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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 1 July 2017
                 Famed Hollywood actress sues over ‘Feud’ depiction

            By LYNN ELBER                chapter  is  about  the  ill-
            AP Television Writer         fated  marriage  of  Britain’s
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Hol-  Prince Charles and Princess
            lywood  great  Olivia  de  Diana.
            Havilland has launched her  While  De  Havilland  is  “be-
            own sequel to the TV series  loved  and  respected  by
            “Feud” — a lawsuit.          her peers” and has a rep-
            The  double  Oscar-winning  utation  for  integrity  and
            actress  filed  suit  Friday  honesty,  the  series  depicts
            against  FX  Networks  and  her as “a hypocrite, selling
            producer  Ryan  Murphy’s  gossip in order to promote
            company, alleging the dra-   herself”  at  the  Academy
            ma  inaccurately  depicts  Awards, the suit says.
            her as a gossipmonger and  This is false, the suit against
            is an invasion of privacy.   FX  and  Ryan  Murphy  Pro-
            The suit was filed in Los An-  ductions contends.
            geles on Friday — one day  “She  has  refused  to  use
            before  de  Havilland  turns  what  she  knew  about  the
            101.  The  actress,  whose  private  or  public  lives  of
            credits  include  the  role  of  other  actors  (which  was  a
            Melanie Hamilton in “Gone  considerable  amount)  to
            with the Wind,” lives in Paris.  promote her own press at-
            De  Havilland’s  suit  alleges  tention  and  celebrity  sta-
            that  “Feud:  Bette  and  tus,”  a  valuable  aspect  of
            Joan,” about the testy rela-  her character,
            tionship of Bette Davis and  the suit says.               In this June 18, 2016 file photo, U.S. actress Olivia de Havilland poses during an Associated Press
            Joan  Crawford,  used  her  It argues that putting “false   interview, in Paris.
            name and identity without  statements  into  a  living                                                                          Associated Press
            permission  or  compensa-    person’s  mouth  and  dam-
            tion.                        aging  their  reputation  is   celebrities,  Smith’s  state-  De  Havilland  won  Oscars  is  “no  stranger  to  contro-
            FX Networks declined com-    not  protected  by  the  First   ment said.               for  1946’s  “To  Each  His  versy with the powerful Hol-
            ment    Friday.   Represen-  Amendment  because  the      The  suit  seeks  unspecified  Own” and 1949’s “The Heir-  lywood  production  indus-
            tatives  for  Murphy,  who  work is cloaked as fiction.   compensatory  and  puni-     ess,”  and  was  nominated  try.”
            co-created  the  hit  series  Suzelle  Smith,  an  attorney   tive damages for emotion-  for three other films, includ-  In  1943,  she  sued  Warner
            “American  Horror  Story”  for  de  Havilland,  said  in   al distress,                ing “Gone with the Wind.”  Bros. over her contract.
            and “Glee,” didn’t immedi-   a  statement  that  FX  was   damage to her reputation  Her later projects included  The “landmark decision” in
            ately respond to a request  “wrong  to  ignore  Miss  de   and  past  and  future  eco-  TV’s “Roots: The Next Gen-  her legal victory set the out-
            for comment.                 Havilland  and  proceed      nomic losses, as well as an  erations”  and  “North  and  side limit of a studio-player
            Catherine       Zeta-Jones  without  her  permission  for   injunction  barring  the  de-  South, Book II.”         contract  at  seven  years,
            played De Havilland in the  its own profit.”              fendants  from  using  her  The  statement  from  her  including  suspensions,  ac-
            series,  which  aired  earlier  The  actress  believes  FX’s   name or image in the series  lawyers,  Smith  and  Don  cording  to  Ephraim  Katz’s
            this  year.  The  anthology  actions   raise   important   or otherwise.               Howarth, said de Havilland  “The Film Encyclopedia.”q
            series’  next  announced  principles that affect other

                 Hannibal Buress says ‘Spider-Man’ red carpet prank was a win

            By SANDY COHEN               it’s a win for me, it’s a win  “Tag” that’s set for release
            AP Entertainment Writer      for the studio and the mov-  next summer. It stars Rashi-
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Co-   ie and it’s a win for Joe that  da  Jones,  Jon  Hamm,  Jer-
            median  Hannibal  Buress  did it.”                        emy  Renner,  Isla  Fisher,  Ed
            says  his  prank  of  sending  An  actor  named  Joe  Car-  Helms and Jake Johnson.
            a  lookalike  to  Wednes-    roll,  whom  Buress  said  he  “It’s  a  great  cast,”  Buress
            day  night’s  “Spider-Man:  met  during  production  of  said.
            Homecoming”       premiere  last  month’s  MTV  Movie  The  studio  behind  “Spider-
            was more effective than if  and TV Awards, went to the  Man”  knew  he  wasn’t
            he’d actually attended.      premiere in his place.       available  to  attend  the
            “If I went to the carpet and  “He had a great time,” Bu-  premiere,  he  said,  but  did
            did  20-plus  interviews,  you  ress said Thursday.       not realize he’d be sending
            wouldn’t  have  reached  Buress  said  he  came  up  a  stand-in.  Still,  Buress  isn’t
            out  to  my  publicist.  So  it  with  the  idea  on  Tuesday  worried about negative re-
            worked!”  he  said  Thursday  of  sending  a  substitute  to  percussions.
            in an interview with The As-  the  red  carpet  premiere.  “It’s  gone  great,”  he  said.
            sociated Press.              He  started  searching  for  “It’s  gone  better  than  if  I
             “It worked way better and  a  lookalike  on  Wednes-     went to the red carpet.”
            I didn’t have to fly or any-  day  through  emails  and  He  plays  a  high  school
            thing and I was able to still  Instagram,  adding  that  he  coach  in  the  Spider-Man   In this May 18, 2015, file photo, Hannibal Buress attends the 19th
            do the job I was scheduled  would  have  attended  the  reboot  opening  July  7.  His   Annual Webby Awards at Cipriani Wall Street in New York.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
            to do and still promote the  event  had  he  been  avail-  other  recent  film  credits
            movie in a way more effec-   able.                        include  “Baywatch”  and     riffed  on  Bill  Cosby’s  al-  years ago, ended the inter-
            tive way than if I dressed up  He said he’s been in Atlan-  “The Secret Life of Pets.”  leged  sexual  indiscretions  view when asked about the
            and went to the carpet. So  ta working on a film called  The  comic,  who  famously    in  a  standup  routine  three  embattled entertainer.q
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