an “all-female project.” The scars,” Morgenstern said. She ber of spectators.
11,000 Roma were deported third of the seats because of director is a woman, Liana stressed the importance of “These are existential and
and killed under Romania's measures meant to slow the Ceterchi. evoking events through the- also moral questions. What
pro-Nazi regime during coronavirus pandemic in the “Each one of us is a facet of atrical performance ”in order to do to protect life, not to be
World War II. During the eastern European nation. Ana Novac’s soul and mem- to understand the ghosts of a a threat but at the same time
communist era, hundreds Maia Morgenstern, head of ory," Morgenstern said. painful past, the memories of continue our existence and
of thousands of Romanian the Jewish State Theater and The play's author, born Zim- terrible events that have split activity and maintain our sta-
Jews emigrated to Israel. The a Romanian Jewish actress ra Harsanyi, hails from Ro- the world into executioners tus as artists?” Morgenstern
current Jewish population best known for playing Mary mania's northern Transylva- and victims.” said.
UK festival curator accuses UAE minister of sex assault
(AP) — The chair of Brit- claimed she was assaulted by Hay Festival chair Caroline
ain’s Hay literary festival the sheikh when they met at Michel said her colleagues
said Sunday the event will a remote island villa. are committed to supporting
not return to Abu Dhabi The Foreign Ministry of the McNamara in seeking legal
after one of the festival’s UAE, a federation of seven action and said the festival
curators alleged that she sheikhdoms on the Ara- will not return to Abu Dhabi
was sexually assaulted by bian Peninsula also home to while the sheikh remains in
the tolerance minister of Dubai, said it does not com- his post.
the United Arab Emirates ment on personal matters. “What happened to our
while working with him. When asked about the case, friend and colleague Caitlin
Britain's Metropolitan Po- McNamara in Abu Dhabi
Caitlin McNamara alleged lice confirmed that a woman last February was an appall-
she was attacked in Febru- contacted the force on July 3 ing violation and a hideous
ary by Sheikh Nahyan bin to report an allegation of rape, abuse of trust and position,"
Mubarak Al Nahyan, a mem- and said an initial statement Michel said in a statement.
ber of Abu Dhabi’s ruling has been taken from her. “Sheikh Nahyan bin speech and female empower- Sheikh Nahyan has received
family, the Sunday Times re- The Associated Press does Mubarak Al Nahyan made ment,” she added. international attention as the
ported. not usually name sexual as- a mockery of his ministerial The sheikh’s ministry paid Emirates hosted Pope Francis
The Times said McNama- sault victims, but McNamara responsibilities and tragically for the four-day festival in and moves toward normaliz-
ra, who had travelled to the agreed to be identified by the undermined his govern- Abu Dhabi, which took place ing ties with Israel while wel-
UAE to work on the launch Sunday Times, which ran her ment’s attempt to work with in late February and featured coming Jews to this Muslim-
of the literary festival there, picture on the front page. Hay Festival to promote free several famous authors. ruled nation.
Federal officials making changes to some oil-lease terms
(AP) — A federal oil lease 10 years. In shallower waters,
sale in November will be the leases are for five years,
the first in a decade to of- with a three-year extension
fer 10-year leases at some for companies that start a well
depths. within those first five years.
The agency is offering about
Since 2010, leases in depths 78 million acres (31.6 million
of 800 to 1600 meters (about hectares) in water from nine
a half-mile to nearly a mile) feet to more than 11,115 feet
have run for seven years, with (three meters to 3,400 me-
a three-year extension avail- ters).
able for companies that have Like all sales since August
started a well on their lease. 2016, the sale on Nov. 18 will
“After a careful analysis of the be livestreamed, Bids will be
past 10 years’ data, ... BOEM read publicly.
is reverting to offering the The last lease sale, in March,
10-year primary term in offered about the same acre-
these specific water depths,” age and got bids on about
the Bureau of Offshore En- ergy Management said in a news release Thursday. Leas- es in deeper waters remain at 0.5% of the total.