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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 24 OctOber 2020
            Japan, Britain sign free trade deal for post-Brexit era

            By YURI KAGEYAMA                                                                                                    ally  and  won't  become
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  eliminated  until  2026.  That
            TOKYO (AP) — Japan and                                                                                              matches  Japan's  arrange-
            Britain  signed  a  free  trade                                                                                     ment with the EU.
            agreement  on  Friday,  the                                                                                         Japan  has  repeatedly  ex-
            the  first  such  major  post-                                                                                      pressed concern about the
            Brexit  deal,  reducing  tar-                                                                                       likely  impact  of  Brexit  on
            iffs  on  goods  like  Yorkshire                                                                                    Japanese businesses in Brit-
            lamb sold in Japan as well                                                                                          ain,  which  include  Hitachi,
            as  auto  parts  for  Japan's                                                                                       with  plants  making  railway
            Nissan plant.                                                                                                       cars  for  East  Coast  trains,
            "How fitting it is to be in the                                                                                     and Nissan Motor Co., em-
            Land  of  the  Rising  Sun  to                                                                                      ploying  several  thousand
            welcome in the dawn of a                                                                                            workers  at  its  Sunderland
            new era of free trade," Brit-                                                                                       auto plant.
            ish International Trade Sec-                                                                                        Motegi visited Britain in Au-
            retary Liz  Truss  told  report-                                                                                    gust,  his  first  overseas  trip
            ers  at  a  signing  ceremony                                                                                       amid the coronavirus pan-
            in  Tokyo.  Appearing  with                                                                                         demic,  and  stressed  the
            Japanese  Foreign  Minis-                                                                                           importance for reaching a
            ter  Toshimitsu  Motegi,  Truss                                                                                     trade deal quickly.
            called  the  agreement  a    British International Trade Secretary Liz Truss, left, and Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi   Business  organizations  in
            "landmark"  as  the  first  ma-  exchange agreement documents for economic partnership between Japan and Britain at Iikura   the U.K. welcomed oppor-
                                         Annex of the Foreign Ministry in Tokyo, Friday, Oct. 23, 2020.
            jor trade deal for Britain as                                                                      Associated Press  tunities  to  boost  an  econ-
            it becomes once again an                                                                                            omy hard hit by the COV-
            independent  trading  na-    Motegi  said  the  bilateral  Britain's  opposition  Labour  ruling  party  controls  both  ID-19 crisis.  "This will give a
            tion.  The  deal,  expected  deal   ensures   continuity  Party  has  estimated  it  will  houses of parliament.    welcome  helping  hand  to
            to  boost  British  trade  with  with  the  earlier  European  increase U.K. GDP by 0.07%  Japan   already   exports  some of the country's most
            Japan by 15 billion pounds  agreement and adds new  - far less than the predicted  about  1.5  trillion  yen  ($14  innovative     companies,
            ($19.5  billion)  annually,  will  areas for cooperation such  fall in trade with the 27-na-  billion)  of  goods  to  Britain  which  sometimes  struggle
            also make it easier for Brit-  as e-commerce and finan-   tion  bloc.  Britain  is  seeking  each  year,  mostly  autos,  to  navigate  the  complexi-
            ish  companies  to  operate  cial services.               to  secure  deals  with  other  auto  parts  and  other  ma-  ties  of  breaking  through
            in Japan.                    The British government says  countries, notably the Unit-  chinery.  It  imports  nearly  1  into new markets,'' Stephen
            Financial  services  are  Brit-  the  ability  to  strike  free  ed States, but talks are pro-  trillion yen ($9.5 billion) from  Phipson,  CEO  of  Make  UK,
            ain's  biggest  export  to  Ja-  trade  agreements  around  ceeding slowly.            Britain,  including  pharma-  the  manufacturers'  orga-
            pan,  now  at  28%.  English  the world is one of the main  Parliamentary  approval  is  ceuticals,  medical  prod-  nization.   "Business   looks
            sparkling  wine,  made-in-   benefits  of  Brexit.  But  the  needed in both nations be-  ucts  and  cars,  according  forward  to  being  directly
            Britain  coats  and  shoes,  new deal largely replicates  fore  the  agreement  takes  to  the  Japanese  Foreign  and closely involved in the
            Stilton  cheese,  pork,  lamb  the  trade  agreement  Brit-  effect  from  the  beginning  Ministry.                ongoing program of trade
            and  biscuits  will  become  ain had with Japan as part  of  next  year.  It's  expected  Tariffs  on  Japanese  autos  negotiations  to  ensure  the
            cheaper in Japan.            of the EU.                   in Japan next week, as the  will  be  removed  gradu-     best possible outcomes."q

