Page 14 - MIN JUS 22 FEB 2016
P. 14


LOCALMonday 22 February 2016

Mexico Will Be the Site of ECLAC’s Most Important Gathering

--Mexican Foreign Minister    from May 23 to May 27,          signed the accord in early    in this session participants  Latin American develop-
Claudia Ruiz Massieu and      2016, where officials will      February through which        will debate the region’s
ECLAC’s Executive Secre-      present to its 45 member        Mexico became the site        economic, social and en-      ment, while also drafting a
tary, Alicia Bárcena, signed  countries a report on re-       for the Thirty-sixth session  vironmental development
an accord regarding the       cent activities and will offer  of this United Nations orga-  based on a position docu-
organization’s thirty-sixth   governments a reflection        nization. “For our country    ment written by ECLAC, in
session, which will be held   upon development strate-        it is very important to host  light of the agenda of the
on May 23-27.                 gies in the context of the      ECLAC’s session and re-       Sustainable Development
                              commitments contained in        ceive representatives from    Goals (SDGs) approved by
ORANJESTAD - The Eco-         the 2030 Agenda and the         throughout the region to      the UN General Assembly in
nomic Commission for Latin    Sustainable Development         discuss issues of develop-    September 2015. This doc-
America and the Carib-        Goals. Mexico’s Foreign         ment and equality, espe-      ument continues along the
bean (ECLAC) will hold its    Minister, Claudia Ruiz Mass-    cially of gender,” Ruiz Mas-  same path as the “trilogy
most important biannual       ieu, and ECLAC’s Executive      sieu affirmed.                of equality” presented by
meeting in Mexico City        Secretary, Alicia Bárcena,      Bárcena indicated that        the Commission in its three
                                                                                            previous meetings (2010,
                                                                                            2012 and 2014).               joint proposal for a possible
                                                                                            “We keep equality at the
                                                                                            center of our proposals       oceanographic expedi-
                                                                                            and with a gender ap-
                                                                                            proach in which the role      tion between the Antarctic
                                                                                            of Latin American and Ca-
                                                                                            ribbean women is made         and the whale sanctuary
                                                                                            more visible in the agen-
                                                                                            da of the SDGs,” said the     in the Gulf of California in
                                                                                            United Nations official. “As
                                                                                            a Mexican woman, it is an     the framework of Pacific
                                                                                            honor that this meeting be
                                                                                            held in my country.”          Alliance  cooperation.
                                                                                            The Executive Secretary
                                                                                            also met with President En-   Both sides also proposed
                                                                                            rique Peña Nieto, whom
                                                                                            she thanked for the invita-   reinforcing academic ex-
                                                                                            tion that Mexico’s govern-
                                                                                            ment made to ECLAC to         changes and scholarships
                                                                                            host the session. She also
                                                                                            expressed her apprecia-       for Latin American stu-
                                                                                            tion to him, since he will
                                                                                            be the person to kick off     dents. Bárcena also met
                                                                                            the work of this regional UN
                                                                                            commission’s highest gov-     with Julio Santaella, Presi-
                                                                                            erning body. During her vis-
                                                                                            it Bárcena met as well with   dent of the INEGI, and with
                                                                                            the most senior authorities
                                                                                            of the National Autono-       Vice Presidents Félix Vélez
                                                                                            mous University of Mexico
                                                                                            (UNAM) and the National       and Rolando Ocampo.
                                                                                            Institute of Statistics and
                                                                                            Geography (INEGI), ac-        The Institute currently pre-
                                                                                            companied on both oc-
                                                                                            casions by Antonio Prado,     sides the Statistical Con-
                                                                                            ECLAC’s Deputy Executive
                                                                                            Secretary, and the Director   ference of the Americas
                                                                                            of the Subregional Head-
                                                                                            quarters in Mexico, Hugo      of ECLAC (SCA-ECLAC)
                                                                                            Beteta. At the UNAM, Rec-
                                                                                            tor Enrique Graue and         and will participate ac-
                                                                                            Secretary-General Leon-
                                                                                            ardo Lomelí agreed to         tively in the upcoming ses-
                                                                                            jointly publish with ECLAC
                                                                                            a series of studies about     sion. The officials agreed

                                                                                                                          that the INEGI will present

                                                                                                                          its experiences regard-

                                                                                                                          ing South-South coopera-

                                                                                                                          tion, the Caribbean and

                                                                                                                          Central America, gender

                                                                                                                          statistics in Latin America

                                                                                                                          and the Caribbean, and

                                                                                                                          the relationship between

                                                                                                                          statistics and geography

                                                                                                                          in its studies. The complete

                                                                                                                          program of ECLAC’s thirty-

                                                                                                                          sixth session, along with

                                                                                                                          general information on the

                                                                                                                          meeting, will be available

                                                                                                                          soon on the gathering’s

                                                                                                                          special Web site, which

                                                                                                                          can be accessed through


                                                                                                                          who want to get accred-

                                                                                                                          ited to cover the meeting

                                                                                                                          can also do so through this

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