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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 10 augusT 2017

            Insurer: Miami is more vulnerable to hurricanes like Andrew

             By JENNIFER KAY             Center, said wind patterns  CATASTROPHIC LOSSES           ed  losses:  $100  billion  to  pected   to   exacerbate
             Associated Press            and warmer-than-average  On  Aug.  24,  1992,  Andrew  $300  billion,  including  in-  storm  surge  flooding.  Even
             MIAMI  (AP)  —  Almost  25  water  temperatures  that  blasted  ashore  about  20  sured losses up to $180 bil-    a moderate rise of 3.5 inch-
             years have passed since a  can  fuel  storm  develop-    miles  southwest  of  Miami  lion.                        es  by  the  2030s  could  in-
             Category 5 hurricane struck  ment are expected to per-   with winds topping 165 mph                                crease  storm-surge-related
             south  of  Miami,  and  the                                                                                        losses along South Florida’s
             city’s  vulnerability  to  cata-                                                                                   coastline to roughly $11 bil-
             strophic storm damage has                                                                                          lion,  said  Megan  Linkin,  a
             grown  exponentially,  ac-                                                                                         meteorologist  and  natural
             cording to a new insurance                                                                                         hazards expert at Swiss Re.
             underwriters’ analysis.                                                                                            That’s particularly troubling
             At  the  time,  Hurricane  An-                                                                                     because  even  a  tropical
             drew was the most expen-                                                                                           storm  can  cause  major
             sive  natural  disaster  in  U.S.                                                                                  coastal flooding.
             history,  causing  more  than                                                                                      For example, Sandy’s enor-
             $26  billion  of  damage  in                                                                                       mous size drove catastroph-
             Florida’s  most  populous                                                                                          ic storm surge onto the New
             areas,  including  $15.5  bil-                                                                                     Jersey and New York coast-
             lion  in  insurance  payouts.                                                                                      lines even though the storm
             Stringent building code en-                                                                                        weakened and lost its tropi-
             forcement  followed  in  Mi-                                                                                       cal  characteristics  before
             ami, but so did population                                                                                         making landfall in October
             growth,  coastal  develop-                                                                                         2012.  Causing  more  than
             ment and climate change.                                                                                           $50  billion  in  losses,  Sandy
             “Our  concerns  lie  with  the                                                                                     now  ranks  as  the  second
             fact  that  even  though  In this June 22, 2017 photo, beachgoers enter the water even though double-red flags are flying,   most costly hurricane to hit
             we’ve made good chang-      warning of dangerous conditions and extremely rough surf in the remnants of Tropical Storm Cindy,   the U.S., ahead of Andrew
             es, 25 years later you have   in Seaside, Fla. U.S. government forecasters gave coastal residents more reasons Wednesday to   and surpassed by only Hur-
             a  much  larger  population   worry and prepare for disaster: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s updated   ricane Katrina.
                                         hurricane season forecast predicts 14 to 19 named storms, with five to nine hurricanes. Two to five
             living in Florida, and people   hurricanes are expected to be “major” with sustained winds of at least 111 mph (178 kph).
             forget  what  can  happen                                                                  (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)  PROTECTION GAPS
             or  they  don’t  know  what                                                                                        Swiss Re now estimates the
             could happen,” said Mon-    sist throughout the tropical  (265  kph).  The  hurricane  STORM SURGE                 combined  residential  val-
             ica  Ningen,  chief  property  Atlantic Ocean and Carib-  killed  15  people  and  indi-  For  all  the  extreme  condi-  ues  in  three  Miami-area
             underwriter for the U.S. and  bean Sea.                  rectly  caused  the  deaths  tions  Andrew  produced,  counties  are  roughly  $660
             Canada at Swiss Re.         Six  tropical  storms  have  of  25  more  in  Miami-Dade  storm  surge  flooding  from  billion and commercial val-
             U.S.  government  forecast-  formed  so  far  this  year,  in-  County  alone,  according  the  compact  hurricane  ues are about $550 billion.
             ers  gave  coastal  residents  cluding two that hit the U.S.  to  the  National  Hurricane  was relatively minor in Flor-  Insuring  those  properties
             more   reasons   Wednes-    A National Hurricane Cen-    Center.                      ida.  The  abnormal  rise  of  can  be  expensive  and
             day  to  worry  and  prepare  ter  advisory  said  Tropical  Andrew  destroyed  25,524  sea  levels,  driven  ashore  difficult  in  Florida.  Only
             for  disaster:  The  National  Storm Franklin became Hur-  homes  and  damaged  an-   by  storm  winds,  can  be  a  19  percent  of  the  state’s
             Oceanic and Atmospheric  ricane Franklin on Wednes-      other 101,241; nearly all the  hurricane’s  most  deadly  homeowners  have  flood
             Administration’s  updated  day  afternoon  as  it  ap-   mobile  homes  in  its  path  hazard,  but  no  one  died  insurance.  Many  insurers
             hurricane  season  forecast  proached Mexico’s central  were completely lost.         because of Andrew’s storm  stopped  renewing  hom-
             predicts  14  to  19  named  Gulf coast.                 If  a  similar  hurricane  bar-  surge  —  a  fact  the  hurri-  eowner policies after eight
             storms,  with  five  to  nine  Swiss  Re,  a  Switzerland-  reled down the same track  cane center considered “a  hurricanes  hit  the  state
             hurricanes. Two to five hur-  based  reinsurance  com-   today,  Swiss  Re  estimates  fortunate aberration.”      in  2004  and  2005,  forcing
             ricanes  are  expected  to  pany,  released  an  analy-  damage would range from  According  to  hurricane  property  owners  into  the
             be  “major”  with  sustained  sis  Wednesday  estimating  $80 billion to $100 billion, in-  center  records,  only  $96  state-managed  insurance
             winds  of  at  least  111  mph  the  losses  if  a  hurricane  cluding up to $60 billion in  million  in  federal  flood  company created 10 years
             (178 kph).                  similar to Andrew’s size and  insured losses.             claims were reported after  after  Andrew,  which  law-
             Gerry  Bell,  lead  seasonal  strength  hit  Miami  and  its  Should  a  similar  hurricane  Andrew.               makers  intended  to  act
             hurricane   forecaster   at  suburbs today.              target Miami directly, Swiss  Rising  sea  levels  caused  as  Florida’s  insurer  of  last
             NOAA’s Climate Prediction                                Re estimates unprecedent-    by  climate  change  is  ex-  resort.q
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