            In Brazil's richest city, works to clean a filthy river

            By CHRISTIANA SCIAUDONE  glass  office  towers,  multi-   moving  all  waste  from  the
            and TATIANA POLLASTRI        story apartments in the sky  river.
            Associated Press             and  a  private  school  that  Whether   that   deadline
            SAO  PAULO  (AP)  —  The  charges  the  nation's  high-   is  overly  optimistic,  the
            Pinheiros  River  that  runs  est tuition — it is also home  need  is  real.  In  Sao  Paulo,
            through  the  heart  of  Sao  to  many  of  its  have-nots.  about  25%  of  the  popula-
            Paulo  makes  its  pollution  Some 3.3 million people live  tion  —  more  than  2.5  mil-
            known with a miasma that  in  the  16-mile  river's  basin,  lion people — lacks access
            wafts  across  city  streets,  some  in  slums  and  home-  to  waste  treatment,  said
            choking  rich  and  poor  less  tent  cities  from  which  Edison  Carlos,  president  of
            alike.  It's  an  unwelcome  sewage flows into the wa-    Trata Brasil, an organization
            feature  of  the  city  that  is  terway. "We have no mon-  that promotes clean water
            also  Brazil's  wealthiest  and  ey  to  live  elsewhere,"  said  and sewerage.
            the financial heart of Latin  Adriana  Maria,  a  40-year-  "It  is  less  water  than  sew-
            America.                     old  maid  who  lives  in  the  age," Carlos said of the Pin-
            Efforts to clean up the river  Americanopolis  slum.  "Poli-  heiros River.            Debris floats in the Pinheiros River in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Thursday,
            have  gathered  momen-       ticians  won't  even  look  at  Ongoing  works  also  entail   Oct. 22, 2020.                      Associated Press
            tum,  with  the  state  gov-  us." Maria's home is one of  trash  removal,  because
            ernment  working  to  make  43,000  structures  that  Sao  100,000 tons of it are tossed  erbed, creating hills of plas-  River,  of  which  Pinheiros
            good  on  a  pledge  that  Paulo's  state-owned  water  into the water every month,  tic  bottles,  styrofoam,  and  is  its  most  contaminated
            past  administrations  have  and waste company Sabe-      said Marcos Penido, secre-   discarded clothing.          tributary. That project is still
            been unable to deliver on,  sp says it has linked to sew-  tary  of  infrastructure  and  The  final  contracts  for  the  ongoing. And in 2001, then-
            at least as far as three de-  age  collection  since  the  environment  for  the  state.  project were signed in July,  Gov.  Geraldo  Alckmin  an-
            cades back.                  project  began  less  than  a  Garbage  amasses  along  Penido said.                   nounced  a  project  to  de-
            While  the  Pinheiros  River  year ago. It will connect an  the riverbanks and in small  In  1992,  Sabesp  began  a  pollute  the  river,  though  it
            is  bordered  by  symbols  of  additional  487,000  homes  islands that form in the dry  project  that  aimed  to  de-  did  not  address  sewage
            Brazil's  haves  —  gleaming  and  buildings  by  2022,  re-  season  throughout  the  riv-  pollute  the  715-mile  Tiete  problems. q
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