Page 5 - Min.On 11 March 2015
P. 5

Diarazon Maart 11 2015                                                                                                               Pagina 7

Alerta:pa Phishing                                                                                     Segun Maikel WIlliams:
                                                                          Grupo 7 a pone Obispo na altura di e
No contesta ningun e-mail                                                   problema di schoolgeld di SKOA
cu datonan of informacion
                                                                          Maikel Williams tambe ta
           personal                                                       uno di Grupo 7 cu reuni cu
                                                                          Obispo como tambe hunto
   Actualmente tin varios      we need you to reconfirm                   cu poco dama balente.        Obsipo a pidi y roga pa       tur catolico pa bay misa
keho tocante un phishing       your account information to                Maikel Williams a yama       den e dianan di cuaresma,     pa duna sosten na misa y
e-mail cu ta pasando rond.     us. Click your reply tab, fill in          danki na e Grupo 7 cu a      pa purba di uni y cera paz    pone un banda e polemica
Bao di ningun circunstancia    the columns below and send                 honra e representantenan     y di parti di Grupo 7 nan     cu pastoor y pa politica
contesta e e-mail ni manda     it back to us or your email                cu a sinta na mesa cu        lo bay haci lo maximo         keda unda e mester ta.
ningun informacion den         account will be suspended                  Obispo.                      posibel, pa corigi ya cu nan  Maikel Williams a sigui
ningun e-mail.                 permanently and you will not                                            tambe ta kere loke a bay      bisa cu di parti Grupo 7, lo
                               be able to create new e-mail               Segun Maikel , manera        fout a haci hopi daño na e    sigui cu e empuhe cu nan
Setar nunca lo pidi un         to send or receive again until             Rocky Kelly a duna di        organizacion catolico.        a haya ayera durante e
cliente interno of externo pa  your reconfirm your account                conoce, e ta mas catolico                                  reunion, unda nan lo sigui
informacion confidencial.      information.                               cu e pader. Awe a keda       Maikel Williams a bisa        cu mas forza pa asina nan
Si bo a contesta e mail, bo                                               demostra cu Grupo 7 por      cu nan no por bay den         bay te na final pa logra e
account por wordo malusa       Name:.........................             sinta na mesa pa debati      delaster detayes di           union, pa Aruba henter
pa manda spam. Aki bao tin                                                cu cualkier organizacion.    discusion cu tabata tin cu    por tin trankilidad atrobe,
un ehempel di un di e e-mail   .............                   User       Grupo 7 ta cla pa sinta      Obispo. Grupo 7 a haci un     Maikel Williams a termina
falsonan aki.From: Webmail                                                discuti, regla y yega na     yamada na pueblo y ta pidi    bisando.
Team [mailto:dealetter200@     Name........................               acuerdo. No solamente]                                                                a papia di problema cu a
                               Password:.......... Reconfirm              surti cu Jairo Maduro, pero
Sent: Tuesday, March 10,                                                  tambe a papia di loke ta
2015 4:32 AM                   Password........... ..... Date             pasando cu SKOA, esta cu
                                                                          schoolgeld unda Gobierno
Subject: SPAM: RESET           of Birth ............. ..................  no kier duna placa na SKOA
ALERT CONFIRMATION™                                                       y consecuentemente kier
2015                           Country or Territory................       bay cobra mayornan 250
Dear Valued Customer,          ....
                                                                          Segun Maikel Williams,
VERIFY THIS EMAIL              This back up is necessary to
ADDRESS TO AVOID               update and to avoid lockout                ABO por ta e next Miss Teen Aruba Int.
IMMEDIATE CLOSURE              of your account. If you do                 2015 representando Miss Teen Mirrors
                               not respond to this message
We have recently confirmed     you will lose your account                       2015...
that your mailbox has          permanently within 48hrs.
exceeded the limit of 30       Thank you for your usual co-
GB, which is as set by         operation we apologize for
your manager and your are      the inconvenience.
currently at 30.9GB.Different
computers have logged into     Here are some ways to help                      Yama 5924478 pa
your mailbox account and       you manage your account                      mas info of inbox. Pa
multiple password errors       after you reconfirm your                     participa na e casting
have been entered. We are      account. Create an archive                  mester tin 15 pa 19 aña
hereby suspending your         - Set up a folder on your
account; as it has been used   PC’s hard drive where you                             di edad.
for fraudulent purposes. Now   can save large attachments.
                               Then just delete them                      Mester manda potret close up y full curpa. Informacion di school y
                               from your inbox. You’ll still                                                  estatura.
                               have them and your in-box
                               will be that much smaller.                   Final ta bay ta dia 19 Juli 2015 den Cas di Cultura. Esun cu yuda SHARE e add aki y
                               Make your filters work for                 logra haya y descubri e cara nobo di Miss Teen Mirrors 2015 lo haya Afls. 500 na Beauty
                               you- Did you know you can                  Enhancements Treatment na MIRRORS Beauty Academy by Edgar Kock, situa na Ponton
                               set up your doin web mail
                               account to immediately                                                         76 Suite 3 cu telefoon 5820110.
                               delete junk e-mail? Go to
                               Options, and click Filters                            Please SHARE pa bo tambe participa y GANA...
                               and reporting. Under the
                               “Delete junk e-mail” section,
                               select Immediately to delete
                               junk e-mail right away. Once
                               you’re finished, click Save
                               and you’re done. Delete a
                               bunch of mail at once- Go
                               to your Junk and Deleted
                               folders, and clear them
                               out by clicking the “Empty”
                               button in the action bar.
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