Page 14 - ATA
P. 14
Thursday 10 augusT 2017
Experience San Nicolas with Your Family this Weekend!
with his own poetic cre-
ations. Reserve your seat at
for this free workshop.
Another museum that is
open on this day is the
Community Museum, situ-
ated across the bus termi-
nal. Admission is half price
Sunday and the museum
opens from 10am to 2pm.
Antiquities and old artifacts
are to be admired here,
while guide Roy will fill you
in with wonderful stories.
Some exercise is on the
program with a free dem-
onstration of the Taoist Tai
Chi Society Aruba at 11am.
The performance will take
place in front of the Nico-
laas Store building and
there is possibility to enroll
Water Tower of San Nico- inald de Palm’s workshop. in their class.
las and opens its doors on The San Nicolas-born artist Besides these exciting ac-
Sunday from 10am to 2pm. will teach you traditional tivities many restaurants
Open your horizon with an poetry forms, rhymes and and stores are open. Take
exciting scavenger hunt. word highlighting. this Sunday to dive into
Entrance fee is two for the Reginald, also known by the charming town of San
price of one this day. There his artistic name ‘Quake’, Nicolas and experience
are also amazing prizes to is also going to delight us
SAN NICOLAS - In light of the Barber Shop has a free Aruba in another way. q
the theme Back to School activity from 10am on. How win.
Creativity is to be experi-
there will be lots of fun this well do you know San Nico-
Sunday in San Nicolas. To las? With a set of questions enced at Cosecha, Art &
Craft Store and Creative
enjoy the last leap of the you will find the answers
school vacation the town while walking around. At Center. They open from
10 am to 2pm to welcome
welcomes all families, lo- the end everybody re-
cals as well as visitors, to ceives a special gift. you for the free workshop
‘Make your pencil case’.
absorb the fun activities How to join? Just go to the
and cultural events. The gallery that is located in The materials are plastic
bottles, threads and nee-
program is diverse and the purple house on the
there is plenty of time to Main Street and they will dles to focus on recycling
and stimulate full creativ-
enjoy a drink and some welcome you. For informa-
food too. San Nicolas town tion you can call +(297) ity. Register at arubacose-
is on, come and enjoy! 593-5509.
The Museum of Industry is Are you more into poetry,
Art Gallery Espacio Azul at located in the renovated please do experience Reg-
Special Guest Honored at
the Divi Tamarijn Resort
DRUIF BEACH - Recently the Lily and her family love stay-
Aruba Tourism Authority had ing at the Divi Tamarijn and
the great pleasure of honor- they love Aruba very much
ing a very special guest who because of the friendly
is a loyal and friendly visitor people, fun in the sun, the
of Aruba as a Distinguished weather, family time, friends,
Visitor at the Divi Tamarijn All the beaches and the restau-
Inclusive Resort. rants. They say that being
on Aruba and staying at the
The symbolic honorary title is Divi Tamarijn is like being at
presented in the name of the their vacation ‘home-away-
Minister of Tourism as a token from-home.’ The certificate
of appreciation to guests was presented by Ms. Ma-
who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 rouska Heyliger representing
consecutive years. the Aruba Tourism Author-
The honoree was Ms. Lily Mc- ity together with family and
Donald from Connecticut, friends and associates from
celebrating her 10 consec- the Divi Tamarijn. q
utive annual visit to Aruba!