Page 10 - MIN.TTC FEB 4,2015
P. 10
Wednesday 4 February

Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort, Spa & Casino Celebrates
25th Anniversary With Major Announcements

-For Its Silver Anniversa-
ry, Hyatt Regency Aruba
Welcomes a New General
Manager, Completes Ho-
tel Renovations, and An-
nounces a Year-Long Se-
ries of Events.

PALM BEACH - Aruba’s
leading beachfront resort,
Hyatt Regency Aruba Re-
sort Spa & Casino, is kick-
ing off its 25th anniversary
with multiple major an-
nouncements. Joel Bunde
became part of the Hyatt
Regency Aruba team as
the new General Manager
in January, and extensive
refurbishments around the
resort were recently com-
pleted. To further com-
memorate this milestone
year, Hyatt Regency Aru-
ba is implementing a year-
long series of events in hon-
or of its Silver Anniversary
centered on giving back
to the Aruban community.
Joining the Hyatt brand

in this celebratory year is ily, Bunde brings a wealth oversees all aspects of the tional tasks. investment and all guest
Joel Bunde, the newly ap- of experience, expertise resort’s operations, includ- “I am pleased to be in Aru- rooms have been entirely
pointed General Manager and passion for the hotel ing food and beverage, ba working with a brand refreshed.
of Hyatt Regency Aruba. A brand to Hyatt Regency staff management, recruit- that I have long respected Finally, Hyatt Regency Aru-
more than 20-year veteran Aruba. In his new role as ment and development, and in a community I truly ba has announced a new
of the Hyatt hospitality fam- General Manager, Bunde amongst other daily opera- admire,” said Joel Bunde. series of activities slated
“We couldn’t have made to take place throughout
it to this momentous an- the year and designed
niversary without the help with the community’s well-
of hotel staff and support being in mind. The resort
from our local friends and has worked closely with as-
peers. sociates to determine the
I look forward to celebrat- programming of the new
ing and further developing series, with the following
the hotel’s reputation as categories to be reflected
Aruba’s leading beach- within each event: chil-
front resort.” dren, senior citizens, peo-
Having gone through an ple with special needs and
extensive renovation pro- nature.
cess last year, Hyatt Re- The inaugural event, which
gency Aruba is proud to took place last week, suc-
reveal that all planned up- cessfully brought a group
grades have been finalized from Flor di Brazil to the
in conjunction with its 25th resort’s lively casino for
anniversary celebration. snacks, drinks and games.
The Regency Ballroom has
been completely re-done Continued on Page 15
after a multi-million dollar
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