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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 24 OctOber 2020

            Trump: Sudan to join UAE, Bahrain in recognizing Israel

            By  DEB  RIECHMANN  and                                                                                             America, he said.
            MATTHEW LEE                                                                                                         In  a  separate  but  related
            Associated Press                                                                                                    development,  Netanyahu
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            and Israeli Defense Minister
            dent  Donald  Trump  an-                                                                                            Benny  Gantz  announced
            nounced  Friday  that  Su-                                                                                          that  Israel  had  consented
            dan  will  start  to  normalize                                                                                     to  American  sales  of  "ad-
            ties  with  Israel,  making  it                                                                                     vanced  weapons"  to  the
            the  third  Arab  state  to  do                                                                                     UAE.  The  arms  sales  was
            so as part of U.S.-brokered                                                                                         part  of  the  deal  the  U.S.
            deals in the run-up to Elec-                                                                                        earlier  brokered  between
            tion  Day.  The  announce-                                                                                          the Israel and UAE.
            ment came after the North                                                                                           Gantz and Netanyahu said
            African  nation  agreed  to                                                                                         Defense Secretary Mark Es-
            put  $335  million  in  an  es-                                                                                     per  has  assured  Israel  that
            crow  account  to  be  used                                                                                         the  U.S.  would  maintain
            to  compensate  American                                                                                            Israel's  qualitative  military
            victims  of  terror  attacks.                                                                                       edge. Israel is currently the
            The  attacks  include  the                                                                                          only country in the Mideast
            1998  bombings  of  the  U.S.                                                                                       to possess the cutting-edge
            embassies  in  Kenya  and                                                                                           fighter jets. Gantz' office re-
            Tanzania  by  the  al-Qaida                                                                                         fused to identify the weap-
            network  while  its  leader,                                                                                        ons,  but  Trump  has  said
            Osama bin Laden, was liv-    President Donald Trump reacts after hanging up a phone call with the leaders of Sudan and Israel,   that the UAE is interested in
            ing in Sudan. In exchange,   as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, second from left, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, White   buying F35 warplanes.
            Trump  notified  Congress    House senior adviser Jared Kushner, National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien, and others applaud   The  removal  of  the  terror
                                         in the Oval Office of the White House, Friday, Oct. 23, 2020, in Washington.
            on Friday of his intent to re-                                                                     Associated Press  designation opens the door
            move  Sudan  from  the  U.S.                                                                                        for  Sudan's  fragile  transi-
            list of state sponsors of ter-  The  Palestinians  say  the  have  lost  their  "veto"  over  called  for  no  recognition,  tional  government  to  get
            rorism.  It was foreign policy  recognitions  amount  to  regional peace efforts.      negotiations or peace with  international loans and aid
            achievement for Trump just  betrayal.  Palestinian  Presi-  Trump  invited  reporters  to  Israel.  "Today, Khartoum is  needed  to  revive  its  bat-
            11  days  before  Election  dent     Mahmoud     Abbas  the Oval Office while still on  saying  yes  to  peace  with  tered  economy  and  res-
            Day.  Previously,  the  Trump  condemned  and  rejected  the  phone  with  Israeli  and  Israel, yes to recognition of  cue the country's transition
            administration  engineered  the  agreement,  saying  a  Sudanese  leaders.  Trump  Israel and yes to normaliza-     to democracy. A senior U.S.
            diplomatic pacts between  lasting peace in the region  said  Sudan  had  demon-        tion with Israel," Netanyahu  official said Sudan had bor-
            Israel and the United Arab  depends on ending the Is-     strated  its  commitment  in  said. "This is a new era, an  rowed the money needed
            Emirates and Bahrain — the  raeli  occupation  and  cre-  battling terrorism.          era of true peace — peace  to  set  up  the  escrow  ac-
            first  since  Jordan  recog-  ating  a  Palestinian  state.  "This is one of the great days  that is proceeding and wid-  count for terror victims.
            nized Israel in the 1990s and  Wasel Abu Yousef, a senior  in  the  history  of  Sudan,"  ening with additional Arab  Sudan is on a fragile path to
            Egypt in the 1970s.          Palestinian  official,  called  Trump said, adding that Is-  countries.  Three  in  the  last  democracy  after  a  popu-
            The  new  recognitions  of  the  agreement  a  "stab  in  rael and Sudan have been  few weeks."                     lar uprising last year led the
            Israel  unify  Arab  nations  the back" of the Palestinian  in  a  state  of  hostilities  for  He  said  Israeli  and  Suda-  military  to  overthrow  the
            around  their  common  en-   people  and  their  cause.  decades, even if they had  nese teams will meet soon  longtime  autocrat,  Omar
            emy, Iran. They also upend  The  Islamic  militant  group  not been in direct conflict.  to   discuss   cooperation  al-Bashir.  Thousands  have
            the  traditional  Arab  strat-  Hamas,  which  rules  Gaza,  In  a  statement  released  in  agriculture,  trade  and  protested  in  the  country's
            egy of refusing to normalize  also   condemned       the  in  Jerusalem,  Netanyahu  other  areas.  Sudan  also  is  capital Khartoum and oth-
            relations  with  Israel  before  agreement.               noted  that  in  1967,  Khar-  opening  its  skies  to  Israeli  er  regions  in  recent  days
            an  independent  Palestin-   Israel  said  the  recognitions  toum hosted a conference  flights,  which  will  shorten  over dire economic condi-
            ian state is created.        signal  that  the  Palestinians  where  the  Arab  League  trips  to  Africa  and  South  tions. q

              Viewership for 2nd Trump-Biden

              debate drops to 63 million

              By J. LANDRUM Jr.           ed at Belmont University in  candidates  together  was
              AP Entertainment Writer     Nashville, Tennessee.       27.6 million.
              LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  The  The  numbers  were  tallied  The   Biden   town    hall
              final  presidential  debate  between 15 networks that  reached  14.1  million  peo-
              between President Donald  aired the debate.             ple, while Trump had 13.5
              Trump and his Democratic  Trump  and  Biden's  first  million.
              opponent Joe Biden drew  matchup         last   month  On  Thursday,  the  candi-
              10  million  fewer  viewers  was  seen  by  73.1  million  dates debated mostly over
              than their first meeting.   people.  The  second  de-   health care, energy policy
              An  estimated  63  million  bate  was  canceled  after  and  how  Trump  handled    People watch from their vehicle as President Donald Trump, on
              viewers tuned into the de-  Trump's  coronavirus  infec-  the  coronavirus  pandem-  left of video screen, and Democratic presidential candidate
              bate featuring Trump and  tion and replaced by du-      ic.  Both  candidates  also   former Vice President Joe Biden speak during a Presidential
              Biden  Thursday  night,  the  eling  town  halls  on  ABC  had  an  exchange  words   Debate  Watch  Party  at  Fort  Mason  Center  in  San  Francisco,
              Nielsen  company  said  Fri-  and NBC — the viewership  over the business endeav-   Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020.
              day. The debate was host-   for  both  the  presidential  ors of Biden's son.q                                              Associated Press
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