P. 29
PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 29 June 2017
Edward James Olmos wants pet owners to stay home July 4
By SIGAL RATNER-ARIAS , pet injuries were laceration
Associated Press caused by pets breaking
NEW YORK (AP) — Edward through a glass window or
James Olmos has a mes- fence. Other firework-re-
sage for pet owners on the lated pet injuries included
Fourth of July: Stay home. being hit by a car after
Noisy fireworks on Ameri- becoming spooked by fire-
ca’s birthday can startle works, near drowning after
animals and cause them falling in pools and stran-
to run away. Olmos has gulation by collars getting
teamed up with People caught.
for the Ethical Treatment “If you stay with them, it
of Animals to urge owners helps them,” added Olmos,
to comfort their pets or at who starred in “Stand and
least leave a TV or radio Deliver” and earned an
set on to mask the blasts so Oscar nomination. “They’ll
they don’t get as scared. tremble, they’ll shake, but
“Many animals have actu- they will at least feel secure
ally broken through glass enough not to do any bodi-
windows and doors to get ly harm to themselves.”
out of the house,” the vet- PETA Latino Senior Manag-
eran actor told The Associ- er Alicia Aguayo says that
ated Press in a recent in- “Fourth of July fireworks This May 30, 2017 photo released by PETA shows actor Edward James Olmos with his dog Moe
terview. “They don’t know can spell disaster for ani- during the filming of a public service announcement in Los Angeles.
where the explosion is mals who end up in animal Associated Press
coming from, all they know shelters or even disappear really wonderful dog,” said a service dog, so he works and with people and he is
is that there are explosions forever after running in the owner proudly. “He is at hospitals with children wonderful.”q
and they immediately take fright from the explosions.”
it in a fearful way.” Olmos plans to stay home
The insurance giant Nation- with his beloved Moe, a 10
wide, which provides pet year old Labrador retriever
health insurance, last year whom the actor has tweet-
reported that the most ed about — photos includ-
common Fourth of July ed — a few times. “He’s a
Disney: Animatronic
Trump will speak at
Disney World show
President Donald Trump thanks the audience at the end of
joints statements with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in
the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Monday,
June 26, 2017.
Associated Press
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Fla. (AP) have a speaking part in
— Disney has confirmed the show, which features
that an animatronic ver- figures of all U.S. presidents.
sion of President Donald Disney Parks editorial con-
Trump will have a speaking tent director Thomas Smith
role at its Hall of Presidents writes in a blog post that Dis-
attraction at Walt Disney ney is working closely with
World in Florida. the White House on Trump’s
The company is pushing words and a recording ses-
back against reports that sion with the president has
Trump’s figure wouldn’t been scheduled.q