Page 11 - MIN.TTC FEB 4,2015
P. 11
Wednesday 4 February
Continued from Page 13 which focuses on providing and we look forward to the
support to breast cancer upcoming events on our is-
The next event in the pipe- survivors and their families land,” said Vanessa Tromp
line is the Carnaval Jump- and friends, in conjunc- of Human Resources.
in on February 13, 2015, tion with this event. All pro- “We plan to have at least
where Hyatt will organize ceeds will be donated to one community event
a battle between different this foundation. each month in various
music groups. “The Hyatt Regency Aruba parts of Aruba.”
Hyatt will partner with the family is excited to give For more information about
Mary Joan Foundation, back to the community the Hyatt Regency Aruba,
that has welcomed them call 1-800-55-HYATT or visit-
throughout their 25 years
Wednesday 4 February
Continued from Page 13 which focuses on providing and we look forward to the
support to breast cancer upcoming events on our is-
The next event in the pipe- survivors and their families land,” said Vanessa Tromp
line is the Carnaval Jump- and friends, in conjunc- of Human Resources.
in on February 13, 2015, tion with this event. All pro- “We plan to have at least
where Hyatt will organize ceeds will be donated to one community event
a battle between different this foundation. each month in various
music groups. “The Hyatt Regency Aruba parts of Aruba.”
Hyatt will partner with the family is excited to give For more information about
Mary Joan Foundation, back to the community the Hyatt Regency Aruba,
that has welcomed them call 1-800-55-HYATT or visit-
throughout their 25 years