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                                                                                    PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 1 July 2017

            MSNBC hosts say tabloid article a weapon in Trump feud

            By DAVID BAUDER              their behavior.
            AP Television Writer         Behind the scenes, though,
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  “Morn-   the  supermarket  tabloid
            ing Joe” hosts Joe Scarbor-  National  Enquirer  was  in
            ough and Mika Brzezinski, a  the  midst  of  what  it  later
            couple  onscreen  and  off,  described  as  “an  exhaust-
            say  the  White  House  told  ing  months-long  probe”
            them  a  damaging  Na-       into the relationship.
            tional  Enquirer  story  about  Brzezinski  said  it  involved
            their relationship would “go  phone calls to her teenage
            away”  if  they  called  the  daughter  and  a  reporter
            president  and  apologized  staked  out  outside  her
            for harsh commentary.        home.
            President  Donald  Trump  The  calls  from  the  White
            and  Scarborough  each  House came in early spring.
            traded  accusations  that  Scarborough  said  that  he
            the  other  was  lying  as  the  was  told  that,  “if  you  call
            bizarre  feud  between  the  the president up and apol-
            leader  of  the  free  world  ogize  for  the  coverage,
            and  two  cable  television  then he would pick up the
            hosts persisted on Friday.   phone and spike the story.”
            The  MSNBC  hosts  made  To “spike” a story is journal-
            their  claim  while  respond-  ism slang for killing it.
            ing  to  Trump’s  previous  Scarborough  said  three      In this Nov. 29, 2016 file photo Mika Brzezinski waits for an elevator in the lobby at Trump Tower,
                                                                      Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016, in New York.
            tweet  that  “crazy”  Brzez-  people at the “very top” of                                                                       Associated Press
            inski  was  “bleeding  badly  the administration talked to
            from  a  face-lift”  when  he  him about the matter.      zine  covers  with  his  face  MSNBC host “called me to  parent  company,  Ameri-
            saw her at his Florida estate  Trump  and  the  two  hosts   hung in some golf facilities.  stop a National Enquirer ar-  can  Media,  Inc.,  said  the
            just  before  the  New  Year.  were  once  friendly,  and   A recent New Yorker mag-   ticle. I said no!”           newspaper  has  no  knowl-
            Thursday’s  message  on  “Morning  Joe”  drew  criti-     azine  article  detailed  a  Scarborough later tweeted  edge  of  or  involvement  in
            social  media  drew  wide-   cism for positive coverage   close relationship between  that  he  had  phone  and  any  discussions  between
            spread  condemnation  as  of  early  stages  of  Trump’s   Trump  and  David  Pecker,  text  messages  from  presi-  the  White  House  and  the
            sexist and vulgar, even from  campaign.                   chief  executive  of  the  En-  dential  aides  to  prove  his  “Morning  Joe’  host  about
            some of the president’s Re-  Their relationship soured as   quirer’s  parent  company,  point,  and  that  he  hasn’t  the story.
            publican supporters.         the  commentary  turned      and  how  the  supermarket  spoken  to  Trump  in  many  “At no time did we threat-
            Brzezinski   and   Scarbor-  negative,  and  Trump  tar-  tabloid  has  lauded  Trump  months.                      en  either  Joe  or  Mika  or
            ough,  both  divorced,  re-  geted them on social me-     and  printed  damaging  ar-  “Why  do  you  keep  lying  their children in connection
            vealed  their  engagement  dia.                           ticles about his political op-  about  things  that  are  so  with  our  reporting  on  the
            in  a  May  4  Vanity  Fair  ar-  Brzezinski   has   recently   ponents.               easily  disproven?”  Scar-   story,” Howard said.
            ticle. Their relationship was  questioned  Trump’s  men-  Trump,    who    said   he  borough tweeted. “What is  The  Enquirer  article  was
            even  spoofed  on  “Satur-   tal  health,  suggested  the   watched  “Morning  Joe”  wrong with you?”               published  on  June  5  un-
            day Night Live,” with a skit  country was slipping into a   on Friday, tweeted a direct  Dylan  Howard,  chief  con-  der  the  headline  “’Morn-
            depicting  the  lovebirds  dictatorship  and  mocked      contradiction  to  Scarbor-  tent officer and vice presi-  ing  Joe’  Sleazy  Cheating
            horrifying  co-workers  with  Trump for fake Time maga-   ough’s  claim.  He  said  the  dent  at  the  Enquirer’s  Scandal.”q

                 Corinne Olympios says ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ probe over

            LOS    ANGELES    (AP)   —  no  evidence  of  that,  the
            “Bachelor in Paradise” cast  studio has said.
            member Corinne Olympios  Warner  declined  further
            said  her  team’s  investiga-  comment Thursday.
            tion of the reality show was  In  a  statement,  Olympios
            completed to her satisfac-   said  her  intent  has  been
            tion.                        to  understand  what  hap-
            But Olympios said Thursday  pened during a June 4 tap-
            that  she  declined  an  invi-  ing she couldn’t recall.
            tation to return to the ABC  “While  I  never  filed  com-
            series when it resumes pro-  plaints   or   accusations
            duction.                     against  anyone  associat-
            Earlier  this  month,  taping  ed  with  ‘Bachelor  in  Para-
            was halted on the show af-   dise,’ my team and I felt it
            ter  unspecified  allegations  was  very  important  to  be
            of possible misconduct.      thorough  in  getting  to  the
            A  subsequent  review  of  bottom  of  what  had  oc-
            show  videotape  by  pro-    curred,” she said.q
            ducer  Warner  Bros.  found
             In this Tuesday, April 18, 2017, file photo, Corinne Olympios ar-
            rives at the Los Angeles premiere of “Unforgettable” at the TCL
            Chinese Theatre.
                                                     Associated Press
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