Page 12 - ATA
P. 12

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 10 augusT 2017

                         Yes, I Still Do

                                                biance  of  white  sanded  beach
                                                and  chic  decorations.  Happiness
                                                on One Happy Island is a popular
                                                phenomenon  as  more  and  more
                                                couples  discover  Aruba  as  the
                                                perfect  wedding  or  vow  renewal
                                                destination.  20 percent of all wed-
                                                dings in the world are ‘destination
                                                weddings,’ which equals great op-
                                                portunities for tourism destinations.
                                                Aruba scores high when it comes
                                                to romance as all necessary ingre-
                                                dients are here: a perfect climate,
                                                the most beautiful beaches in the
            EAGLE BEACH - Love was in the air   world,  great  hotels,  best  gastron-
            last Tuesday on Eagle Beach. More   omy,  a  friendly  and  welcoming
            than  150  couples  renewed  their   population and a safe place to be
            wedding  vows  during  a  unique    on vacation.
            event,  organized  by  Aruba  Tour-  The  event  got  a  lot  of  attention
            ism Authority (ATA). On the world’s   internationally,  mostly  from  the
            number  3  beach  romance  came     American  market  that  marked
            to  its  max  when  barefooted  love   the  happening  with  the  hashtag
            birds reaffirmed their commitment   #ArubaIDO.  Besides  of  the  enor-
            to their partner again while the sun   mous traffic online the event cre-
            set  down.  It  was  the  first  time  an   ated loads of spin-off activity from
            event like this has been organized   market  related  industries.  The
            on the island and it turned out to   number one website in the United
            be a hit.                           States for weddings,,
                                                published  the  event  which  puts
            Both local and tourist couples en-  Aruba in the spotlight of a website
            joyed the Caribbean’s largest vow   followed by more than 2.1 million    Mr. Jovino and Mrs. Deborah Wolff enjoy themselves as they participate in the
                                                                                     group vow renewal on Aruba’s Eagle Beach, where over 150 couples said “I
            renewal  event  in  the  great  am-  people.q                            Do,” all over again.
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