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                                                                                                                       Wednesday 11 November

New Orleans musical legend Allen Toussaint dies at 77 

                                                                                                  otherwise lived a modest     Paul Simon in New Orleans
                                                                                                  life in New Orleans, said    on Dec. 8 at Le Petit The-
                                                                                                  Walker. In recent years he   atre to raise money for
                                                                                                  appeared on the HBO se-      New Orleans Artists Against
                                                                                                  ries “Treme.”                Hunger And Homelessness.
                                                                                                  Toussaint is a member of     Hurricane Katrina in 2005
                                                                                                  the Rock and Roll Hall of    flooded not only his home
                                                                                                  Fame and the Louisiana       but his Sea-Saint studio,
                                                                                                  Music Hall of Fame. In 2013  forcing Toussaint to flee
                                                                                                  he was awarded the Na-       to New York. The studio
                                                                                                  tional Humanities Medal by   never reopened. During
                                                                                                  President Barack Obama.      Katrina he also lost most
                                                                                                  He had been expected to      of his manuscripts, his gold
                                                                                                  perform a benefit concert    records and many of his
                                                                                                  along with longtime friend   stage outfits, Davis said.q

In this file photo dated Saturday, May 7, 2011, Allen Toussaint performs at the New Orleans Jazz

and Heritage Festival in New Orleans, USA. 				              Associated Press

REBECCA SANTANA                ing class Gert Town neigh-    Costello.
STACEY PLAISANCE               borhood, Toussaint went       “Having worked with him in
Associated Press               on to become one of the       New Orleans I know what
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Leg-        city’s most legendary and     a sweet and gentle guy he
endary New Orleans musi-       celebrated performers         was and a massive song-
cian Allen Toussaint, who      and personalities.            writing talent,” said Mc-
racked up hits like “Work-     In the beginning Toussaint    Cartney in a statement.
ing in the Coal Mine” and      was known mostly as an        Toussaint had numer-
“Lady Marmalade” as a          R&B songwriter and pro-       ous hits to his name. He
behind-the-scenes song-        ducer. He worked for the      penned the 1966 Lee Dors-
writer and producer be-        New Orleans-based Minit       ey classic “Working in the
fore he gained new fame        Records in 1960 before be-    Coal Mine” and produced
as a performer, died Tues-     ing drafted in the Army for   Dr. John’s 1973 hit “Right
day, not long after a per-     two years.                    Place, Wrong Time” and
formance in Spain. He was      He worked with such lu-       1975’s “Lady Marmalade”
77.                            minaries as Lee Dors-         by the vocal trio Labelle.
Rescue workers were            ey,  Art  and Aaron Neville,  Aaron Walker, who is work-
called to Toussaint’s hotel    Irma Thomas, the Meters,      ing on a documentary
in Madrid early Tuesday        Joe Cocker and Ernie K-       about Touissant, said he
morning after he suffered      Doe. Thomas remembered        often wrote with specific
a heart attack, said Ma-       Toussaint, who produced       people in mind — thinking,
drid emergency services        her songs “It’s Raining” and  for example, about Lee
spokesman Javier Ayuso.        “I Did My Part,” as some-     Dorsey’s smile.
They managed to revive         one who wrote beautiful       His influence could be
him but Toussaint stopped      stories set to music.         felt far outside of R&B cir-
breathing during the am-       In the late ‘50s and early    cles. The song “Southern
bulance ride to a hospital     ‘60s, Thomas and Toussaint    Nights,” which Toussaint
and did not recover, Ayuso     and others would gather       wrote and performed, was
said. Toussaint performed      at Toussaint’s mom’s house    later covered by country
Monday night at Madrid’s       to rehearse.                  star Glen Campbell and
Lara Theater. Toussaint’s      “I don’t know how his         hip-hop artists in the ‘80s
family confirmed his death     mom put up with all of us     and ‘90s often sampled
in an emailed statement,       in there all the time. But    from his songs.
thanking fans and friends      that’s where we learned       He eventually began per-
for their condolences.         our songs,” said Thomas.      forming more and produc-
“He was a legend in the        “That was the place to be,    ing his own albums in the
music world,” said Quint       his mom’s living room.”       1970s. Onstage he often
Davis, who produces the        In 1973, with fellow song-    wore sequined and color-
New Orleans Jazz and           writer Marshall Sehorn, he    ful suits and even off the
Heritage Festival. Toussaint   established his own record-   stage he was known as a
performed there so often       ing studio called Sea-Saint   snazzy dresser — albeit one
— starting in 1973 — that      Studio. There he worked       who often wore sandals.
Davis said Toussaint re-       with a succession of musi-    “You always saw Allen with
ferred to the festival as his  cians including Paul Simon,   a coat and tie and wear-
“annual concert.”              Paul McCartney, Patti La-     ing sandals,” Davis said.
Born in New Orleans’ work-     Belle, Cocker and Elvis       He drove a Rolls Royce but
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